Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 366: Move out of Liao province

"What the **** are you doing, are you a warrior?"

Zhuang Fan stood still on the ground. I thought that Lin Lang was just talking a few words. He didn't want the other party to show his true strength. He turned out to be a warrior.

It is impossible for ordinary people to move the dealers, but the warriors are not among them. If they are really hard-hearted, unless they are trained by the martial arts family, they may be ruined by them.

"At the party that day, everyone called him Dr. Lin." Sun Xiaohan finally inserted his mouth, weakly.


Zhuang Fan was completely dumbfounded. Although he is a junior in Chuanshu, it does not mean that he knows nothing about his hometown. Who is Lin Shenyi and the upstart of Liao province in the past two years has brought the Wang family to the Mo family and the Zhuang family.

Even more shocking is his **** means.

I don't know how many forces have risen because of his existence. Even though the strength of the Wang family today is less than that of the banker, it can be achieved by Lin Shenyi alone.

Who would have thought that in the vast crowd, he was so coincidental when he was in a foreign land, and when he saw an inconspicuous looking person, he was actually an amazing figure.

"Oh my god, I actually met the master of Nan Liao." Zhuang Fan muttered endlessly. The master of Nan Liao was the name given to Lin Shen by many forces in private. Although it was a joke, it was enough to explain some problems.

Today, he is definitely the only one in Nanliao Province!

"Lin Shenyi, I don't know it is you. It is my fault that I don't know Taishan, and it's my fault to offend you." Zhuang Fancheng was frightened.

"Yes. Zhuang Fan didn't mean to offend you, your adult doesn't remember the villain ..." Sun Xiaohan also followed with an apology and looked at Chen Miaoxuan with hope.

"Do you know why I punished them, but left you alone?" Lin Lang said softly.

"It's your mercy, and give me a chance to change." Zhuang Fan shuddered with sweat from his head and nodded. How powerful was the Bei Liao Lin family at the beginning, but in the end it was not destroyed by Lin Shenyi? Not to mention they used to be vassals of the Lin family.

resistance? What resistance?

"No." Lin Lang shook his head gently: "I want to let you go back with a sentence."

"The person who brought me the word for the banker is now no longer suitable for the banker's development. You should go to another province and find a way out."

"The banker moved out of Liao province within seven days. I don't want to see anything from the banker next time I go back, even a brick or even a tile, understand?"

Lin Lang fainted.

"I understand." Zhuang Fan nodded again and again.

Until Zhuang Fan and others left with relief, Liu Xiaochuan hit a hammer in Lin Lang's chest.

"Okay, kid, you're hidden deep enough!"

William looked at Sun Xiaohan who resolutely left, and the two lines burst into tears. Yes, even if friends can be angry for him, after all, she still did not choose him.


Zhuang Fan's eating ravioli spread quickly in the Chuanshu circle. What makes this rich and young circle boil is that after two months, the Lin Shenyi, who stirred countless things, is back.

The seniors of the major families have printed photos of Lin Lang to their beloved juniors, and have solemnly ordered that they must not provoke this fierce Lin Shenyi again.

For a while, eighty to ninety percent of the wealthy and young in Chuan Shu had their own tails. Even if you get into trouble occasionally, you must first ask the other party's identity. Who is not afraid to encounter such a monster, but hard to come, only through economic sanctions. If he loses in his hands, basically he will swallow.

There is a saying widely circulating in the circle: "Ning demolish a temple of the king of Yan, not to mess with the last name of Lin."

After the dinner was over, several people were out for a while. But Chen Miaoxuan has always been that kind of indifferent character, always sitting there quietly and elegantly, and not indulging herself like everyone else.

A little later, Lin Lang personally sent Chen Miaoxuan home. At night, the Chen family's courtyard was still brightly lit, as bright as day.

Near the trail near the Chen's compound, a young man was walking with a well-dressed middle-aged woman at this moment.

It happened that they had a meeting with Lin Lang.

"Hello Mr. Lin." The young man took the initiative to say hello, it was Chen Fangyin.

The middle-aged lady next to Chen Fangyin was very delicately dressed, wearing gold, silver, grace and luxury, and was very well maintained. Even if she is nearly forty, she still can't find any marks on her face, just like a woman in her early thirties.

Lin Lang has a deep memory of her, and it is Qiao Yunxiang and Chen Miaoxuan's mother.

"Mom?" Chen Miaoxuan stumbled. Lin Lang was sending her home. It felt as if her early love had been caught and she was a little embarrassed. However, she responded very quickly, and immediately stepped forward and held Qiao Yunxiang's arm, coquettishly said: "Mom, didn't you say you want to live more in Qiao's house, why did you come back so soon?"

"It's not because of your father. With a piece of paper, Da Lao Yuan has to toss me back." Qiao Yunxiang said angrily.

"Oh yeah. Let me introduce you. This is my classmate Lin Lang, my best friend in college." Chen Miaoxuan introduced.

"Auntie is good." Although Lin Lang did not catch a cold of Qiao Yunxiang's actions in the past, he greeted him politely.

"It's a good boy." Qiao Yunxiang's eyes passed around Lin Lang, without paying attention, and he turned to look at Chen Miaoxuan: "Baby daughter go for a walk with her mother, these days I've been busy with your dad's business Your waist will be tired. "

"Fang Yin, go and send this child for me."

"I don't need an aunt, I'll go back now." Lin Lang said farewell a little stiffly. Sure enough, Qiao Yunxiang was still the same, the familiar face did not change at all.

Until Lin Lang left, Qiao Yunxiang shook her head: "This child is a little rude, not like an adult educated, Miao Xuan should not fancy him, just an ordinary friend."

Only Chen Fangyin's eyes flickered.

"Recently, the return of Chen Jiawu's ancestors has become more serious, and only Lin Youye can solve it in the whole world. I was rejected by him last time, and now I can start with Miao Xuan."

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