The entire dark castle was completely chaotic at this moment.

The Marquis of Heathler's position in the Dark Castle is by no means low. He is one of the seven Marquises and is a mid-level god. And the warning issued by him himself, the entire dark castle must be alert.

Unless you meet an irresistible opponent, how can the cultivation of the middle-level divine realm of Marquis of Heathler be forced to this extent!

For a while, the inside of the dark castle was chaotic, and a number of empty sounds rang in the sky. A large number of strong blood racers rushed into the sky, while patrolling the ground, and on the other side hurried to the direction of Marquis Heathler for help.

Even the old monsters of the blood race who had been repairing for many years were awakened at this moment, and the majestic and huge sense of shroud covered the entire castle, exploring the trail of the invaders.

What these people haven't noticed is that in the dark night, an insignificant group of human figures 'Night' is running fast, sweeping the prisons where people are imprisoned.


The entire dark castle was agitated, and countless horrors were awakened from various places. Among them, the marquis, the more terrible duke strong, rushed to the residence of the marquis of Heathler.

The first to gather in the side hall were two marquis and a duke strong. The duke's strong man was named Oons, and it is said that he had stepped into the divine realm two hundred years ago and was only one step away from the ninety-nine percent consummation. His strength was the topmost existence of the dark castle.

Headed by Ornes, the three marquises followed behind and broke into the side hall. When they saw the bodies of the two guards at the door, Orns' face became more gloomy. There was no battle fluctuation in the side hall. I am afraid that Lin Youye escaped while chaos.

When the three entered the hall, Oons' face changed drastically. Following his gaze, a black spear had long penetrated the Marquis of Heathler, and was firmly nailed to the wall. The towering legs continued to bleed.

"This ... how could this be?"

The three marquises looked at each other, all exclaiming. The strength of the Marquis of Heathler is not very strong among the seven marquises, but it is definitely not the weakest. Even he was nailed to death with no resistance. How horrible is the strength of this man? ?

"Who would have such a method? Couldn't ... Renxian ?!" The three marquises turned green at the time, and this speculation put them into infinite fear. If it weren't the Renxian strong, who would have the ability?

In one stroke, the mid-level of the Divine Realm is said to be complete. Even a strong man who is ninety-nine complete is very difficult to do so neatly?

"It's Lin Youye." Ornes whispered, his voice was loud, and it was like a roar: "Since Lin Youye can enter the inside of the castle through the ambush outside the castle, it must have been mixed by means we did not know. Come in and sneak in without any protection from Heathler. "

The hanging hearts of the three marquises just let go a little bit, and the sneak attack was better, otherwise there was a fairy, and I am afraid they could not fight the dark castle!

But where is Lin Youye now? Now that the blood race has declared war on Lin Youye, it is certainly impossible for Lin Youye to kill only one Heathler and vent his anger.

"Find! Dig the ground three feet and find him out! As long as Lin Youye escapes from the dark castle, he will be stopped by the strong men outside the city, so he must still be lurking somewhere in the castle at this moment."

The husky voice of the Duke of Oons came out, his face stunned: "Lin Youye came from the Chinese woman, and most of the time she sneaked into the castle wanted to save people secretly, but he didn't know that the woman had already been transferred to the city. In the hands of the people. We just have to go through the prison one by one to check that Lin Youye can't walk. "

"Yes, that's it! Let's go together."

The three marquises immediately answered, even if they let them act alone, they had no courage, after all, Lin Youye, like a dormant killer in the dark, could give a fatal blow at any time.

A large group of people gathered, all the blood in the dark castle to participate in even the weaker juniors who were not in the divine realm also participated. The Duke of Ornes was sitting in the middle of the town, and the flanks were scattered with three marquises. The word line advances.

There are several prisons in the Dark Castle. Basically, a prison for human beings will be set up in the basement of each castle. This is also for the nobles to better enjoy these slaves. The nature is similar to the warehouse.

The first sub-fortress and the second sub-fortress continued to move forward and searched every prison closely, but nothing was found. These prisons had been visited by Lin You at night, and the jailer was killed. But the prison door did not open.

"Not here!"

Until the last few prisons were searched, Oons began to be a little bit anxious. These prisons were opened by Lin Youye, but until now, no trace of the other party was found.

"The last two rooms are left, Lin Youye must be hiding in it." Oons looked at the last two sub-fortresses near the gate, and every previous place was closely surveyed. Hiding through the eyes of all of them.

All that remains is the two in front of them.

"Go!" Oons ordered, and everyone gathered their emotions and mobilized each other to the greatest extent possible, ready to go.

However, a scream came out, and a **** strong man fell heavily and was assassinated to death. Then screams rang out one after another, listening to the lives in the immediate vicinity unceasingly fell, the blood people's square inch chaos!

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