Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 378: Visit the Dark Sorcerer

These people are not martial arts, and some are similar to the masters of Huaxia. It's just that they practice witchcraft, but not magic. This is the wizard of country T.

As stated in the rules here, all the yellow clothes are sorcerers, which is equivalent to the real people who practice Chinese law. And the red one is a wizard, which is equivalent to the great master.

At a time when the atmosphere was tense on both sides, a middle-aged man dressed in red with a string of bell earrings on his ears hurriedly went out.

"Stop it. Get back down."

The middle-aged man in red was so majestic that he directly repelled the surrounding witches and wizards, and then they disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared.

"Hua Xia Lin You Ye, long-known name."

The middle-aged man in red gave a gift forward.

"Do you recognize me?" Lin Lang frowned.


The middle-aged man in red nodded, and pulled out a black lacquered envelope from his cuff: "The shaman had anticipated that you would come here, so I am writing a divorce and send it to you."

"How does the big wizard know that I am coming?" Lin Lang said with interest. He originally wanted to make a big noise here, and then invited the wizard to appear in person, but looking at the current situation, the wizard avoided, as if trying to avoid conflict with him.

"Just when you issued the announcement, the wizard knew that you would come. All he wanted to say to you was in the letter."

Lin Lang took the letter. On the black lacquered paper, there were several vigorous and powerful characters: ‘Lin You Ye Qiqi. ’

"It's interesting."

Lin Lang's mouth was raised, and he reached out to take apart the envelope. Suddenly, a huge murderous gush came out, the power shivered.

An astonishing sword spirit broke through the envelope, piercing the depths of Lin Lang's brows. This sword qi is extremely sharp, it is clearly the source of no root, but it has the mighty shore to cut the world, making people involuntarily scared.

The middle-aged man in red also looked dignified and floated back more than ten meters.

"Sculpture of the worm."

Lin Lang sneered, and at this moment, an astonishing speed broke out, his head turned aside, and he avoided the impact of Jianqi. The sword air, however, did not fall at this time, but turned around and returned, and meant to endlessly.

Jian Qi cut through the air, howling.

Lin Lang's palm protruded forward. He actually took the sword gas in his hands, forming a cage with his five fingers. The sword gas hit the wall everywhere, and finally he could only hang in the center, waiting for the right timing for the sheath.

"Give me out." Lin Lang's palm froze, and the Jianqi was squeezed and destroyed instantly. At this moment, the aftershocks of terror came out, the invisible air waves swept through, the surrounding walls cracked rapidly, and the nearby idols also Cut a deep gully.

The middle-aged man in red changed his face, stepping back and forth, and finally spit out blood.

The sword spirit in the envelope was naturally left by the great wizard, and the moment Lin Lin opened the envelope, he voluntarily attacked. He had known about it, but had not expected it to be so terrible.

The two indirectly fought once, but the power was so horrible, and only the aftermath could hurt him, a wizard who was equivalent to the late period of transformation.

Doesn't this mean that the power that erupted in the palm of Lin Youye at that moment can kill the Grand Master in seconds and even kill the gods!

Lin Lang looked at his white, jade palms, and at this moment there was a shallow blood stain, which healed quickly and remained intact.

"What do you mean?"

Lin Lang glanced coldly. The middle-aged man in the red robe suddenly turned his hair upside down, as if stared at by a savage beast.

"Master Lin Youye, please don't get angry first." The middle-aged man in the red robe said slowly: "The big wizard has a word, if you can't even support his random hit, it is not worthy of his opponent, let alone Look at his handwriting. "

"A strike?" Lin Lang sneered: "I think he prepared for this sword for a long time to assassinate me."

"Big wizard mana is boundless."

Middle-aged man in red robe tried to correct.

"Why did Mana have to hide from me and let him come to see me in person?" Lin Langyi satired. He has been working for thousands of years, and his control of power has reached a perfect level. Naturally, he can easily distinguish whether it is a blow or a long time in the making.

This little way can't fool him.

The middle-aged man in the red robe didn't want to be too entangled in this issue. He slowed down and said, "Master Lin, please read the letter."

Lin Lang glanced at him. Instead of speaking, he put his mind on the body of the letter. The letter was written in ancient Chinese characters, and Lin Lang could understand the general meaning.

After a long while.

Lin Lang looked back and looked at the middle-aged man in the red robe: "Take me to the main hall."

The middle-aged man in the red robe responded. He was in front and Lin Lang was behind, leading the latter to the main hall. The arrangement in the temple is basically the same as that of the front hall. Whether it is the side hall or the main hall, they are all dedicated to the same Hydra deities, left and right incense cases, and a square seal in the center.

The only difference is that the evil deities in the main hall are more magnificent, more than three meters tall. In contrast, the square seal in the center is much smaller, and its shape is somewhat surprised. On its four walls, front and back, and left and right, there is a delicate snake head that stretches out in every direction.

"This is the main hall."

Lin Lang swept the same red middle-aged man, and asked, "What's your name?"

"Assada. My brother is Ba Song, and I'm Ba Song's younger brother, a master wizard."

Lin Lang nodded: "You step back a bit, I want to summon the gate of the mystery."

The gate of the mysterious land is mentioned by the great wizard in the letter, and it is the entrance to another world. It is likely that Su Shilan passed through here and was taken to another world.

Asada nodded and stepped back. Just before his footsteps stood firm, a dazzling beam of light blasted out, smashing the walls of the main hall directly.

The moment the wall broke, another world was revealed. It was a twisted space, black and black, like a black hole, swallowing the air around it.

Middle-aged man in red robes twitched at the corners of his mouth. This is a call to cast, clearly breaking the law with force. In addition, every inch of the temple is a miracle.

Asada's eyebrows have been twisted into Sichuan characters, but thinking of Lin Youye's sturdyness, she decided to swallow a little.

"This is the gate of the mysterious realm, leading to another space called the Kunxu boundary." Lin Lang's eyes were solemn. This is indeed a space passageway, but it is full of turbulence and it is basically impossible to pass.

The chaotic flow of space is one of the most terrible things. If there is no repair above Yuanying as a bodyguard, I am afraid that the ordinary monk will be smashed and crushed when he enters.

"This was a two-way teleportation array, but it was destroyed, leaving only half of the one-way passages. If you want to pass through this, you may endanger your life."

Lin Lang groaned for a moment, approaching the distorted space, a huge suction force appeared, it seemed to involve his soul to break out of the body, even if his body was moving unknowingly.

Lin Lang took a deep breath and lifted it up to pierce the sword into the other end of the distorted space. Suddenly, another world, calm and watery, suddenly felt the wind and clouds, and the violent force of the space on that side kept tearing the Qing sword and almost let go.


Lin Lang retracted the Qingqing sword at the right time, and saw that the latter's sword body was full of mottled marks, and a thin crack extended from the sword tip to the sword handle.

However, the Shangqing sword was Yuanying Zhibao after all, and the damage was not a big deal. When the sword was collected, it began to heal on its own.

"The turbulence of space is really terrible." Lin Lang stared at the Qingqing sword solemnly. This is Yuan Ying Zhi Bao. He has never been able to exert his real power, and can only use the sharpness of his own material. However, even the Qing sword is almost torn by the turbulence of space. No matter how hard his body is, is he better than a weapon that can chop the earthen body?

"My current practice should not be able to pass. Even if there is a high-level protection body, trying to avoid space storms and meteorite rain, at least it needs innate practice."

Lin Lang shook his head. If Su Shilan was brought there, he would be a little helpless now. Fortunately, Su Shilan should not be in danger for the time being.

According to the description of the great wizard, he and the ancestor of Wanguizong are from that world. That space is not without any connection with the earth. There will be a few days every three years, and the space storm between that space and the realm of the earth will be minimized, and it can accommodate some monks who have been repaired below the safety line.

At this time, people in that world will also come in contact with people in the realm of the earth. At that time, some monks will come out of the air and select some good roots and seedlings on the earth to bring back to focus on cultivation.

That delicate woman came from there.

If Su Shilan was chosen by her apprentice, it might be an opportunity for her, because the heritage there is complete.

But if it is used as a stove ...

"Shi Lan, wait for me. When I have the confidence to deal with the turbulent flow of the space, I will make a fortune for you." Lin Lang's eyes were full of firmness. It's not that he doesn't want to go, but that his current cultivation is a turbulence in the space.

Even if it is congenital cultivation, it is still a lifetime!

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