Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 511: Go all out!

At this moment, countless strong men surrounded Lin Lang, with strong breaths and magnificent shores. Standing there was like a towering mountain, and deep oppression rolled in.

A divine perfectionist from the Western Arbitration Department saw Lin Lang for the first time and looked up and down with interest.

"Is this the Lin Youye who is very famous recently? It doesn't look so good. It's enough to be proud to have so many people besieging you." The wings of the Western Arbitration Department fainted, and then moved forward. Take a step.

"Let ’s watch the battle, I'll try his depth." Saying, the man's wings spread behind him, the light appeared, the atmosphere skyrocketed, and the shroud of the Great Holy Light became even more sacred.

"Be careful, he's strong!"

The Duke of Oons couldn't help reminding him that the massacre that had just left him was still frightened. Even though he was in a perfect state, he still didn't have enough confidence to defeat Lin Youye.

And the fact is the same. Since Lin Youye broke through the innate, no one has been able to push his full strength, even at the Ye Xuanzong ceremony, it can easily defeat the four middle-level gods, and set the victory in one fell swoop.

Few people have been able to test the depth of Lin Youye. The only thing that he knew was that he had already formed a prototype of Jin Dan, and this could only be achieved by the strongest level in the God Realm.

"Okay." The Western Arbitration Department nodded his head, and although he was confident in himself, he was still afraid to face such characters as Lin Youye.

He whispered in a low voice, and the holy light wings flapped behind him, rolling up the wind blades, just like a sharp blade, holy light wings flapped for the second time, a hurricane set in the sky and rolled in. When the wings of the Holy Light were fanned for the third time, the void shook, and the sky shivered, just as if it caused some kind of butterfly effect. The space on the side of Lin Lang's body was faint.

In the sky, a dark black hole emerged from behind Lin Lang. The tyrannical suction seemed to bring him in, tearing his soul and devouring everything!

In a short time, the black hole was still spraying meteorites, which was horrifying. Meteorites that burned with this flare hit the ground, which was like a bomb exploding and bombarded wildly in the direction of Lin Lang.

"Little Doyle."

Lin Lang gave a cold snoring sound, and his fingers were splattered with a series of runes, and a few leaves of golden lotus popped between his fingers. The lotus opened and closed, exuding the wonderful power of confinement. The dull breath made people breathless.

Those few golden lotuses were rapidly enlarged in the sky, full of the size of a grinding disc, and then four golden lotuses were united near the black hole, turning into a 'seal', suppressing the black hole.

The strong man at the arbitration institute murmured, and regressed in horror. At this moment, he was horrified to find that the spiritual power in his body was not working smoothly, and it became even more sluggish. Lin Youye shot to seal the black hole, but it was pulling inexplicable power to ban the cultivation in his body again.

Other strong men also saw that the winged angels of the arbitration office occupied the bottom in the last confrontation. Naturally, they did not dare to continue to carelessly, and angered, "Let ’s go together!"

At this time, the five realms rushed out at the same time, and each body was surging and ambitious. Lin Lang was close to his enemies, and his eyes were full of seriousness. He took a deep breath, his body was gradually rising, and a shining golden dandelion on his head, the golden light dipped, and his internal strength was brewing to the extreme.

The powerful enemies to be faced in this battle are unprecedented. Both the Cardinal and the Duke of the Blood are the top masters in the world. If you don't handle it well, I'm afraid it's not only the You Yexian King who lost her reputation, but she is more likely to be killed on the spot!

"I'm afraid I will share my fate this time." Lin Lang took a deep breath, his expression was unprecedentedly dignified, and Jin Dan's embryonic shape bloomed at the beginning of the battle.

Rao is a man with thousands of secrets in his mind. At this moment, he has to hold a desperate attitude and bet on the majesty and life of You Ye Xian Wang!

Five divine realms arrived in perfect succession. The two divine realms of the Western Arbitration Institute were successfully completed and cultivated, and the technique of the first holy light was much deeper than the Son of Light.


Lin Lang collided with the Cardinal quickly, knocking the latter out, barely suppressing the violent blood in his body, turning and leaving. At this time, another red-shirt was killed, and the bright lines turned into a sharp carving knife, stabbing towards various points in Lin Lang.


Lin Lang growled in a low voice, the blood in his body was boiling, reflecting the Jin Dan above his head, and the shocking power broke out. With his footsteps, the light blade was shattered.

He forced a step forward, and a golden elephant boxing blasted at the cardinal. The three dukes came together to resolve the power of the golden elephant boxing, and then shot at the same time, attacking Lin Lang together.

Lin Lang flew away from a distance. Several severe wounds on the chest were of different depths, but he was slowly healing. Lin Lang frowned. He was wounded just after the start of the battle. Although the injury was unharmed, this is probably not a good sign.

These people have extraordinary strengths and have the same realm as him, and he won't get any benefit when fighting in chaos. There was just a clear chance that the Cardinal would be hit hard.


The three dukes glanced at each other, the same thought flashed in their hearts, alternated forward, and performed various magical powers, the sea of ​​blood, the boat of blood, the blood axe, the blood tribal mysteries into entities, suppression in all directions.

Lin Lang stepped forward, distantly stretched his hand to crush the blood axe, and then the blood sea lonely boat waved the waves and rushed into it. Lin Lang raised his arms and fought forward. Both arms were deeply inserted into the lone boat. This extended indefinitely, with fists popping from the stern of a dozen meters apart.

"The original was returned!"

Lin Lang raised his hands over his head, raised the Blood Sea Lonely Boat, and threw it back to the strong blood races. The strong blood races showed their skills and broke the decks. At this moment, the Archbishop suddenly exclaimed.

"Be careful!"

The three dukes saw that Lin Lang's figure was still in place, but it was strange that an arm suddenly appeared in front of the three men, making sword-like fingers, and nodded to one of them.


The duke couldn't escape the finger, and was in the middle of his brows. Then his flesh wilted at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and the flesh passed away, like a balloon that was about to dry out. He seemed to be unaware, and still stood still on the spot.

"not good."

The face of the Duke of Oons changed, and the scenes in the dark castle were still fresh in his memory. He could not forget the horror scenes of being drained of blood by the people.

He slaps the fingers of his companion's brows with the palm of his hand, but the terrorist force that pulls the mountain with his strength fails to shake the slightest. Instead, the duke flew away with his brows' fingers far away, without effect.

"Cut!" The Duke of Oons realized that something was wrong, and immediately took the initiative to cut off the duke's face with a finger stuck to his eyebrow.

When a face fell to the ground, the duke finally regained his consciousness, and regained consciousness. Blood continued to drip down on his **** face, and the faceless face was terrifying. At the moment, he couldn't help but secretly rejoice. If the Duke of Ornes had taken the initiative, he would be drained of his flesh and blood.

A few people around were also jealous. They were so full of five gods that they couldn't kill Lin Lang, but were injured by the other one. His strength is probably far from them.

Most have reached the level of immortals.

The two sides stopped and stood in the void, and there was no fighting for the time being, but they were also afraid of each other. They did not want to take the lead in order to avoid exposure.

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