Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 363: 偌 Da Huaxia has only two people!

In the dark world's underground forums, the pot had already been exploded at this time, and every post had just been posted, and it was quickly brushed to the bottom by countless new posts.

Lin Youye was too fast when fighting with Yin and Yang Taoists. In addition, Guyu Lake was covered by a layer of water mist from the beginning to the end. The ultra-high-speed camera with the magnification adjusted also seemed to be incapable. Shoot clearly.

Even so, there are still live broadcasts in the forums of the dark world. But this is not a live broadcast, but a form of oral dictation. The first one to post the post is also the top post today, issued by an ID called the servant of the blogger, which quickly caused a lot of follow-up and follow-up.

Every battle detail between Lin Youye and the Yinyang Taoist was carefully recorded by the servant, and added to the post, and there were more than 10,000 followers in the comment area below. For a while, the server was unsustainable and nearly crashed.

The dark world has never been so lively today.

Some people have speculated about Lin Youye's strength, and others are overwhelming defeat. The extraordinary people in the entire dark world are as crazy as fans watching the World Cup finals. Until the end of the battle, the posts posted by the servants did not stop.

The following post burst with a sentence: "Lin Youye is in full swing, and there is no opponent in the world."

In the comment area, countless Chinese warrior IDs are proud. This is because after Zhao Zilong ten years ago, the Chinese warrior was most exultant.

Most of the discussions in previous forums have been about open battles or current affairs in foreign countries. Although there are many Chinese warriors, except for some young warriors, the older warriors only know how to subscribe, and they will not be bored to brush the forum.

Huaxia warriors are not valued here, and sometimes they are even stigmatized as ‘barbarians who only use their fists to solve problems and do n’t know the powers’. But at this moment, countless Chinese warriors followed the line neatly: "Lin Youye, our Chinese pride!"

Apart from that, most people gathered together to secretly guess Lin Youye's current strength. Some people said that he had reached the state of God, and some people denied that he was only a guru.

"Stupid followers, have you ever heard of the precedent that the Grand Master defeated the Divine Realm? Only the Divine Realm is worthy of being the opponent of the Divine Strong. The Grand Master is smaller than the dust in front of the Divine Realm."

This group of people quarreled, and no one presented any decent evidence to prove it.

Finally, the priest stood up and gave a final voice: "Lin Youye is not a divine realm, but is better than a divine realm.

The artillery fire in the comment area was finally not so fierce. At this time, it was found that the priest sent another post: "There are only two people in Dahua Xia. If the wizard of T-National University is still there, these two can also compete."

Forum fry again.

The Wizard of the Nation, a character that only appeared in legends, has also been regarded as a fictional belief in history. However, according to the meaning of the servant word, this person seems to really exist!

Countless extraordinary people are interested, and the bulls, gods, and snakes appear in various ways, shaking out countless fierce materials, trying to prove the existence of the great wizard. However, the servant of the priest was silent and did not continue to explain to everyone.

And at this moment.

Everything that happened in these underground forums had nothing to do with Lin Lang. After the battle, he left Guyu Lake in a hurry and completely disappeared from the public view.

He worked hard in Yunwushan for more than half a month, and almost devoured the aura there. In the vicinity, the three lords of the lion ancestor, the silver wolf king, and the viper kept quietly around them. If you look closely, all three of them have a shimmering bronzing font ‘prison’ on them.

Three of them are here, responsible for protecting the forest.

Since the war with the Taoists of Yin and Yang, Lin Lang did, as everyone guessed, the consumption of spiritual power is almost in a state of deficit. After the war, he had to choose to repair for a while, silently repairing the lost spiritual power.

But even so.

At present, the cultivation in Lin Lang's body is far from its peak, not even one tenth of the heyday. There are too few reiki reserves flowing in this world, and they are not enough to replenish consumption, let alone go further.

Although Lin Lang had a few spirit stones, he didn't take them with him, and he didn't plan to waste them like that. Because several spirit stones have a greater effect.

"You guys, you have grown a lot during the time I left." Lin Lang stroked the lion ancestor's soft hair, like a pet he brought with him.

Lion ancestors lay on the ground with two claws, and roared intimately, letting Lin Lang move. On the one hand, the silver wolf king and the viper eyes showed a disdainful look at the same time, it is estimated that they are despising the ancestor of the lion. You must know that this guy has an ancestor in his name, and he is actually over a hundred years old.

Being so old is disgust and disgusting. The silver wolf king proudly raised his head. Instead, it was the king of a group. No one let him bow his head unless he was forced to die!

"You are the first of the three of you to reach the middle of the transformation. In this way, I will pass on your set of cultivation methods for monsters and beasts. You must cultivate well and return to your ancestors as soon as possible." Later, Lin Lang pointed out that a piece of information passed into the mind of the lion ancestors. This was a lion inheritance he accidentally obtained in the fairyland, and only his family could use it.

"Small silver, come here too."

Lin Lang beckoned to the Silver Wolf King. The Silver Wolf King shook his spirits, and the fart slipped to Lin Lang's side, rubbing his head with Lin Lang's thighs, and constantly showing off.

At this moment all its dignity is missing.

Lin Lang also passed on a bit of the Sirius heritage. The Sirius is one of the ten royal families in the fairyland, the top group among the ten thousand families. Their inheritance is still not to be underestimated, and the blood of the silver wolf king is perfect for this inheritance.

As for the viper, both blood and cultivation are much weaker than the other two forest lords, and there is basically no need for cultivation. Lin Lang also just donated it an ordinary metamorphosis.

"The three of you have to cultivate well, and I will come to test in a few days. Also, don't try to disobey my will, otherwise I won't spare you."

"Do you understand?" Lin Lang fainted.

He was not afraid of the three betrayals, and he was incapable of solving the secret method of the Royal Beast Sect. And with his thoughts, he can be killed thousands of miles away. So he passed on several inheritances with ease.

After half a day.

Lin Lang stood up and looked into the distance.

"My cultivation has recovered a lot, and it is also time to leave and see Miao Xuan when I return to Sichuan."

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