A middle-aged man in a commoner's clothing walked down the mountain, his clothes sloshing behind him. He looked at the layout of the villa around the hilltop with ease, and he couldn't help showing his appreciation.

"The famous Lin Youye does have something extraordinary."

This person is exactly Zhonghai Duanhao!

Although China Shipping is only a municipal level, it is more famous than the North and South Liao provinces. Although Zhonghai is not the provincial capital, it is one of the municipalities directly under the Central Government. It is known as the Magic City and was the most prosperous city before liberation. Today, China ’s most prosperous city also tops the list.

Compared with Kyoto, the prosperity of China Shipping is far above. However, if it comes to the gold content of big men, then Zhonghai will be far behind. After all, Kyoto was the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties, and it was also the capital and the place where the heads of the country gathered.

But apart from Kyoto, the largest influence in the country is China Shipping.

Until Duan Zhenghao walked into the villa, Lin Lang's ear still echoed the voice of Wang Xixiang.

"Duan's power is still above the Wang family. If he can't afford the conflict, he will try to maintain peace."

"Duan Zhenghao's reputation is not obvious, and even the dark list failed to count his combat effectiveness completely, and he can only rank behind ten. But the actual strength is unfathomable. It is said that he had a draw with Nozawa Sword God in private. It's a rumor, but it's also credible. "

"If you fight against him, you will probably lose."

Until now, Mr. Wang is still full of sadness, thinking that although Lin Lang is confident to fight against Shenjing, he is still a bit worse than the old peak masters like Duan Zhenghao.

He didn't get any news about the relocation of the Dark List, nor was he aware of Lin Lang, Lin Shenye's affairs.

The more calm Lin Lang was, the more uneasy Father Wang was. He knows that his grandson has always been arrogant and lost his temper. When encountering a character like Duan Zhenghao, there will be friction between eighty and ninety percent.

Wang Xixiang sighed aside.

However, what happened the next moment made him stunned.

"Duan Zhenghao met Master Lin." Duan Zhenghao was kind.

Wang Yan Xiangteng stood up and looked at Duan Zhenghao inconceivably. Duan Zhenghao also felt something. His eyes fell on Wang Haoxiang, and he smiled and said, "You should be the new Grand Master Wang Haoxiang. I have heard of your name."

Mr. Wang was shocked and flattered, "It is a joy to have Master Duan remember his name."

"You can't go to the Three Treasures Hall, Master Duan, are you here for me?"

Lin Lang opened the door directly to see the mountain, and was too lazy to have a relationship with Duan Zhenghao. Anyway, the two of them didn't know each other. The old man with the surname Duan ran from Zhonghai.

"Don't you let Grand Master Duan sit down, wouldn't it be that the guest suddenly broke out." Wang Yanxiang smiled and swept the stone bench.

Duan Zhenghao glanced and laughed: "Anyway, I'm casual. There are few words anyway, and I'm done standing up."

Wang Yanxiang glanced suspiciously at Duan Zhenghao. Such a well-known role in the martial arts world of Huaxia is really such a casual person?

During Duan Zhenghao's visit, Lin Lang's approach was to break into the divine realm. He has been stuck in the divine realm for more than ten years, and his understanding is no better than that of Zhao Zilong and Yinyang Taoist. So until now he has been unable to do anything.

Duan Zhenghao's nose is much better than that of Master Wang. He is also a master of transmigration. The newly-increased master of natural forest Youye has gained a reputation from the martial arts convention, and it is incredible how less than a year he has become a powerful man comparable to the gods.

Therefore, he lowered his stance and came to Lin Youye in front of him with an open mind to ask for advice.

Divine realm has always been a mystery.

A mystery that keeps all the great masters away. There are even more than a thousand master-level powers in the world, but there is no word from the god-powered powers other than the recent Huaxia two. However, in terms of the proportion of Huaxia, it is estimated that there are no more than twenty gods in the world.

Under such big data, we can see how difficult it is to enter the divine realm.

Moreover, in addition to the unpredictable whereabouts of the Divine Power, even if it can be found, it is self-explanatory. It is impossible to pass down the method of entering the Divine Power and add a threat to itself.

If there is a divine master like the King of Killers or Nozawa Sword God, Zhao Zilong's understanding is okay, but it can be difficult for a person like Duan Zhenghao who has no mastery and second master.

The dilemma of the divine realm is like a heavenly cross in front of all the masters!

"I'm old, if I don't do the last blog, I'm afraid that this life will be missed from the divine realm." Duan Zhenghao sighed, years smoothed his corners, and the mystery of the divine realm almost obliterated all his patience. Asking a younger generation is not an embarrassment for him.

"Although I don't know about Divine Realm and I haven't seen the real Divine Realm, I should have guessed it too." Lin Lang shook his head slightly.

"The reason the gods are called the gods is because they have the power that mortals cannot imagine. They can travel too spiritually, their bodies can break the peaks, they can ride the wind, they can resist the fire."

"Spiritual, flesh, energy and qi, these methods are actually just basic courses in front of the true practitioners, but any accomplished cultivator can do better than them."

Lin Lang did not sweep away from himself, and revealed his understanding and guessing of the divine realm. Similarly, there is no need to hesitate. By the time Duan Zhenghao becomes a god, it is estimated that he is already an innate monk and deterred the entire star.

Whether Duan Zhenghao has a chance to enter the realm of God, these have little impact on him.

Duan Zhenghao's body shook slightly, immediately reminiscent of all the news about the divine realm: "Zhao Zilong practiced, secretly, and practiced together. The yin and yang Taoists were geniuses who practiced and practiced together, so they both became Divine Realm. "

"In order to simplify cultivation, the world may split the complete system into four types: horizontal training, dark energy, cultivation, and psychicism. There are few ways to exercise the soul. One of the 10,000 warriors can understand the psychic. That's right. So most warriors only know that there are only the first three systems in the world. "

Speaking of which, Lin Lang frowned. This is for simplification, and it is obviously more complicated, causing the true cultivators on the entire star to wither.

"Is it because there was no cultivation system on the earth, and these four methods have been created a little bit by future generations? It's just that the gods have realized this, why no one has heard the wind."

Suppressing the doubts in the bottom of his heart, Lin Lang faintly voiced out: "If you want to be a god, you can only go through the four ways."

Duan Zhenghao was not a stupid person. After listening to Lin Lang's words, he seemed to be indulged and lost in thought. He also considered the four methods to be unified, but it was time-consuming and labor-intensive, although his strength would soar, but he did not have the time and thought at all.

His goal has always been only one divine realm, and he has not devoted much effort to other methods. This attitude, which is sharp and horny, has directly caused him to delay further.

"The real cultivator?" Duan Zhenghao clearly recalled the key points from Lin Lang's words. Although he had not heard of the term, he was very knowledgeable and did not ask more. This is a secret he has no access to. Will provoke disgust in vain.

"Zhonghai Duanshi, Mr. Yang taught Da En."

Duan Zhenghao bowed down and worshiped. The teenager in front of him was less than twenty years old, but he felt like an old monster who had been immersed in the realm for many years.


After Duan Zhenghao left, Wang Yanxiang also looked at Lin Lang with the same eyes as a monster. His grandson always liked to surprise people. Before, he went out to visit even Duan Zhenghao.

He had just thought about asking, and a silver bell laughed outside the door.

Meng Xiyue's little girl arrived.

She and Wang Xiaomei came back with her.

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