The first group to rush out was the external forces of the Nozawa family. These people held swords and sticks, and they should be trained elites and warriors.

The scene was annihilated, the sword was sharp, and the cold light reflected was like a mirror, which made people chill.

Nozawa Hideo walked like a tiger, hurriedly out of a side hall.

"Who noisy the Nozawa family and cut him off!"

Nozawa Hideo looked cold and immediately ordered.

The daily security work of the Nozawa family was carried out by Nozawa Hideo. Therefore, there was a noise and he was the first to rush out.

In the past, the Xiaozi who ran across the ancient altar house was not absent. In the past few years, there was also a self-respecting Chinese master who threatened to challenge Nozawa Sword God and rushed into it with a spirit of dynamism. He failed to pass and was beaten to death.

Since then, the ancient altar has become even more powerful, and both domestic and foreign powerhouses must be polite.

Now dare to come to the Gutanju trouble, there is only one way to die!

With the orders of Hideo Nozawa, everyone rushed forward, and the steps were uniform. Both the sword and the sword were at the same time, and they cooperated with each other.


However, to deal with these people, Lin Lang just raised his hand gently. Several simple and variable runes were shot from his hands. The light shone. A purple-golden long sword appeared out of thin air. It was about five feet long. It is full of obscure runes.

Lin Lang held the sword with one hand and walked in the air. At the next moment, the sword was long in the wind. The beam erupted from the point of the sword. The sword was energy, and it was extended like a beam. This slows down to eight meters.

"Any ants."

Lin Lang swept across with a sword, just like a future soldier controlling laser weapons in a science fiction movie. Every time he raised his sword and fell, countless Nozawa people were cut into two sections from the waist and abdomen to separate the upper and lower flesh.

The long sword was cold and ruthless, and one after another, the Yeze people rushed forward and fell down, one batch faster than the leek. Unconsciously, Lin Lang harvested the lives of Nozawa's children, and the blood flow under his feet drifted away, but he continued to march forward unconsciously.

In just a minute or two, Lin Lang took ten steps, and the corpse was all over the ground behind him. The sharp edge came out, and even the hard stones where he went were one and a half.

"What the **** is this!"

Numerous Yeze people watched their peers fall down one by one, and they were all trembling. Hundreds of people formed a siege of siege. Not only did they fail, but they were all killed by fluttering slaughter. This is not a monster.

No one dared to rush forward anymore. Even if they beat their brains, they were brainwashed by the idea of ​​‘loyalty to the family, and then died’, but now this completely meaningless sacrifice is not willing to kill them.

Each stepped back, and always kept a distance of seven or eight meters with Lin Lang.

Hideo Nozawa was protected by the clan, watching his clan fall one after another, his eyes red.

"Retreat, and change the firearms team." Hideno Nozawa was stunned. Each of these powers is a master trained at a high price. Without three years and five years of training, he wouldn't want to create one. Now he ca n’t be upset when he is killed by people like chickens and dogs.

His words fell, and a large group of people rushed out of the side hall, and they held all the firearms in their hands.

The reason why the Nozawa family was enshrined as a state within a country is largely due to their strength. No matter the three realms of the political, commercial, and military, there are everywhere in the shadow of the Nozawa family.

As the base of the Nozawa family, the ancient altar house will not be weak in defense. In addition to the outermost swordsman thugs, the inner layer is also highly defensive. Not only are there light heat weapons such as pistols and shotguns, but even American automatic and semi-automatic rifles.

In the center of the family, in the brick of the main hall, two light machine guns were ejected from the gap.

With the exception of invisible aircraft missiles, these defensive forces are not inferior to some of the Japanese military midlands, and they can even form an elite private armed force.

Lin Lang's move inspired these amazing defense forces of the Nozawa family.

A muzzle of black holes pointed directly at Lin Lang, and everyone waited.

"Kill me and avenge the dead people!" Nozawa Ino sighed sharply, his arms raised and chopped down.

Da da da……

Dozens of firearms, dozens of guns fired at the same time, the last machine gun spewed a tongue of fire, the rate of fire was amazing. The sky is full of dense shadows.

"Damn monster, let's die!" The firearms' clan's faces looked at each other, fingerlessly pulled the trigger, the first shuttle shot was fired and refilled, for fear of killing Lin Lang.

The bullets they shot didn't feel bad at all. On the contrary, if they could kill the intruder, they would also receive a lot of rewards.

"Under such firepower, it would not matter to kill the great master of swordsmanship. He would not die more than a hundred times." Nozawa thought to himself, dozens of weapons with different powers were shot indiscriminately, saying that The first-class swordsman masters will be sieved even if the great master comes.

I don't know how many people look forward to Lin Lang being beaten into a horse honeycomb in order to revenge on his family.

However, at the next moment, Nozawa's gaze was condensed, his mind was shaking, and he was shocked.

Because he found that the man who should have been beaten into a horse honeycomb by thousands of bullets was unharmed at this time. Looking closely, an orange-yellow transparent mask rose from under his feet.

The brain's pouring out of the bullet can only cause the mask to vibrate slightly, not even to go deeper, let alone that the mask has a wide palm thickness. It is impossible to shoot in.

The warhead on the outside of the mask is like raindrops, and Lin Lang in the mask is unscathed.

"What kind of monster is he, even a bullet!"

A Nozawa horrified, holding the assault rifle in his hand, and did not know that he had changed the magazine several times. As for the muzzle, the bullet was also hot and red, and extremely hot.

Rao is so, he is still aiming and shooting mechanically, unknowingly, Lin Lang has already stepped in front of him, a dazzling cold light, and the headless body crashed into the ground.

The gunmen behind him were also not spared. They were swept by the beam of iron-sharpened swords, and they suddenly whimpered.

Lin Lang broke into the center of the firearms team and launched a killing ring. Wherever he passed, it turned into a sea of ​​blood and blood, and the people of the Yeze ethnic group lost their war intentions and fled like a bird of surprise.

A terrible guy who can't even kill bullets, what's the point of their stay here, it's not enough to kill them all by filling them with their lives.

The front line of gunfire was a thousand miles away. Ordinary people only feel that the calamity is imminent, and they are frightened one by one, and the stagnation can't stop, no matter how Nozawa Nozawa rectifies, it is irreparable.

"You guys, kill this rebellion with me!"

Several middle-aged and elderly people wearing military uniforms, long swords and red silk ribbons fell from the attic.

"It's Tingguang's several sword masters. We have been saved!"

The busy people refreshed and stopped a little.

The vast division of the court, the North Han sword division ... These people are the superpowers maintained by the Nozawa family, and also the foundation of the Nozawa family for so long. Each of them is a superb master of swordsmanship, some of them became famous early, and they have become famous all over the world without being born.

The first-class swordsman master of Japan is probably comparable to the peak warrior of Huaxia, and the master of swordsmanship corresponds to the transformation of Huaxia. As for the title of grand master, there is only one country in the whole country, which is Nozawa sword god.

"The vast majority of the court, please also take the shot to kill the wicked, revenge for the tribe who died!" Nozawa Hideo shouted away.

"Relax, leave it to us. If even a junior can't clean it up, I still have face to live in the ancient altar house."

The majority of the division sneered, his sword flickered with his thumb, and his sword bounced high, caught by his backhand in the air. The man who practiced swords must be the one who loves swords. His sword also has a lot of origins. It is said that a sword master who crossed the river a hundred years ago loves swords.

Several sword masters around him also showed their swords and conquered Lin Lang.

"The broad division of the court has been soaking swordsmanship for a few years. The sword in his hand is a three-point battle force, and he is not more than some swordsman masters. He should be able to cut and kill this person." Nozawa wished. .

"It's too weak." Lin Lang shook his head endlessly, and his fingertips were slashed to meet the sword. The first time the two came into contact, the river crossing sword was chopped into two sections. When he came out, he died under the sword.


The other two masters of swordsmen who tried to stop Lin Lang were swept away by Lin Lang's sword at random and turned into four sections.

Everyone was as dead as a chicken. Poor three well-known swordsman masters have never walked in a face to face, and died as many deaths as ordinary people, all of which were cut by one sword.

"What the **** is this monster?"

Nozawa Hideo only felt a chill straight from his feet to the sky cover, and his legs and stomach could not help but start to swell.

"Nozawa Sword God, still not showing up, I'm afraid you will be killed if you don't show up."

At this moment, a young, middle-aged man stepped out of the main hall. His face was gentle, full of book anger, and he didn't carry a blade like other people, and he didn't seem to have any hostility.

"His Excellency is noble, there is really no need to embarrass these ordinary people." The middle-aged whispered softly.

The first time this person appeared, the riots in the ancient temple were much smaller. Even Nozawa became respectful and attached to the middle-aged man, as if he had found the backbone.

"Patriarch, please also kill this colleague, and take revenge for the people who died." Zhongye Ze cried.

This person is the current patriarch of the Nozawa family, Nozawa Ichiro, also the brother of Nozawa Ichiro who siege Lin Lang in Sichuan and Sichuan. Don't look at his book-like atmosphere of books, in fact, it is not a good stubble, and his strength is even a line higher than Nozawa Jiro.

With his shots, he may be able to compete with the murderer. I do not know how many people in the middle Jiye Zeyi Lang shot to kill Lin Lang here.

"His Excellency must be Master Lin Youye of Huaxia." Nozawa Ichiro lowered his attitude without paying attention to the vengeful tribe.


"He is Lin You Ye of Huaxia!"

"It's him!"

Everyone took a breath of air, falling from Lin Youye in three words, and the whole scene was uproar. No wonder this person has such strength, it turned out to be Huaxia's famous master.

After the battle of Chuan Shu, Lin Youye's name is known to everyone. Not to mention the Japanese Kendo circle. Even if the extraordinary person in the whole world says that one does not know Lin Youye's name, they will be ridiculed by other friends into soil buns.

"No wonder, I knew he was Lin Youye, what else was there to fight." Nozawa Yingfu couldn't bear it. He knew that Lin Youye was in front of him, and it wouldn't help if he sent all the Yeze people.

"The old sword **** went out to visit friends in Tokyo, and he repaired a book before leaving, and asked the adults to look around."

Nozawa Ichiro respectfully respectfully pulled out a letter from his cuff and handed it forward.

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