Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 292: Everyone is shocked

"Master, I was wrong!"

Yujin Jingyi threw herself on his knees.

"I remember that you used to rely on me this way, and now you have the skills to do it again. Do you really think that I am a kind-hearted, non-killing generation?" Lin Lang fainted, and he walked slowly to In front of Yujin Jingyi.

Yujin Jingyi's head was buried lower.

Suddenly, her cat's waist violently stabbed, and her fingernails pierced forward.

A cold mang flashed, the armour was suspended in the air, a magnesium-stricken head rolled a few times on the ground, and blood entered the column.

"There are traitors wherever they go. You can't be a little soft to treat traitors." Lin Lang sighed. Even after walking through the fairyland for thousands of years, even if I have made a lot of caring friends, I have built a huge ancestral gate with thousands of descendants. Even so, there are still some anti-bones who choose to leave or betray him at the lowest point.

People's hearts are not old, and they have become more pessimistic after much experience.

He turned slightly, and pointed towards the Ujin family ninjas behind him. A cloud of blood exploded, and a ninja who wanted to take the opportunity to escape also turned himself into a cloud of black mist.

However, these Utsu ninjas who started ninjutsu still looked awkward in front of a cultivator. One point to the past, the ninjas of the Utsu family exploded, and none survived.

Half a minute passed.

Blood flowed into the main hall of the Shirakawa family, and Ujin Ninja survived.

"Are they all dead?" Shirakawa Sakura saw it, still feeling as if in a dream. Once the warriors of the Shirakawa family tried hard to resist and failed to block the pace of these ninjas, but now Lin Lang returns only two or three minutes later, these savage generations are all buried.

The contrast between the front and back made her difficult to accept.

"Fortunately, the owner is back, and then it is too unthinkable." Shirakawa Sakura secretly rejoiced.

"Master, why did you come back, the dark world has confirmed your death ..."

Lin Lang held his head.

Indeed, he has disappeared for a long time compared to the world. This time the wound was the worst in his history. Not only was the cultivation near, but even the soul was consumed. Xiuwei is okay to say, but in terms of spirits, he had to spend a lot of time to make up for it.

It took two months to return to its peak. For the rest of the time, he refined the source of the water-based spirit body in preparation for refining it into the next five elements.

At this time, in the spiritual ocean in his lower abdomen, four kinds of pure energy, fire, wood, water, and soil, were suspended, and only the last metallicity was left to begin to refine the five elements of the day after tomorrow.

"It's just that the gold spirits are not so easy to find, and the number is a few times smaller than the other four. If you can't find it, then you can only seek alternatives." Lin Lang whispered to himself.

If he can be made into a five-element spirit body, his flesh can regret missiles, and even the flesh can kill the divine realm alone.

This is the strength of the five elements!

But in a flash, Shirakawa Sakura thought of another important thing, and said softly: "Master, now Japan should want the owner's trace everywhere, should we hide ..."

"No need to hide. Since returning, let the world know that Lin Youye is back!" Lin Lang whispered softly.

Shirakawa's eyelids are another jump.

She is the person who has been around since Lin Lang came to Japan. It started with the things of Masao Akasaka and went on to defeat the army. She knew better than anyone that this man was definitely not the character that broke his teeth and swallowed in his stomach.

"Since he chooses to come back, maybe how many people will be killed." Shirakawa thought secretly.

"You will stay with the Shirakawa family first. When I destroy the Ujin family and pull out the hidden dangers one by one, I will take you back to Huaxia."

Shirakawa Sakura was shocked.

Naturally, she understood the meaning of Lin Lang's sentence, which was her core.

Lin Lang turned indifferently, looking like a human, and stepping on the edge of the window, drifting out silently.

Looking at the back of Lin Lang's departure, Shirakawa Sakura's heart suddenly rose with a violent shock. That figure is not burly and powerful, but it is such a person, but it can be overwhelmed by the magnesium country, causing the whole country to change its position. It was a spirit that disturbed the sky, Wei Ling Tianyu.

"Master, I wait for you ..."

Shirakawa Sakuramu was full of firm light. With such a person, even if it is the enemy of the entire Japanese nation!


The Ujin family, once one of the few major families in Japan, is on par with the Shirakawa family who once had a master's seat.

Today, the Ujin family has turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the fire waves are soaring, no matter how the groundwater is drawn from the pump, it will not help.

After a long while, the Ujin family, once in the turmoil of Japan, was in ruins. Above this ruin, an indifferent figure stood in mid-air, looking at the broken wall and stump where Mars still flickered, without any tenderness.

The Ujin family is over!

About ten minutes later, the figure left calmly.

In the Ujin family, Lin Lang not only wiped out all the troubles, but also caught a big fish, which was a Japanese minister.

It was from this minister's mouth that he learned of the meeting that was directed against him.

"Since you made the plan early, you should know that the plan is faster than changing." Lin Lang's mouth rose with a cold arc.

In the early morning of the next day, a certain minister died at his home and his body was separated. The scene was so **** that the coroner vomited and finished the report.

At the same time, bad news came from various places.

Another big man who was once involved in the "Siege of the Forest and the Forest" project made a report in the office. A man enveloped in the dark mist suddenly broke in and assassinated him completely.

A high-profile minister died in the office. A big man in charge of legal affairs died on the lover's bed, his chest and back were pierced by a sword. Two naked figures remained in a lingering posture, hugging each other tightly, but the body was cold.

Another big man from Ise Jingu was walking on the street. A young man was suddenly killed in a dark alley, fighting for several rounds.

Even though Shirakawa Sakura knew that Lin Lang's trip would make a big noise in his trip, he never expected that his courage would be so big!

In a row ... killed six high-ranking Japanese nations.

These ... But they are all big men standing at the top of Japan!

"If it is spread internationally, it may be a storm." She thought secretly.

Sure enough, the next morning. This news could no longer be hidden, like a storm sweeping the world.

When the news came out, the world was shocked!

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