Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 311: Come to Sichuan again

Road to Road, very Avenue.

Although Lin Lang can pass the exercises directly to everyone, but such as some sentiments, they cannot be taught. The only thing he can do is to add his own opinions to the exercises of each person, so as to pave the way for their future cultivation.

This evening, Lin Lang basically used it, no matter how many people didn't understand it, he first put the knowledge into their brains.

And the first three are all accomplished warriors, with good memory or comprehension. Basically, Lin Lang's words can be kept in mind.

It's noon on the railing. Lin Lang finally solved this worries.

After saying a few words to the family members, Lin Lang found Suzaku and embarked on the Sichuan plane with the latter.

Chuan Shu did have someone he cares about, but if you think about the past experience, no one should have happened during this time. So in terms of their safety, Lin Lang didn't have much worry.

On the plane, Lin Lang told Suzaku some knowledge about zombies. Suzaku had heard of these and heard Yunshan fog around, but still wrote down one by one.

"Is this guy really only twenty years old? How can he get along with him like an old knowledgeable monster?" Suzaku blinked, wondering.

As for the recent events in Chuanshu, Suzaku also probably told Lin Lang again. The origin at this time also began at a construction site in the suburbs of Shuzhong City.

The Chuanshu Chen family's construction company develops the suburbs, that is, the land in Xishanping. There was originally a large area of ​​shantytowns, but because it was backed by Xishan, the rock on the surface was very hard, and it was difficult for different forklifts to go down and out, so it was necessary to use directional blasting.

I don't want to wait for the explosive to explode, but it is a black tomb. Since then, homicides have often occurred near Xishanping, and there are many records of zombies.

The police also conducted investigations, but no valuable information came out, but it also damaged several elites. The intervention of the special operations team was also a heavy loss ...

Lin Lang listened carefully, from time to time, raised some questions and carefully considered. Not long after, the plane landed safely at Shuzhong International Airport.

After the two got off the plane, Suzaku took Lin Lang to a villa outside the city. This is one of the places where people from these special operations meet or contact.

"Old leader! Long time no see."

A hot-dressed woman over there looked up and posted it immediately.

This girl is Lu Huowu.

"Looks like you should have improved again?" Lin Lang laughed. I still remember when I first saw Lu Huowu, the latter practice was only in the middle of the warrior, and after he improved his exercises, Lu Huowu is now a true half-step master.

"Of course." Lu Huowu said with a smile: "It's not just the improvement that I have made, I still have a promotion, and the deputy leader of the fifth group is me."

Talking, Lu Huowu raised her chin proudly.

This is the change that her cultivation has brought to her.

"Who's the leader of the fifth group now?" Lin Lang looked at it.

"It's a red-haired monkey. After the team leader left, the monkey replaced your position, but now ..." With that said, Lu Huowu's look was also dim: "When the tomb broke out, the fifth group of training The ground was the closest. The monkey took seven team members deep into the ground, but did not know what happened below. Almost the entire army was annihilated. Only the monkey escaped, but now he is on the line. "

"Huh?" Lin Lang frowned. The monkey was still half of his apprentice. His talent was much higher than the rest of the team members. Now Xiu is afraid that he is already in the middle of transformation.

He couldn't even resist, let alone others.

"Now Tieshan is the acting team leader. The old team leader please come with me. Now the red hair is placed in the back room, and my life is alive."

Lu Huo was leading the way, and Lin Lang and Suzaku followed each other. After passing the corridor, they came to an air-conditioned room surrounded by several modern testing instruments.

Lying on the sickbed was the monkey. It was still the same red hair as before, but his face was pale and pale, but his lips were still dry. His eyes were closed, and the only thing that was sure was that he was still alive.

"Old leader. Lord Suzaku." Everyone got up to salute. A few did not know their identity and stood up.

In addition to the monkeys in the room, there were also a large group of people around. Among these people, Lin Lang has very few familiar faces. Some are newcomers this year. Others are either killed in disasters or transferred to other groups to hold important positions.

Among these people, Lin Lang saw a slightly familiar face. He is also a half-step grandfather, who was Bai Yutang of the Bai Family of the Four Great Shushu Family.

"How is he? How could he be related to the special operations department." There was a panic on Bai Yutang's face.

But Lin Lang's gaze was only passing over his face, and then he put it on the red-haired monkey on the hospital bed.

Lin Lang stepped forward, the spiritual force turned into a silk thread, and lightly penetrated into the body of the red-haired monkey. Considering that the monkey's body can't withstand the current torture, Lin Lang has differentiated the aura silk into a thousand parts, controlled by the senses, and walked endlessly in the monkey.

"We have also found professional doctors. Even Dr. Chen from the city hospital was invited by us and used a lot of modern inspection methods, but it still does not help."

"They all speculate that the team leader should be said to be in a neurotoxin." Tieshan sounded as if Hong Zhong's voice sounded, echoing throughout the room. Seeing this, Lu Huowu made a snoring gesture, Tieshan knew, and quickly shut up in fear of disturbing Lin Lang's inspection.

After a long while, Lin Lang's brow frowned.

"this is……"

Lin Langmei flashed a doubt between them.

"How long has he become like this?"

"It has been about two months since the tomb erupted," Lu Huowu replied.

"For two months, it's incredible to be able to persist until now." Lin Lang nodded.

"Is there a way to save it?" Lu Huowu carefully.


Lin Lang did not rush to start, but thought for a while. Monkeys are indeed poisoned with something similar to neurotoxins, but compared to neurotoxins developed by current technology, this is even more violent and has approached the soul poison.

Divine poison, as the name suggests, can specifically deal with the things of monks, such things are strong and weak, stronger like the spread of the plague, can directly kill large blocks of monks to repair the low, but to deal with the monk who is arrogant Powerless.

Divine poison is also very common. It is generally used in large-scale wars in the fairyland. A piece of poison is enough to be placed in a monk's army within a thousand miles.

"I seem to have seen something similar on the earth." Lin Lang murmured: "Yes, the elixir that Lu Beidou took at the Budo Convention was similarly effective."

At the beginning, Lu Beidou became a half-life and half-dead state because of family clashes. In this way, he had almost no pain and easily defeated the master who was also in the early stage of transmigration. In a short time, he could even compete with the middle of transmigration.

However, before the time allowed Lin Lang to inspect, Lu Beidou's body disappeared.

"Compared to the elixir under Lu Beidou, the poison in the monkey is much weaker. The elixir completely eroded the spirit of Lu Beidou in one day." Lin Lang pondered. If it were not so, monkeys would not be able to sustain it now.

"But it is not difficult for me to solve the neurotoxin."

Lin Lang raised his hand gently. Neurotoxins are like the bones of the cheekbones. It is difficult to get rid of the monks when they are contaminated. The only way is to destroy them with pure knowledge.

Monkeys are just warriors. They have not cultivated the method of consciousness, so they can easily poison him.

"If I haven't practiced the consciousness of God to the extent of transformation, I'm afraid it will take some work to solve it."

"But for me, it's just a small matter."

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