Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 51: About a stand?

"Let me see who dare hit me Liu Xinyu ?!"

Liu Xinyu strode forward, and walked around Lin Lang with a few five big and three thick teenagers.

I have to say that Liu Xinyu's remarks really shocked the underground bus. When did the leader Chu Chu and Liu Xinyu get together? It's only been a few days, and there were no signs before. .

Mess! Very messy!

Those of you who have a lot of relationships are really messy!

"Is it you? We seem to have seen it at the Tianhai Bar before." Lin Lang thought about it seriously, recognizing the identity of the other party.

Hearing that Liu Xinyu's face was a bit ugly. The last time he was at the Tianhai Bar, he was caught by Zhou Shihai for more than 100,000 yuan because of Lin Lang's relationship.

Although 100,000 yuan is only a small amount of money to him, just a week's pocket money, but he is really lying down, not to mention that the taste of being pitted with money is really unpleasant.

Because of this, he wrote the other party **** the small account book, and was preparing to wait for the opportunity to retaliate.

At that time, because he was running for the position of deputy mayor, and he could not pass on any negative news, he had the patience to be sworn, but now, hum, he has secured the position of deputy mayor, and he needs to avoid it. An old land that can't see the light can't make it?

Thinking of this, Liu Xinyu's expression eased.

"Lin Lang, don't think that after meeting Zhou Shihai, you can do whatever you want in Shencheng. You have to find out that Shencheng has a lot more status than him, and there are many people he can't afford." Liu Xinyu hummed.

"Also, if you want to hit my woman, be prepared to be scrapped by me."

"So you came to fight with me?" Lin Lang asked with a smile.

"You guessed it, but there is no reward. Our new hatred and old accounts must be liquidated today!" Liu Xinyu clenched his fists, his face a little sullen.

At that moment, the bell rang and Jiang Chuqiu walked in from the door holding an English book. He frowned when he saw Liu Xinyu's tense atmosphere.

"It's time for class. Please go back to your class. Students in class 3 will sit back."

Jiang Chuqiu's cold voice came, and the potential meaning in the discourse was rushing people.

"Lin Lang, if you are a man, you will come to Taekwondo class. I'll show you what hits me."

Liu Xinyu gave Lin Lang a provocative look, put down the words in a low voice, then turned and went out.

"Is it an appointment? Interesting."


This class of Jiang Chuqiu is an English class. One person spoke a lot on the podium. Anyway, most people do n’t understand. Even if they can understand, few people focus on their studies.

For them, there are things that make them more interested. There have been whispers in the seat at this time, all about Liu Xinyu and Lin Lang.

At this time Li Xu quietly shrugged on Lin Linlang's shoulder.

"Hello, shouldn't you really have an appointment with Liu Xinyu for a while?"

"Yeah, can't I let him fight if I come to the door?" Lin Lang said easily.

Upon hearing Lin Lang's words, Li Xu was anxious in his heart: "Are you stupid, Liu Xinyu is the captain of our school team?"

"You do n’t know the violent madness of the school team. Last time, a kid offended the school team, but was interrupted. Later, the family found the school. Finally, Liu Xinyu mobilized the relationship at home Well, it is said that even at the end, the hospitalization fee was not paid. "

"With the help of their three-legged cats, I couldn't help me." Lin Lang returned to Li Xu with a restless look.


Li Xu anxious, was trying to make clear the interests of Lin Lang, but Lin Lang went to play mobile phones there, and ignored him.

"Forget it, I still have a bit of face with the school team. It's a big deal when it comes time to be a peacemaker and let Lin Lang make an apology." Li Xu sighed, thinking for a while Rapeseed.

One lesson passed quickly, and when Jiang Chuqiu returned to the office after class, the classroom door immediately hurrahed around a group of people.

Most of them are big and muscular, with a size of one meter and eighty-five, with five big and three thick, fierce looks.


Everyone couldn't help but swallow their mouths. These guys are all members of the school team. Because of long-term training, they are also a good hand to fight. Standing here is daunting.

I have to say that just looking at the big punches of these muscular men's sandbags, one can think of how painful this punch is on the body.

At this time, the male protagonist of this period of drama also appeared, Liu Xinyu separated the two strong men approaching, looking up at Lin Lang.

"Come on, I see how hard your bones can be."

Liu Xinyu looked at Lin Lang coldly.

The reason why Jinxiu Middle School is called aristocratic school is not only because of the high tuition fees, but the teaching resources and teachers here are definitely among the best in Shencheng.

Therefore, the classroom here is not the rigid basic subject in high school. According to personal preferences, there are many elective courses for students to choose from, such as badminton, volleyball, free kick, taekwondo, etc. For this reason, at the beginning of the school There is a spacious stadium standing here.

"Well, the gym in Jinxiu Middle School is really big, and it's almost catching up with a playground area."

Looking at the gradually clear layout in the eyes, Lin Lang was secretly tongue-in-cheek, no wonder Jinxiu Middle School is called aristocratic school. It is estimated that even this luxurious gymnasium has no hundreds of millions of assets to build, it is estimated that even a prototype is difficult to build.

Soon after, Liu Xinyu and others stopped and looked back at Lin Lang.

"The Taekwondo class hasn't started yet, Lin Lang, do you want to discuss with us first?"

Liu Xinyu rattled his fingers a few times, and with a quick glance, several basketball team members around him immediately dispelled the idle people on the court.

"Discuss with me, you're too far away." Lin Lang stood in place and shook his head.

"I am! It ’s time to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf? See if I will choke you for a while!"

Liu Xinyu couldn't help swearing, but even now he still poses with this stinky ass. If you do n’t hit, you will find teeth all over the place, I ’m really sorry for your pretense.

Just when the two were struggling, Li Xu took a few steps, and quickly came to the center of the two.

"Liu Shao, this is because Lin Lang did something wrong, because he didn't know Tarzan, and offended you. I confessed it wrong for you on my behalf."

Having said that, Li Xu gave Lin Lang a look and motioned him to apologize as soon as possible so that there was room for a turn.

I don't know if Lin Lang didn't see his eyes, or he didn't understand what he meant, he was still standing still, without any extra actions.

On the contrary, Liu Xinyu looked satisfied. Li Xu's performance was very good. It was good to distinguish the station team at the critical time.

Seeing hope, Li Xu hurriedly said, "Liu Shao, for the sake of classmates, you give me face, let Lin Lang go this time."

Li Xu and Liu Xinyu had a few meals, and it was barely a class that could talk. In other words, maybe Liu Xinyu can give each other's face, but this time, Li Xu obviously underestimated the grudge between the two, which is not what he can say at all!

"You asked me to give you face?"

Liu Xinyu's somber face was almost dripping water, and the cold light surged in his eyes. Anyone can see that this is the rhythm of the volcano's forthcoming.

Sure enough, Liu Xinyu could no longer restrain his anger and broke out!

"What's your tm, let Lao Tzu give you face! Hurry up and get me out of the way, beware I'll pack up with you!" Liu Xinyu pointed at Li Xu's nose and scolded.

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