Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 344: Roll yourself

Qiao Qingyi's eyes flashed. Qiao's family and Xu's family are the top families in China Shipping. Naturally, their strengths will not be too different, and it is impossible for a master to guard a sister-in-law.

"Listening to Xu Cai, Xu Zidong himself should have been to Chuanshu for a long time, but he never showed up. With his dignity, the Xu family is very likely to send a master to guard him, but with Xu Cai's influence absolutely No! "

Qiao Qingyi knew it, but he didn't break it. Just looked at Lin Lang calmly and saw how he responded.

"How can the Grand Master be, in front of me, still vulnerable?" Lin Lang walked calmly, without the slightest fear, but shook his sleeves and sent the Grand Master's character.

Everyone was amazed, this one in front of him was a master of no taboos. Just hit Li Dongbin, even if Deng Qi is abolished, now even the third son of the Xu family is not looking.

This guy still thinks the trouble is not small enough?

"Xu Sanshao, most of this thing is misunderstood. Can give a little girl a face, and temporarily turn her into a jade." Chen Miaoxuan said anxiously.

Unfortunately, Xu Cai turned a deaf ear and didn't seem to hear it at all. Everyone understood what the word of a dog's temper was from word of mouth, right in front of them. As long as you start crazy, no matter what Tianwang Laozi you are.

"Stupid. Today I let you know what it means to be a master. It's a shame, Hai Lao, please take your shot."

Xu Cai sneered and looked back at the old man.

Hai Lao shook his head and sighed.

"I have n’t been born for a long time. I ca n’t think that even modern masters are n’t even bridged in sight. Young people, your talent is good, but your character is too arrogant. Now. "

"I knew today, why are you here?"

The voice of Hai Lao came quietly, and the whole person floated to Lin Lang like a ghost, and the withered palm fell like a ghost's claw.

Although there is no earth-shattering prestige, but the palm of the grand master is also mortal?

Chen Miaoxuan closed her eyes and couldn't bear to watch the next scene.

Xu Cai was indifferent, expecting all results.

Everyone is shaking his head in his heart. When the guru takes the shot, any martial artist must die by death, otherwise the martial arts world will not have the phrase that must not be humiliated.

Not because the grand master entered the room and had a distinguished status, but because they killed decisively and slapped anyone as simple as eating and drinking, there was no exception.

If you are the most excited at the scene, I'm afraid there are only Li Dongbin and Deng Qi. They wished that Lin Lang would die before them now.

But at this time, he turned into a lie!

Hai Lao's withered hands had not touched Lin Lang's body, and was suddenly caught in the air by a palm, unable to move.

"Is this the only thing?"

A playful voice sounded: "It turned out to be just a newly-launched guru. Weak and poor, I wasted my hands for nothing."

The voice fell, Hai Lao's complexion suddenly changed, his arm was firmly clamped, and he could not advance or retreat. He soared bravely and tried to withdraw his arm, but unfortunately countless strengths like mud cows into the sea.


Hai Lao's arms twisted backwards strangely, creating a strange arc forward, like a sharp knife on the forelimb of a mantis.

"Nothing, I'm in a good mood today, so I just leave your arms." Lin Lang's voice came slowly. The other hand grabbed Hai Lao's other wrist silently, holding it tightly, a perfunctory force perfused.


Boss Hai was anxious, holding back the severe pain in his arms, backing out of the volley and swiping towards Lin Lang's legs, exhausting his whole body strength, but Lin Lang was as stable as Mount Tai, without moving. Instead, Hai Lao's legs were shaken back, as if kicked on a deity.


Lin Lang finally closed his hands, effortlessly, and threw Hai Lao forward, like a fly.

Hai Lao walked for a few laps in the same place, moving a few times like a caterpillar. After trying hard, he stood up again. It was just that both arms shrugged and could not be lifted by the break, and they could only hang down weakly.

"what happened?"

Everyone changed colors, and they should have stood on top of each other and dominated the master of life and death. At this moment, they completely became a plaything in the hands of others. Punishing others is unsuccessful. Instead, he loses his pair of arms.

This is a great master, who couldn't even walk a single move in front of Lin Lang, and was defeated without resistance! Countless people are terrified, this is just like Tian Fang Ye Tan.

"What the **** is going on, who can tell me?"

Everyone was ignorant, but they didn't know why.

Shouldn't the guru be all the characters of the Quartet and the Quartet? How can a young martial artist be unable to clean up now?

"You are also a guru?" Hai Lao was horrified.

It wasn't until Hai Lao's voice sounded that everyone understood the cause and effect of the incident. It is not that Hai Lao is too weak, or that he intentionally keeps his hand, but that the opponent he is facing is also the Grandmaster!

"It turned out that this was his hole card. No wonder he could not put Bai Zhixuan in their eyes, because there were few people who could cure him in his lifetime, so he could act recklessly."

"Even if it really breaks the sky, as long as it doesn't touch the bottom line of the country, they will be allowed to stand up and down."

The crowd finally realized. The master is insultable. Lin Lang did not kill Deng Qi in person. He was already merciless. Instead, other masters were here. Even if Deng Qi was shot dead on the spot, it is believed that the master of the Deng family did not dare to let one fart.

"It seems we are all underestimating him, he is the dragon among people, and we are all inferior to him." Fei Yingzhe looked sad.

"It's just that he is a good man. He doesn't take our Sichuan family into consideration, but it is unwise to conflict with the Xu family." A rich man shook his head: "The Xu family absolutely It ’s not as simple as we see on the surface. Today, Xu Sanshao is surrounded by a guru, and God knows how many such characters are in their nest. ”

"I'm afraid that I can't compete with the Xu family just by virtue of his identity as a master."

Everyone is silent. Every family in Zhonghai is extremely horrible. Otherwise, they cannot be based on the most prosperous city in China, let alone the Xu family in Kyoto. If they want to compete with them, they are afraid of their status.

This is the ability of the guru, no force will rashly offend a guru, no matter how strong the power behind them is!

However, Lin Lang didn't have these concerns at all. He just glanced at the second Hai Hai lightly: "I have no mood to kill you today, let's go alone."

Then he tilted his head to look at Xu Cai again: "Wait for me to send you? I won't even leave you and I will abandon you together."

Xu Cai's face was stiff, and he would go away with heartfelt words, but his throat didn't sob like a fishbone stuck.

"Everyone said that Huaxia Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, let the old deceased get the advice today." Hai Lao's face wrinkled loosely and sighed, "Today is the old rotten offense, and another day will be paid in person."

After all, Hai Lao stretched out his skinny palm and lifted Xu Cai away quickly.

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