Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 350: Elder Black Robe

In a hidden space in the mountain forest.

This is a large parliamentary hall. Four or five people sat together, and in the first place at the table, there was a figure who was covered in black robes.

He is the Sovereign of the Ghost Sect, and the others are also the elders with very old qualifications.

In front of them, there is a screen like a curtain, which shows all the movements outside the Mangizong Mountain. This is not a modern high-tech method, but an ancient array method discovered when Wan Guizong found here in the early years.

Therefore, the Wanzong ancestors moved the ancestral gate here, and few people found it here in a century.

"Sovereign, who is sacred outside?"

An elder spoke solemnly. The external stele is connected to the screen in front of you, and you can monitor all external movements on weekdays, which is equivalent to a camera, let alone the stele is almost uprooted.

Long before Lin Lang destroyed the first elder, they vaguely judged each other's strength.

This is definitely a demigod character!

"Since ancient times Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, I have seen a fortune-teller blindly cultivated above me. I guess that person has reached the divine realm, and it is not surprising that a demigod appears now." A husky His voice sounded.

"It's just a demigod, and I want to stir up the situation in my Wangui Sect, it's really tired." Wangui Sovereign said slowly: "I have already let the elder out, I believe he will mention it soon See you in the skull. "

"That's right." Everyone nodded: "The elders are only half-strength weaker than the suzerain. At this moment, there are red evil spirits and many elders guarding them. The enemies who beheaded offenders must be stunned."


"You arrogant junior ..."

The elder's forehead was blue and blue. From the time he was born to the present day, he has never seen such a crazy person for the first time.

"You're looking for death!"

It goes without saying that one side is the enemy to come and the other is to get revenge. It is not even necessary to connect the registered surnames. Cutting off the other party is the first priority.


A group of elders in red robes played the flute and sorrowful ensemble. Numerous graves in the ground swelled, and a dry palm broke through the ground, crawling out of countless black and white fierce.

Looking around, countless corpses stood up, densely packed, and there were hundreds of them. Among them, there are black fierce and white fierce, and even half of Hongsha, which is similar to Lu Beidou, was born.

If an outside martial artist arrives here, he will be dizzy and stare at the scene in front of him. This is hundreds of corpses, equivalent to hundreds of warriors, and there are countless great masters.

Such a background, even if any power will be suffocated. Lu Beidou's face also changed in shock, only to discover that he knew nothing about Wan Guizong but the tip of the iceberg. With the scene in front of him, he could conquer any hidden Sejong gate.

In the current world, which Hidden Sejong can have a hundred masters?

"I don't know how many corpses have been collected since the establishment of the Ghost Sect, some have been raised for a hundred years, and some have been masters since the death." The elder sneered: "Come here and pretend, you have chosen the wrong place."

Wan Guizong. It should be called Huaxia's largest grave robber corps. In the past 100 years, I don't know how many tombs have been dug. All the strong ancestors in their lifetime or ancient corpses are their targets.

Over time, the remains of Wan Guizong have reached an alarming number, not to mention a mass grave at the foot of the mountain.

The **** of the dead here, but for the corpse repair is their paradise, corpse refining, experimentation, and materials are basically continuous. Overall, the actual combat power of Wanguizong has reached an extremely scary level.

"Kill him!"

The elder ordered. The flute sounded, and the disciples and elders Li Yu made countless corpses and immediately rushed up. They are simple, stupid attacks, grabbing with your hands, biting with your teeth. But it is precisely this method that is most effective against martial arts.

It ’s not that the Grandmaster is too weak, but that there are too many corpses. If you ca n’t hit the key to destroy them with one blow, cutting off the arms and the like is basically innocuous.

It takes every effort to deal with each one, that is, hundreds of people living in front of you, and you have to kill yourself. The corpses were crowded around, guarding many cast elders behind, preventing the spell attack of the master monk, and it was even more difficult to kill them.

If the powerful gods do not start flying, they will be trapped alive in these corpses. This is the inconvenience of Wanguizong. The single combat power is not obvious, but their nest is solid.

But they met Lin Lang.

"The battle is not small, but it is useless against me."

Lin Lang sneered.

Perception is pervasive, and the easiest to deal with is this kind of human wall tactics. In front of the consciousness, even the copper wall and iron wall can easily penetrate the past, and the caster who cuts the opposite side through these corpses is not to mention.

At this moment, Lin Lang ’s consciousness swayed like a ripple. In an instant, he split into more than a dozen sharp swords of consciousness, and passed through many corpses and rushed to the opposite people.


The spirits of many red robe elders were shocked, and a storm immediately set off in their heads. Lin Lang has been able to achieve the form of deity, and he is not weak compared to many innate strongmen. Even if it is divided into more than a dozen, these unskilled warriors can not resist.

Many elders were shocked, their brains were aching, as if they were torn. In other words, the spirit collapsed instantly, and there was no sound when it fell to the ground.

People have three souls and seven souls, and Lin Lang is equivalent to directly destroying their three souls, and they are greeted by the divinity. As for the seven souls, can the three souls disperse the seven souls and exist alone?

This hand Lin Lang is equivalent to sending them directly to death, and even the basic chance of resurrection is gone. Even if Lin Lang was born again, it was a rebirth of souls and souls, but they were extinct in form, and Da Luo Jinxian could not save a dissipated soul.

This is an extinction!

In the blink of an eye, the dozen or so red elders and disciples of the yellow robes, who died, most of them lost their combat power directly.

When the consciousness approached the elder of the Black Robe, an invisible ripple undulated, and he was spared by offsetting the injury. Obviously, he has a different bodyguard.

"What's going on?" The elder jumped up as if he had been trampled on his tail, and beside him, the dozens of strong men who followed him out of the ancestral gate were all spared and fell to the ground.

"Have you used a spirit attack?"

The elders guessed a little bit and thought that they could not be separated from each other. Except for the unpredictable attack of spirits, there should be no other attack that could do so.

Even Divine Realm is no exception.

"Boy, are you from the high school of the Tianshan religion?" The elder was stunned. In addition, he could not imagine that anyone could have a spirit attack: "Yes, there is only the ancient gate of the Tianshan religion in the whole China. Only then can there be a way to exercise the spirits, and the whole of China is the only one under it. "

"Tianshan religion?" Lin Lang smiled and smiled, purely in the words of the elders: "How do you know about Tianshan religion?"

The elder expressed a tight expression, saying: "Tianshanism is an ancient sect comparable to Taoism. Its strength is rare in the world. It is just that they generally do not mix things with common things. There has been no news for hundreds of years. . "

Having said that, the elder said coldly, "I don't care if you are telling me or not, anyway, you must invade you if you invade Wangui Sect. What can Tianshan religion be the ancient sect, and today you are the first one to lose it Even if it kills you, the Tianshan religion can't say anything. "

"What's more, the backing behind me and my ghosts is only stronger than the ancient gate, not weaker than the ancient gate. Even if you kill you, no one will tear your face for us."

The elder seemed to have made up some kind of determination, and lifted the brim above his head to reveal the mottled eyebrows.

"Old man, kill him with me."

Wu Shen Hongsha shook violently. With the elder's vigorous repairs unfolding, Hongsha's joints tightened. Suddenly, she rushed to Linlang at an unexpected speed.

A demigod and Hongsha besiege Lin Lang at the same time!


Inside the Medicine King Sect, the Medicine King Sect and the elders looked dignified, staring intently at the battle. A dozen elders died face to face, which they did not expect.

The original vows gradually turned into serious tension. None of the dozen or so people sent by the Wan Guizong were spared, and now they can only hope that the elders will be able to kill and kill the enemies. Otherwise, this must be a catastrophe for Wanguizong.

"Sovereign, what is the Tianshan religion said by the elder, why have I never heard of it?"

An elder frowned.

"Tianshan Religion is an ancient ancestral gate residing in Huaxia. Together with Daomen, these ancient denominations of Wudang faction are equally famous, and their influence is huge, and their influence can even affect one side of the soil."

The lord of all ghosts fainted.

Because he is the lord of the medicine king sect, he knows, learns, and sees everything is top-notch. On the understanding of Huaxia, no one can surpass Wangui.

"Is it so powerful?" An elder frowned, and asked, "Everyone is also a hidden Sejong, how are they better than me?"

"In the heyday, they could destroy our ten thousand ghost ancestors. Even in the few days when the divine realm is very few, I am absolutely sure that they have the divine realm to sit in."

The utterance of the Sovereign Sovereign Sovereign completely overturned the thinking of countless people. They think that among all the hidden Sejong gates, although Wanguizong is not the top one, it can definitely be in the top three. This is also their courage to do evil.

But now someone suddenly told them that the so-called Yao Wangzong was just a garbage role in front of another force, and it was really unacceptable for ordinary people.

"Are we all ghosts weak and pathetic in front of the ancient facade like this?" A red robe elder suddenly felt a little desperate, and then pursued as if he had caught the last straw for life-saving: "That ranked first and second How does the Wind Storm Sect and the Blood Soul Sect compare to them? "

"There is also no chance of winning."

"If the young man came from the Tianshan religion, wouldn't it mean that we couldn't afford him at all?" An elder breathed in a sullen breath.

"It's not yet certain. Although only Tianshan religion is proficient in attacking spirits in the martial arts world in China, perhaps only Tianshan religion can cultivate such a young strong man. However, our backing is not bad, and we are afraid to cause Tianshan religion Touch us. "

The lord **** of all ghosts is there, without any slight confusion. Everyone still wanted to inquire about the origin of Wanguizong, but the monarch of Wangui refused to reveal the slightest.

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