Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 268: Refining Divine Power

The dark clouds dispersed, the sky returned to tranquility, and the huge figure standing up to the sky disappeared suddenly.

"The gods ... fall."

Everyone's head slammed and fell completely into a stagnation. How to say it is more than hundreds of years of history to sell gods. The lords of Hachimangu have died ten times, and she still lives well. However, it is such a long-lived deity, and today it was completely killed by a Chinese god.

"No, no, he has great magical powers and has unlimited resurrection ability. He will not be beheaded so easily." The master of Hachimangu mumbled repeatedly, like a madman.

It can be said that betraying God is his life-long belief. At this moment, it is fragmented, and he cannot believe, even more acceptably.

Although the two sacrifice of the Ujin family are not as fanatical as the Lord of the Hachimangu, they can at least realize one thing. When the **** of death died, it was the day they were buried. opportunity.

When everyone's minds were different, the clouds in the sky gathered again into a film, and a loud and ridiculous laughter sounded.

"Hahaha, Lin Youye, you can't kill me. In this Hachimangu, I have almost unlimited resurrection ability. Why can't you help me?"

Heiyun crushed the city, and was restored again than the **** of betrayal. He did not die, and was still a fifteen-meter-high intact god.

This is the special part of sacrificing God. His belief is endless, and he will never die. Especially in his shrine, the power of faith is almost endless. As long as he does not step out of the shrine, even if killed, he can be resurrected in a short time.

"I noticed the grievances of the gods in your body. That should be the breath of Inari God. You should have contacted the Inari God. Maybe it is the way he gave you to exercise the sense of God." Bibi God said softly.

"She killed me." Lin Lang said lightly.

Bishen's pupils shrank, staring at Lin Lang for a while, as if to see him through.

"Yes, since the statue of Inari has been lost a hundred years ago, her divine power has begun to weaken. It is understandable to die in your hands from the shrine of your birthplace."

Bibi God nodded: "But the **** is different. Countless believers worship. As long as they are still alive, I am immortal."

From the perspective, more and more citizens outside the Hachimanguo stepped out of the street and faced the position of the Hachimangu. They worshiped devotionally and kept slanging in their mouths, asking God to kill the demons.

"Did you see that this is God? Whether it is a fool or a wise man, God's territory must be surrendered at the feet of God."

The voice of Tiaoshen was rumbling, as if thundering, he stood high and looked down at the ants below.

"That may not be so." Lin Lang shook his head gently: "You have already lost three levels of combat power once you have died once, and you have no chance to stand up."

The words fell, and the goddess of Bishang suddenly fluctuated violently. Countless thunder arcs flickered and climbed on Bishou's body. The thunder grew bigger and bigger, and a loud explosion broke out.

His face changed much more than that of the **** of mercy, and the corners of his mouth were full of fear. He felt that there was a terrifying atmosphere of destruction in his body, enough to destroy it thousands of times.

That was the Thunder, and it was the countless Thunders that Lin Lang had released before. They did not erupt at the time, but were lurking in the body of Bishen, and when it was reborn again, these thunders finally came together and were compatible with his body.


Lin Lang opened his silent mouth. With the horrific explosion that destroyed the world, the entire Hachimangu shrine was blown and shaken a few times, and everywhere was a broken wall. The shrine was the first to be shattered.

The dark clouds dispersed and formed again, resurrected than selling gods, and those thunderbolts grew like the bones of the cheekbones, together with his **** body.

It was another earth-shattering explosion, which was shattered again.

A few times back and forth, the resurrected than the **** of selling has been tormented, the body of God is almost transparent. Indeed, every resurrection will damage a large part of the divine power, and now he is less than 10% compared to the heyday. Maybe a random cultivator who comes with a sense of God can kill him here.


Lin Lang reached into his hand and sucked the blessing **** of mercy into his hands. A completely transparent soul body shrine was not the size of a palm and curled up into a ball. This is where his essence lies.

There was an uproar outside Hachimangu. The believers seemed to be crazy, roaring around the street. Their pious prayers never worked again, and the oracle was killed by demons.

This time, the **** has really fallen! There is no possibility of rebirth.

Lin Lang sat directly on the floor, and the soul opened his mouth, swallowing the soul of Bishan, and began to digest it.

Huge divine power rolled in and turned into a spirit that refined Lin Lang's spirits, but Bi Shen's spirit was like a hammer. Knocking on Lin Lang's spirit caused a slight shock. At the same time as the shock, The spirit of God is also shrinking at a speed that is imperceptible to the naked eye.

In countless trials and hardships, Lin Lang's spirit is getting stronger and stronger, and Hachimangu has a heartfelt faint atmosphere, which is even more powerful than the previous Bisami.

Like a rising sun, leaving the old to welcome the new, full of majesty and vigor.

Those believers who were still saddened by the fall of the **** of mercy are also quieting down at this time.

"God, come back!"

I don't know who was the first to speak and bowed down one by one around them, maybe in their hearts, they always thought that Bisami would not die, and now the resurrection is still Bisami.

After three days, Lin Lang slowly opened his eyes, and a shivering sensation erupted. The pair of black and bright eyes, like the stars of the universe, were quiet and deep.

Beside him, the female ninjas of the Uzu family and Shirakawa Sakura turned left and right, guarding them quietly. At this point, the female ninja had faded the black cloth on her body, exposing that extremely enchanting face.

She and Shirakawa Sakura are two very different beauty, one is a **** and charming fairy, a well-behaved maid.

"the host."

"Have met the master."

The two left and right, leaning slightly at the same time, as if they had been trained countless times, neat and respectful.

Ujin Jingyi was the female ninja. At the time of the first explosion of the **** of mercy, the master of the Hachimangu and the male ninja were killed directly because they were closer, and they were farther away. This was a fluke. Escaped.

It was also she who helped to protect Shirakawa Sakura in the explosion.

"You can also be regarded as a master master, and then you will follow Shirakawa Sakura and take care of the Japanese affairs for me. If you are half-hearted, you will know the consequences." Lin Lang glanced lightly.


Yujin Jingyi stunned slightly.

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