Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 332: Chen's Secret

The matter in Chuan Shu was basically settled, and monkeys and others went to the grave without permission. He was attacked by a neurotoxin and became crazy. The rumors of the rumors have also been investigated, almost because of the appearance of a group of people in the red robe.

As for the motive for ambushing White Tiger Xuanwu, it also surfaced.

At that time, the two generals of Baihu Xuanwu were investigating the underground burial ground, and when the burial ground was far from being opened, the red robe was afraid that the two white tigers broke their feet and broke the event. They must be kept live.

It can also be considered that the two of them have better luck. The red robe does not use the red evil corpse, otherwise the two will definitely have a hard time.

In the meantime, Suzaku compiled a report and sent it to the Special Operations Division. After a few more days, the Special Operations Division organized an excavation, and after paying some price, it dug out the only head of Dixian and sent it to a secret base for research.

The layers of fog that enveloped the whole thing seemed to have a perfect explanation as everyone walked out of the ground. At least it looks like this.

But beyond that, there are still a few doubts about the matter. For one, the monkey was the only member of the special operations department who came out alive from the tomb. When he was awake by Lin Lang, he asked all the members to go to the tomb again.

So what did he encounter, or what did he see, that could lead to such anxiety that even the members of the special operations department took the effort to lift him to the ground?

Unfortunately, the monkey did not wake up in the underground palace. All the secrets were hidden in his mind, and no one could dig out. Perhaps one or two can only be seen when he really wakes up.

The second doubt, why did the mysterious sect take away only a headless earth fairy body, but disregard the most valuable heads in the whole body and stay in the ground?

What are their motivations?

The third doubt is the appearance of Chen Fangyin. His appearance is absolutely unreasonable. Although Lin Lang made a clearance for him, it did not mean that he did not doubt it.

However, these have nothing to do with Lin Lang for the time being. After leaving Yanyun Mountain, Lin Lang did not return to school, but instead went directly to Chen Fangyin.

In a cafe in Chuanshu, Lin Lang sat opposite Chen Fangyin. Compared to his weight loss half a month ago, Chen Fangyin completely recovered.

Almost directly trapped in the underground space, he was blessed by disaster and was promoted to a half-step master.

But even so, Chen Fangyin was still in deep awe when facing Lin Lang, and did not dare to offend in the slightest. Because he knew that the youth sitting in front of him, who seemed harmless to humans and animals, was definitely an existence that was about to fall apart when he became angry.

Moreover, he also knew the identity of Lin Lang's special operations office. At this time, his actions respected and looked rather stiff.

"Tell me, now that the Chen family already knows that the catacombs are dangerous, why did you sneak in again." Lin Lang went straight in with no single point, and didn't go around a little.

As early as Chen Fangyin appeared underground, Lin Lang became suspicious, but then a casual sentence helped him complete his game. Once, he had several friendships with Chen Fangyin. Second, Chen Fangyin came from the Chen family in Chuanshu. If the Special Operations Department pursues it, I am afraid that the Chen family will also be implicated.

This was something he didn't want to see.

"General Lin joked and laughed. I only went underground once and was stuck in it. You also know that the ghost place is well connected and there is no light to support it, and you will get lost, and it ’s full of **** stuff. Interested there. "Chen Fangyin laughed.

How could Lin Lang believe him? Besides, he helped himself to lie. He snorted, an invisible momentum spread out, and the air seemed to be full of bone-killing killings, which made the neck cold.


Chen Fangyin's head hummed, this pressure was not directed at the other people in the cafe, but came straight to him. In this killing, it is like fighting against Tianwei.

With his hands clenched, he knocked the cup on the table and shattered into pieces, attracting a look around him.

"I can tell you a lie for you, and I can let you go forever at any time. You'd better think about it before you say it." Lin Lang fainted.

The coercion dissipated, Chen Fangyin eased for a while, the thoughts in his mind kept flashing, weighing the interests.

Since Lin Youye did not report it directly to the Special Operations Division, it proved that there was still room for discussion.

In the end, he hesitated for a moment, but still shouted, "In fact, the first time I went down to the tomb, the surviving tribe brought back an antiquities ..."

"The celebrity took the risk to remove an ancient bronze mirror from the main hall wall. This bronze mirror actually contained a huge secret. The owner also successfully engraved the next method on the bronze mirror, which was unexpected. The fact is that this exercise is unexpectedly consistent with the exercise uploaded by our Chen family ancestors. "

"The practice of Chen Jiazu is incomplete, but the mirror is more perfect and esoteric. The owner of the hometown is happy to pass this practice to the ordinary children. Finally, he has lived up to expectations. People have made great progress. In order to promote a realm, some of the better talents even jumped from the late martial artist to become half step masters. "

Having said that, Chen Fangyin sighed again and unbuttoned the collar. There was a golden totem there, which looked like a tattoo.

But it's not.

This is a kind of totem that grows from the body and covers the surface of the body, like blood vessels with golden light lines, intertwined with each other.

"Cultivation should have been a good thing. But you must have seen the changes that happened to us later. This is really a mirror contaminated with magical curses."

Talking, Chen Fangyin's face showed fear.

"Every Chen family who has practiced this technique has seen countless strange changes, or the pupils have turned to pale gold, or there are totems on me like me, and even a pair of ribs is born. To meat wings. "

"Later, even more horrible things happened. At least half of the people who practiced this practice were violent in retreat, even if the practice practice was suspended. And the proportion is still expanding."

"Heaven has given us strength, but it is also harvesting the lives of greedy people. The few lucky ones who can survive. Even if they are alive today, they may die next moment."

Chen Fangyin is heartbroken. These warriors are the foundation of the Chen family. Usually losing one is enough to be heartache for a long time. Now the mass deaths are a devastating blow to any Xiu Wu family.

Chen Fangyin sighed: "These days the house is so disturbed, and no less than a dozen masters invited to see it do not see any way. Some people advocate throwing away this evil door mirror, but Uncle Jianwu thinks that Mirrors interfered a lot. For the time being, the bronze mirrors were stowed and suppressed in the ground, and they waited until the owner woke up before making plans. "

"I think it is necessary to tie the bell to solve the bell. Since the mirror of the evil gate comes from the ground, most of the palaces have solutions to it, so they went to the grave on their own initiative."

Imagine that in this peaceful world, suddenly there are such a group of 'humanoids' out of the human category. A group of aliens among human beings, even if they are not hostile, can't keep up with curiosity and will be caught up for slice research.

This is why Chen Fangyin has been unwilling to disclose. Once a little wind comes out, the Chen family will usher in a devastating blow.

"Come here and let me see you."

Lin Lang frowned, called Chen Fangyin to his side, and consciously explored and studied for a while. He found that in the blood of Chen Fangyin, a large gold rune was imprinted, but these runes were chaotic and a mysterious power was recovering.

"This is ... the breath of the golden saint. The golden saint is also one of the big tribe among the universe, and its influence is not weaker than that of the bright tribe and dark tribe blood tribe. It is one of the few hegemons in the universe."

"I did not expect that the blood of the Golden Saint was flowing in the blood of the Chen family, most of which are descendants of the combination of the human race and the Golden Saint."

Lin Lang's brow slowed slightly: "It's not a big problem, it's a sign of blood recovery."

Human blood is imprinted with a large number of information chains and runes, which is the blood heritage. These blood lineages do not show up on weekdays, but they will awaken autonomously when there is a suitable opportunity. Many physical and mental characteristics from ancestors appear. This way of awakening is also called the phenomenon of returning to ancestors.

Returning to the ancestors is an opportunity, and you can find the mark of inheritance from the blood of the ancestors. But it is also a disaster. If no one is guarding by the side during the awakening, there is a great possibility that it will not be able to withstand the tremendous power of the blood pressure, and then it will ignite the blood veins to self-immolate and completely evaporate.

The Chen family inadvertently touched the phenomenon of returning to the ancestors, and there was no suitable hand protection method beside them, and many deaths and injuries would naturally occur.

"As long as those who have not practiced the exercises, nothing will happen." Lin Lang nodded: "I ask you, has Chen Miaoxuan practiced this exercise?"

Chen Fangyin froze, then shook her head: "My sister Miao Xuan did not like to fight and kill since she was a child, and her constitution is not suitable for cultivation, so she is still an ordinary person."

"That's good." Lin Lang bowed his head, and now that Chen Miaoxuan has no clue, he can rest assured.

Chen Fangyin was also clever, and from Lin Lang's few words, he guessed that the other party might have an understanding of their condition. So next he seemed to catch a life-saving straw and kept asking. The implication is to ask Lin Lang to help.

But Lin Lang did not agree.

Awakening of the blood-protecting method is not an easy task. Not only does it require similar blood, but it also requires a few measures to prevent it, and it takes a lot of energy, and he does not have this energy. What's more, apart from one Chen Miaoxuan from the Chen family, what did the other Chen family do to him?

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