Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 372: We are talking business

At this time in the courtyard, only Lin Lang and Deng Wushuang two daughters remained. Deng Wushuang was full of fear and his body was shaking. She knew that Lin Lang really dared to kill her, including Duan Qianxue.

She likes to play with authority and the feeling of playing other people between the palms of her hands. But at this moment she found that all these were useless. In the face of absolute power, any means was a child's trick.

Lin Lang's palm was lifted, and the smooth palm like jade aimed at Deng Wushuang. If Deng Wushuang sifted the bran, Jiao's body could not shake. She remembered how Lin Lang killed those so-called strong ones.

"Lin Youye, you don't really need it. I control the underground world of Shuzhong City, and there are billions of assets. You let me go, these are yours. Even if you like, even I can obey ... "

Deng Wushuang inspired an extremely strong desire to survive, and quickly made a sound. But unfortunately, Lin Lang was unmoved and spread out his white and long fingers, aiming at Deng Wushuang.

"If you kill me, you will cause a terrible disaster, not to mention the many witnesses here. You can't kill them all? If so, I am afraid that Commander Kong cannot protect you. And Chen Miaoxuan, if you are Kill me here, how can you explain to her, I'm afraid she's afraid of an executioner with blood on his hands. "

Deng Wushuang hurried out.

Lin Lang had a meal in his palm, what Deng Wushuang said was not unreasonable. If he slaughtered all these people in the presence, I was afraid that it would really anger the country. The last time there was a cause, and Commander Kong Libao had a guarantee, but another time may not be necessary.

At that time, it is estimated that he can only give up everything he has today and go abroad for development.

"I want to kill you, but I don't have to be in a hurry."

Deng Wushuang was relieved a little. After this time, she was at least safe. But just when her thoughts just rose, Lin Lang shot two red awns with fingers and drilled into the collars of the two women, forming a dense network structure in the heart, and then dissipated invisible and buried deeply In her body.

"What is this?"

Deng Wushuang panicked.

"The heart-biting network can manipulate your life and death in a single thought, but it can also make you feel alive. You can rest assured that modern technology cannot detect the cause of death." Lin Langyun said lightly. With his voice fall.

Deng Wushuang suddenly felt a pain in the heart, like a heart being held by someone's hands, and it was about to be crushed. She was sore and sweaty that she could not care about the image rolling.

It's like, Wan Jian penetrates my heart!

At this moment, she felt that all the organs on her body had been paralyzed. There was only a heart that was constantly pierced by countless fine needles. The pain was extremely clear.

"Don't worry, I won't let the two of you die have something to do with me. As for the death period, it depends on my mood to be determined." The pain disappeared instantly.

"You are the devil!"

Deng Wushuang was full of fear.

"Thank you for the praise." Lin Lang smiled implicitly.

Just then, several bodyguards in black were blown out by a tremendous force. Chen Miaoxuan and others rushed in. Just a moment ago, Chen Miaoxuan was anxious, and inspired Lin Lang to specially craft her jade pendant. It was unexpected that the power that bloomed was extremely amazing, and she directly blasted a half-meter-thick wall.

Even Chen Miaoxuan stayed incredibly, then rushed into the hospital, and met Lin Lang and Deng Wushuang, the second daughter who came forward.

"What happened? I just seemed to hear the gunfire." Chen Miaoxuan uttered a sigh of relief after seeing Lin Lang intact.

Lin Lang glanced back at the two women and said softly, "We are talking about business, aren't we?"

"Yes, we just talked about business." Deng Wushuang gathered his hair and walked forward, with exhaustion in his eyes that he couldn't conceal. The inhumanity just now has made her exhausted.

A little wheezing, fluffy hair, messy clothes, all make people doubt whether there is any **** between the two.

Chen Miaoxuan did not have any feeling of breaking the rape. She was concerned: "We heard the gunshots here and rushed directly. What happened just now?"

"There was a little trouble, but fortunately it has been successfully resolved. But the business talks went smoothly." Deng Wushuang explained it out loud, and reorganized his clothes by the way.

"Really?" Chen Miaoxuan was suspicious.

"It should be like this. Sister Deng's identity is too high and she can be targeted by competitors at any time, and she should try to take precautions in the future, so as not to be hired by a killer. After all, life is priceless." Liu Xin reminded out loud.

Everyone suddenly realized. Presumably, Deng Wushuang is sensitive and assassinated by other people. It is not surprising that her competitors, as long as they kill her, will be smooth sailing, whether black or white, as long as they can achieve the purpose. .

Chen Miaoxuan's doubts were also resolved. Indeed, Deng Wushuang, a real figure like him, can be assassinated at any time. But this explanation still sounds strange.

Only the bright light flashed in Bai Zhiyu's eyes. Deng Wushuang's attitude before and after he saw in his eyes, and now he is almost 100% obedient to Lin Lang. This is not like an underground queen.

"Unless it is they who, like me, have learned of another identity of Dr. Lin."

Duan Qianxue also nodded constantly, explaining to everyone that this was a misunderstanding.

After a pause, Deng Wushuang burst out with a smile, and the silver bell laughed: "We have reached an alliance with Divine Doctor Lin, and we will advance and retreat together, coexist and die. We are allies."

Everyone screamed.

What does it mean? Lin Shenyi formed an alliance with the Lu family, and even the Duan family stepped in. If the three of them joined forces, the whole Sichuan-Shushu pattern will probably have a major earthquake within half a year.

After everyone stood up to leave, Deng Wushuang sent him personally and led the crowd to the door. When Lin Lang passed by her, he suddenly laughed: "I advise you to put away your little trick."

"Even if you tell the world that you are my ally, when it is time to kill you, I will never open the Internet and save your life."

"Yes, master."

Duan Qianxue's voice was so small that it was inaudible.

"That's the best. Don't try to unravel the mind-blowing network. In the world, only I can solve it. Don't waste it." Lin Lang left.

Looking at the back of Lin Lang's departure, Deng Wushuang and Duan Qianxue stared at each other, his face was full of complexities, and he sighed: "The world knows Lin Shenye, but he doesn't know Lin Youye."

If they had known that Lin Shenye was Lin Youye, how could they have the courage to ambush him, and ended up with life and death beyond their own control.

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