Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 275: Confession on the train

Kasuga Grand Shrine, one of the few major shrines in Japan. According to rumors, a **** was born here. The Emperor Taisho also took a number of ministers to hold a large-scale visit a century ago. Heyday.

Lin Lang, with her two daughters of Shirakawa Sakura, walked around the Kasuga Grand Shrine and swept around in consciousness. Lin Lang did not find any deities, even the main idol in the temple was wingless. And fly.

"The Great God of Spring is not here. Is his idol lost to the folk like the Inari god?" Lin Lang frowned, suppressing this thought in his heart.

After a little strolling, Lin Lang was also lacking in interest, and rushed to the next great club with the other two women.

Close to Kasuga Grand Shrine is Kiyomizu-dera Temple, but there are many pilgrims near Kiyomizu-dera Temple, but there is still no trace of divine realm. The same situation can't help happening here, even the Meiji Jingu Shrine and Fushimi Inari Shrine are in a consistent state.

All of them are full of incense, and there is bound to be a sacrificial **** born. But now no one shrine sits in town, as if it disappeared out of thin air.

"Is it because several gods are afraid of their master's power, and in the past two months they have escaped from the vanguard?" Shirakawa's heart murmured.

"Soon we will meet. Go and go to the last Yasaka Shrine." Lin Lang's mouth turned a weird arc.


Yasaka Shrine is much more remote than several other great shrines that are full of incense. It is located on an island north of Tokyo called the empty island, adjacent to the border area. During this period, you will also cross a vast strait, and ordinary private vehicles will drive there only for a day and night.

Moreover, because of the strait in the middle, the Shinkansen that runs through the entire territory of Japan is not open to traffic. Only a few trains can reach it directly.

A white-skin train heading to the empty island followed the wind and hurried down the railroad.

A handsome young man, two beautiful girls sitting on each side.

He is Lin Lang.

After defeating Nozawa Sword God, he finally reached the late foundation period after more than two months of retreat in the Shirakawa family.

The train was running smoothly. Opposite Lin Lang, there were a group of young men and women sitting in fashionable clothes, and their conversation was fluent in Chinese dialect, which was quite exciting.

The woman in the center of the seat has a layer of light powder makeup on her face, a professional slim-fit hip dress, a short messy air fringe in front of her shawl, and she looks quite capable. She should be a white-collar woman.

She is obviously the center of several people. A group of men are constantly attentive, but He Jiaren has no intention, and flattery is nothing.

His eyes fell on the opposite youth, and he scrutinized for a long while, and said softly, "A foreign country, I didn't expect to meet a compatriot, should you also be a Chinese?"

Lin Lang looked up and smiled: "How did you know?"

"This is actually very recognizable. I don't hide that I was doing fashion design. Japanese people are more inclined to local DAIDOH, TS, or Wuyin good products. How many Japanese people will wear Huaxia Lining." Female The white-collar worker smiled and smiled. Because of this, she guessed Lin Lang's nationality.

"Good eyesight." Lin Lang smiled dumbly, this is really a specialty of the surgery industry.

The white-collar man sitting beside the female white-collar pinched his lips, and there was a scorn of disdain in his eyes: "What good is a domestic brand? I now earn 30,000 a month. I would not wear something like Lining a few years ago."

At this moment, the train entered a gorge with fog on both sides, and in the dimness, the front road could not be seen with the lights on it, forcing the train captain to ask the driver to slow down.

The female white-collar worker was obviously very interested in chatting with Lin Lang. There was a hint of jealousy in the eyes of the male white-collar worker beside him.

"You are also traveling in Japan, oh, are these two beauties your friends?" Ren Xuetao looked at the two big beauties on the opposite side, and it seemed that each of them could win more than her.

Ren Xuetao is the name of the female white-collar worker. This time, it was difficult for the company to organize together and allocate funds to travel to Japan.

"They are my servants." Lin Lang shook his head.

"What?" Ren Xuetao was slightly surprised. "Have you ever played at every house?"

She probably didn't quite understand, but the men around her looked at each other and laughed out loud.

"Brother you are playing role-playing, alas, maids will add more fun."

Lin Lang didn't say a word, and the second daughter didn't react in the slightest.

"Maid?" Ren Xuetao responded immediately, and she was not a rookie new to the workplace. Even though these terms have not been played, at least they have been heard.

But the second daughter's reaction surprised her a little.

"Maybe you don't quite understand what he is talking about as a maid, but this kid should not be serious, we'd better stay away from him." The male white-collar whispered to Ren Xuetao's ear.

Ren Xuetao seemed unheard of, but Lin Lang was talking up. This makes the jealousy and dignity of male white-collar workers burn like never before.

"Ren Xuetao, in fact, I have liked you for a long time. The two of us have known each other for three years, and I have worked hard to make myself outstanding. I know that I am worthy of you."

"I have never had the courage to tell you these things. I can only follow you silently and fall in love with you secretly, but today I finally realized that I can no longer delay and I don't want to waste your youth on work. "

"So in the future, I want to raise you, and I want to take care of you forever."

The male white-collar worker did not know where to turn a delicately packed jewellery box, and gently opened it, which contained a carved necklace, inlaid with blue diamonds. At first glance, it was expensive.

He knelt down on one knee and solemnly pushed the necklace forward. Several friends in the same group also acted at this moment, romantic music sounded, a group of nine people each held a bunch of roses, surrounded Ren Xuetao in the sea of ​​flowers.

Obviously, they also helped prepare for a long time.

Romantic music, mixed with the blessing of ‘agree with him’, is unexpected, but also gives a little touch.

Ren Xuetao was a little flustered, but he calmed down the next moment: "Actually ... we are not suitable."

Ren Xuetao directly rejected his courtship.


"No, but feelings can't be controlled, not to mention I want to be excellent, now I am not qualified to talk about love." Ren Xuetao shook his head.

"But I love you!" The male white-collar worker was almost hysterical. He glanced, venting his anger on Lin Lang, pointing at Lin Lang, anger and shame: "I can't compare him to a kid he just met, what is he Just a **** wearing a broken Lenin. "

"And I have a stable income and are highly valued by thousands of directors. His monthly salary is more than 30,000, which is enough to support the family. What is better than him ?!"

"How can you think of me like this, am I the kind of woman in your heart." Ren Xuetao's face was slightly angry, but her heart was scornful.

"He is indeed wearing Ling, but the two girls around her are not ordinary, and the tide cards all over the body are even more than 100,000 yuan. Being able to be with such a person, even in slippers and pants, is not ordinary. . "

Ren Xuetao was deeply worried about the other party's IQ.

At this moment, the train trembled violently, and then a loud noise came out, which seemed to hit something.

A boulder came down from the sky, just stopped in front of the train, the front of the car was the first, and the driver stepped on the brake too late, shaking heavily on the boulder.

The four huge figures like mountains floated in the air, all of them glaring with majesty, as if they were living like ants, and looked indifferently at the front of the car crashing into scrap iron, and the body was thrown out of the rail for more than ten meters.

The car was killed and numerous injuries and deaths were caused.

Lin Lang's carriage was relatively fortunate, but he did not fall to the ground after sliding out more than ten meters away.

The passengers were shocked.

At this moment, Lin Lang's body shook slightly, his eyes were like a torch: "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

He stomped lightly, the iron on the roof of the car was like nothing, and the whole person was like a sharp arrow off the string, crashing into the car and flying out.

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