Lin Lang's illusion is a mental demon obstacle, which is created by the presence of a demon. Others cannot interfere with it. Once they step in, it will cause chaos and collapse, but he is different.

You Ye Shen can ignore the restraint and participate in the fantasy with secret methods.

His body flickered, and a weak consciousness stretched into Roman Stanislav's heart. It's an unreal space here.

This is a conference room. Near the conference round table is a group of men in dark green military uniforms. Military uniforms have been around for some years, and Roman Stanislav sat in a chair on the top with a sad look.

Below it is a wolf-headed monster that appears to be being interrogated by these people.

These are the past experiences of Roman Stanislav, and Lin Lang naturally watched unconsciously. He came above the conference room and faced Roman Stanislav face to face.

Roman Stanislav carefully looked at Lin Lang for a while, and frowned, it took him a long time to recognize Lin Lang.

"It's you."

Roman Stanislav's face was solemn.

"I'm here to inform you that Oliver has been defeated by me. It's up to you to make peace. It's up to you." Lin Lang threw Oliver's right hand forward and hit the ground.

"You killed Oliver?"

Roman Stanislav frowned. He fought with Oliver for half a century, and naturally he could easily recognize the origin of the broken spear.

Lin Lang didn't say a word and shot the next moment.

In the dream space, Lin Lang and Roman Stanislav fought, and the entire conference room was blown up. In the face of Roman Stanislav's profound spiritual cultivation, the two sides at war often resorted to frequent means.

There is no loss of real cultivation in the dream space, and Lin Lang naturally has no scruples. About half an hour later, the two stopped at the same time, and Roman Stanislav knew that he could not help each other with his ability.

"What do you want?"

Roman Stanislav fainted.

"Simple, Oliver paid such a large price to get out of the Golden Triangle. I don't think you would be hesitant." Lin Lang's candid words were undisguised. It was clear that in seeking the price of peace from the other side, Roman Stanislav naturally disobeyed, and a battle inevitably started.

"There is a battle with the divine realm before becoming a god. It will be fine if he is allowed to break through the divine realm in the future. I am afraid that all the divine realms under the world will have a headache.

Roman Stanislav was secretly shocked.

finally. Roman Stanislav reluctantly lost a move. He knew that defeat in the dream meant that he would not be Lin Lang's opponent when he stepped out of the dream.

Until Lin Lang showed his ghost flute, Roman Stanislav's face finally changed. I don't know how long after that, Roman Stanislav compromised, the two argued fiercely, and didn't know what the price was being negotiated.



The warlords who had already evacuated more than ten miles from the land, were at a loss as they looked at the three figures in the sky. General Kim returned triumphantly, but also became stagnant in the sky like the previous two.

No one can tell who the winner of this battle is. Some people are waiting for the outcome of this battle, because the outcome is closely related to the future direction of Jinshanjiao. There are also people who cannot stand the haze of the sun and the ruins and are trying to get away.


Lin Lang returned to his seat and shivered. Also the same is Roman Stanislav, whose psychic disorder has passed, and the mind is back to his mind.

"Is General Kim going to fight against the second state of God? Maybe today we will witness the fall of a state of God." Everyone's breathing began to rush. Although Lin Lang defeated Oliver, it was expected that it would be severely depleted. If it was a life-and-death battle with Roman Stanislav, it would certainly be worse than the last one.

No one knows who will die.

However, the imaginary battle of electric light flint did not occur. On the contrary, Roman Stanislav, who returned with divine thought, glanced at Lin Lang's broken spear and his right arm in his hand, and his face was ancient.

"I will kill you next time I meet."

Roman Stanislav spoke indifferently, then threw two crystal-clear stones, turned and disappeared into the sky.

Lin Lang's contented men, then his eyes fell on the ancestor of Montenegro. This man has been in the Divine Realm for the longest time, and his overall strength is not his enemy.


The imagination of the ancestors of Montenegro is a dark space, and no fingers can be seen. Lin Lang entered here, and a fierce battle broke out with the ancestors of Montenegro.

The ancestor of Montenegro held a black giant shield in his hand, blocking numerous attacks. This giant shield is extraordinary, even if Lin Lang's full blow can only leave a shallow trace on it, it is extraordinary.

Not all divine realms are like Roman Stanislav. The ancestor of Montenegro knows that Lin Langnai can't help him, and he has no fear. Relying on the dark shield, fierce resistance, ignored Lin Lang's intimidation.

"That's right, why should I compete with a dying man." Instead of being annoyed by the failure of the robbery, Lin Lang laughed a little and quit the ancestor of Montenegro.

The ancestors of Montenegro are so obsessed, I am afraid that it will take some time to get out, of course, even if it is out, it is a deep root. The first time Lin Lang walked out of the illusion was to set up a new formation method, and move the potential of heaven and earth into the formation.

While disturbing the thinking of the Montenegro ancestors, he also incorporated a certain amount of lethality into the sleepy array. It can be seen that the Montenegro ancestors have no longevity. He is planning to die the Montenegro ancestors in the formation.

No real sword fighting.

Lin Lang sat down in the air for two days, a layer of bloodshot in his eyes, and finally he was done. If the ancestor of Montenegro is unable to break the line within half a year, it will be exhausted when he comes out.

This so-called killer does not see blood!


In the past two days, the name of General Jin went wild in the martial arts circle, hunting down the sacred realm for hundreds of miles, and finally cut off one of Oliver's arms and returned triumphantly. Another divine realm bowed his head under the strength of General King.

As for another god, the ancestor of Montenegro also made a move. Like a stone statue, he was trapped in the air and could not move. He could only be a lamb to be slaughtered.

Although there are many suspected of speculation and ambush in advance, but these exquisite achievements, and the horrific fighting force with General Kim, are all shocking.

Soon King's name was dug up. The Golden Triangle Golden General is the killer of the forest in the night!

The invincibility of the divine realm has been recognized. If the realm is not surpassed, only the crushed part will never be able to compete with the divine realm. But there was a freak in the biased realm, robbing the divine realm, and even hunting down the old **** Oliver for nearly two hours in the golden triangle.

How explosive is this news?

There was almost a storm in the martial arts world. After this battle, the divine realm was pulled down from the altar, and it was no longer a distant ghost and **** dedicated to everyone. Lin Youye's victory made people see clearly the fact that Divine Realm was not invincible in the current world.

You can also fight in the realm!

After this battle, many demigods with deep self-confidence followed suit and went to challenge the long-hidden gods. But the result is destined to be miserable, not everyone is called Lin Youye.

It's just one person!

The real Lin Youye is invincible in Southeast Asia!

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