Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 375: Su Shilan is missing

At this time, Lin Lang returned to the villa with Wang Tingting.

In the living room, Wang Xiaomei was chatting with Chen Miaoxuan fiercely, without knowing that the outside world had turned upside down. It can be seen that the two of them talked very well and should not develop into that kind of bad mother-in-law relationship.

This made Lin Lang relieved.

Chen Miaoxuan herself is also a very pleasing temperament, and Wang Xiaomei is not that kind of bitter person. Naturally after chatting, they chatted for a while, and they also had a good impression on each other.

"Let you wash a fruit, you can wash it away." Wang Xiaomei shouted. But when I saw Wang Tingting, she changed her face again: "Well, Tingting is back. I will cook for you tonight and make a table for you."

Wang Xiaomei got up.

Chen Miaoxuan also helped the chef very well in the past. Although Wang Xiaomei didn't let Chen Miaoxuan who came to her home for the first time to help, it also made her look at it differently. A princess of a large family even knew how to cook in person.

This makes Wang Xiaomei more like this junior daughter-in-law.

Chen Miaoxuan was kicked out of reason, and then chatted with Wang Tingting.

"Sister, I tell you, my brother is necrotic."

"A few of my suitors didn't have any of them, so he killed them in one day." Wang Tingting cried.

Chen Miaoxuan was completely speechless.

Do young people today have these values ​​...

In the evening, a family banquet was held.

The big brother Wang Jinglun and the second brother Wang Lifeng were busy with their respective careers and did not return. Since the Wang family rose to become one of the big families in Nanliao Province, both of them have also received a lot of Fuze, and their lives have become more busy.

As for these two juniors, Wang Wen and Wang Hai, they have obtained half of the exercises from Master Wang Shuxiang and have been studying hard. Although they have not entered martial arts, they have also built a strong physique. Of the two of them, Wang Hai was the best talented person. Although he failed to reach martial arts, his current foundation is far beyond ordinary people. It is expected that one day, soaring into the sky will not be arrogant.

Lin Lang did not care about these, anyway, no matter how Wang Hai practiced, he would not be his opponent after all. The Wang family is always his Wang family.

As for the grandfather Wang's momentum now has a deep sea-like momentum, he has made great progress in practicing the method of cultivation of immortals. He has now reached the middle of the foundation, and his strength is comparable to the late stage of the transformation and even the peak.

At the banquet, Lin Lang introduced Chen Miaoxuan to everyone. Chen Miaoxuan also lived up to expectations and easily won the favor of Mr. Wang.

Lin Xiao also nodded, and was very satisfied with this future daughter-in-law.

For a while, everyone toasted frequently and enjoyed themselves.

Half a meal.

Wang Xiaomei caught Lin Lang while he was busy eating, drinking and chatting. "Son, are you sure you really like Miao Xuan?"

"Mom, what do you mean by that?"

Lin Lang was astonished.

"I think Meng Xiyue's little girl is also good. How is she now, why can't you see her lead her back?" Wang Xiaomei whispered.

"Meng Xiyue, I'm just friends with her, and now there is no connection." Lin Lang shook his head.

"Then Su Shilan's little girl."

Lin Lang suddenly became silent.

Wang Xiaomei stared directly at Lin Lang: "You forgot that when you took her back home during the second year of high school, I saw that little girl liked you very much. Just before the college entrance examination, she didn't dare to find you, but asked me What volunteering have you filled in. "

"She has been trying to follow your steps, but what have you given her."

Lin Lang was silent. He just wanted to give Su Shilan a better life, perhaps to pay back the debts of previous lives. What can't be given to her is a promise, and maybe she can only be compensated materially.

He returned in this life just to find the lovers of the previous life, to treat his feelings, always with the fate, believe in it, if not, there is no, never want to actively pursue something.

"Maybe I have a chance to tell her clearly. If she continues like this, only her youth will be delayed." Lin Lang thought.

The dinner was successfully concluded, and several people in the Wang family had basically seen Chen Miaoxuan as a prospective daughter-in-law, and were very satisfied. As for talking about marriage and marriage, of course, it is still early, after all, Chen Miaoxuan has not graduated, and her education is the most important thing.

As for Lin Xiao, he insisted on the old-fashioned idea, separated the young couple, and Chen Miaoxuan slept in a separate room.

Early the next morning.

Lin Lang did not alarm Chen Miaoxuan and left the hilltop villa early. Lin Lang, who hasn't appeared on Shencheng Street for several years, is looking for it at this time.

"Calculating time, Su Shilan should be able to go home for the holidays at this time."

It's just that in the past two or three years, the streets of Shencheng have changed a lot, and many shops and stores in memory have long disappeared. He did not find the Miaochun Hall in his memory, only a run-down ruined building was left. It was not until Zhou Shihai called and asked carefully to find out that Miaochun Hall had been expanded and moved.

Following the address described by Zhou Shihai, Lin Lang had already found the newly built Miaochun Hall. Compared with two years ago, the scale of Miaochuntang has been several times larger, occupying the first floor of Shencheng's largest shopping mall, and it is no longer the original two-story building.

Today's Miaochuntang is a medical sacred place in Shencheng. There is Dr. Su who is good at Shennong ancient needles sitting in the lobby, and Lin Lang's tacit approval for the company's direct sales price of medical supplies. The price and purchase channel do not know how much better than the peer The development of Miaochuntang is also reasonable.

Although not returning to the old land, Lin Lang still has an inexplicable intimacy. In the lobby, Lin Lang saw the old white-bearded doctor again. He still looked the same as before, with a pair of reading glasses tied to his chest.

I remember at that time, the old doctor was also interested in Lin Lang's prescription, not to say it was used to nourish the kidney. Now thinking about it, Lin Lang suddenly laughed.

"Remember me?" Lin Lang smiled.

The old doctor came together to look at it for a long time, and the dim old eyes suddenly burst into a fiery light, and said with excitement, "Lin Shenyi, you are Lin Shenyi!"

The old doctor was excited.

The most famous Lin Shenyi in Nanliao Province now rises from their wonderful spring hall. How could he not remember.

"I'm looking for Dr. Su."

Lin Lang chatted with the old doctor a few words, and then brought up the topic of this trip. The old doctor nodded, and shortly after, he walked down the staircase to a middle-aged man.

It was Su Shilan's father, Dr. Su.

Dr. Su in front of him had a deep black eye, his eyes were full of red blood, his hair was messy, and even the proud white coat was not worn on his body.

Lin Lang frowned, and now Miao Chuntang's business is booming, and there is his shelter in the dark. Dr. Su should be smooth and smooth, and the scenery is right.

How could this decadent look in front of me?

"You're here." Dr. Su reluctantly strove to make a smile.

"Uncle, this?" Lin Lang frowned, calmly said: "Must have encountered difficulties, rest assured, I still have a little weight in this Shen Cheng."

Dr. Su shook his head.

"With your shelter, there is basically no one in our city who will embarrass our family. Just Xiao Lan ..."


Dr. Su sighed and refused to say much.

"What happened to Su Shilan?"

Lin Lang was shocked. He also bought clothes and jewelry with Su Shilan a while ago. At that time, he looked good.

"Don't you know?" Dr. Su raised her eyelids and said sadly, "My daughter is missing. Since contacting me last time, the world has evaporated, and the police can't find it."

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