Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 257: Into the building

In the Umeda Jinba Building, a man and a woman were walking unimpeded at this time. Occasionally, one or two unsuspecting staff members called out to be killed, and all were beaten out.

The man is Lin Lang, and the woman is Li Xiaoman.

He wasn't bored to the point that his anger was red, but that the group of Akasaka Masao had troubled him from the beginning, and it's really not his character to talk about it. Besides, he was unfamiliar with Japan, and wanted to ask Azawa's mouth to ask the position of the Nozawa family. After all, seeking the Nozawa Sword God was the real purpose of his trip.

There are several security guards downstairs in the building, which was thrown out of the window by Lin Lang. As for other places, there is basically no obstruction. The two drove straight ahead and hit the roof smoothly.

"Lin Lang, I think we can forget it, after all, Masao Akasaka has been entangled in Kanagawa for some years, and it is estimated that there must be a lot of hands."

Li Xiaoman changed into neat and tidy clothes and trot all the way behind Lin Lang's ass. Since seeing Lin Lang kill a dozen people alone, she has developed a blind self-confidence in Lin Lang.

But now, her self-confidence is completely insufficient.

After all, it was the old nest of Masao Akasaka, who knows how much he arranged in it. Unknown is fear.

"I always feel empty and not safe here, otherwise we should go back to the hotel for a long-term discussion." Li Xiaoman had already resigned, and secretly regretted that he had just gotten his head warm, regardless of coming with Lin Lang.

"Since you are afraid, you can go back." Lin Lang said lightly.

"Go, go! Whoever said that was scared!" Li Xiaoman bet.

Along the corridor, the two smoothly walked outside Masao Akasaka's office, and the office portal was wide open.

Seeing Lin Lang approaching, Akasaka Masayoshi looked close to Lin Lang with great vigilance.

Dajing Dajin raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the door with interest.

The woman in the black robe was sitting on the sofa and watching the movie quietly.

"Li Xiaoman, you are so brave, you haven't bothered you yet. You hit yourself." Masao Akasaka's face sank, and he was furious.

Li Xiaoman was a little flustered, dared not to look at him, and even dared not to speak. He had to hide behind Lin Lang in a flinch, revealing a petite and exquisite head.

"Smelly bitch, when this kid is killed, you will definitely see how you betrayed me. Let me take turns to taste your taste. There are not many people, about three or five hundred."

Akasaka snorted, and then set his eyes on Lin Lang again.

"You are a Chinese with the last name Lin. You are very courageous, and you alone dare to run to my old nest to scatter the wild."

"He said you were arrogant and dared to come in alone." Li Xiaoman acted as a translator, repeating the two in turn.

"Tell him, his men have disturbed me, and always ask him for justice." Lin Lang fainted.

Li Xiaoman translates according to the words, Akasaka Masao almost spit out the old blood, obediently, you robbed my woman first, and then beat me back and forth twice, you take it for granted, but who are we to suffer? .

"So what do you want to do?" Akasaka sneered, his face sinking like water.

Lin Lang thought for a moment, then said: "It's very simple. Compensate me 10 billion yuan, and then lead your forces to rely on me as much as possible. I can not investigate."

In fact, Lin Lang is not short of money. On the contrary, he has no idea about the amount of money. The so-called money is just a way of expressing attitude. Except that Akasaka has a bad life, there is nothing he can do.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Masahiro Akasaka shouted three good words and laughed angrily. "Now that you have a good conversation, it depends on your ability to get it!"

Akasaka slammed the tea cups in his hands down. Suddenly, a large group of thugs came up on the stairs, the swordsmen separated on each side, and Lin Lang surrounded the center with bad looks.

Several close friends also took advantage of this opportunity to stand in front of Masao Akasaka, and acted as human shields.

In addition, the innermost ones even took out a pistol from the back and aimed at Lin Lang. The muzzle of the black hole was pointed directly at the house.

"I don't seem to need my hands."

Dakai shook his head, took off his samurai sword, and laid it flat on the table.

With so many guns pointing, he will be killed by random guns with a slight change. Even if he is proud of his speed, he does not have the confidence to escape easily from the muzzle.

The woman in the black robe calmly sipped her warm tea, her face shrouded under the black robe, the ancient well was not waved.

As for Li Xiaoman, she was so pale that she was scared. This is really a gun. She has only seen this on TV since she was so big.

"I want a gun and a gun now, and someone, what else do you fight with me?" Akasaka also picked up an automatic pistol from the table and aimed at Lin Lang's chest.

"That's not always possible." Lin Lang shook his head: "In my opinion, these protections are completely unbeatable, and the gun can't hit me, and everyone is also a terrible dog."

Lin Lang turned back slightly, his feet moved slightly, and a few feet down kicked out the gunmen. The speed is amazing.

It wasn't until the dust settled that everyone's nerves reacted. The friends who were standing beside them had been kicked into the stairs by one foot, rolled a few times and then silent.

Akasaka's pupils shrank, and he knew that Lin Lang was difficult to entangle, but it was difficult for him to reach such a level that he had never expected.

Holding the pistol in his hand, he pulled the trigger at Lin Lang's head without hesitation.


After a gunshot, there was no longer Lin Lang in front of Akasaka. I do not know when, Lin Lang has stood up in front of Akasaka.

Lin Lang avoided the bullets in time, but the unlucky ghost behind him was not so lucky, and before he knew what was going on, he was shot dead by his boss.

"I said that your gun had no effect on me." Lin Lang said indifferently.

"Wait." Masakaru Akasaka suddenly asked, "Why can you avoid bullets, are you faster than bullets?"

"You were wrong. He relied on consciousness. Masters have this ability to foresee the danger, and dodging ahead of time before the bullets are fired." Sakai Datian said lightly.

Lin Lang is not bad, long before he could build a base, he was able to dodge the bullets calmly. At that time, he relied only on speed. Now, even if he doesn't dodge, prop up a magic shield with ordinary bullets. .

If it is repaired to be able to go up to another level, and then give full sacrifice to the night body method, it is not impossible to move faster than the bullet.

"That's the case, then I can rest assured." Masahiro Akasaka narrowed his eyes, and a sneer roused in the corner of his mouth.

The reason he separated from Lin Lang was to make it easier for the three snipers in the distance, but now, with the angle, the gun should be fired.

The two buildings are less than a hundred meters apart, and he doesn't believe that Lin Lang can have eyes behind him to foresee danger.

"You are waiting for those snipers, but they should not be able to fire now." Lin Lang fainted.

"How did you find them ..."

Akasaka's face changed slightly, and his heart rose awkwardly. The three snipers he hired for a long time should have been in place, but now they have done nothing. This could not help but make him wonder if the three were in trouble.

In fact, Lin Lang had swept the neighborhood before entering the building, and the snipers hidden in the building could not hide their eyes.

The way he dealt with these people was exactly the attack of the gods, turning the gods into silk threads, and passing the three men into a coma. This is still a long distance, if it is closer, with this hand is enough to completely break their minds.

But within a short period of time, a few of them were dying to make a difference.

Poppy poppy!

A round of applause sounded, Sakai Datian stood up arrogantly, held the knife with one hand, and walked towards Lin Lang: "His Excellency is a good way. Masahiro Akasaka's arrangement is nothing more than you, but his last guarantee is me."

Sakai Datian chuckled and commented, "Your speed is not bad, and the response is sensitive enough, but the power is too small, and the moves are not influent. If you can study some kendo, I believe that not only is the achievement, you have Qualified to be a second-rate swordsman. "

"The second-rate swordsman? What grade swordsman is Nozawa?" Lin Lang frowned.

"You also know the name of the old sword **** Nozawa. It's amazing." Sakai Oda said in surprise.

"Nozawa Sword God is the strongest of our Japanese nation. Naturally, his old man's ability cannot be described by a few streams. He is the Grandmaster of Kaishan, the most master swordmaster."

Speaking of this name, Sakai Daejeon also put on a look of respect, and even if he was proud of himself, he had to admit Nozawa's arrogance.

"Forget it, telling you that you don't necessarily understand it, let's fight. Your strength is very good. I don't want to chop you, but I have a bit of a grudge with you."

Sakai Datian shook his head endlessly.

"Xi Xiangxi, are you worthy?" Lin Lang raised his eyebrows lightly and made a noise. From the beginning to the end, this Sakai Datian completely regarded himself very high, and saw nothing worthy of him.

"court death!"

Sakai was so furious that he drew his sword upright and threw his scabbard aside. The blades in the stormy spot were endless, and the sword was stunned and powerful.

"Good knife! Sakai's knife is getting more sophisticated!"

Akasaka's shooting case is terrible. Even his layman knows that Sakai's sword is powerful.

However, as soon as the voice fell, Lin Lang single-finged his finger on Sakai's chest. Suddenly, Sakai Datian's blood spewed out, and the knife in his hand was messy before approaching Lin Lang.

Lin Lang flicked his fingers again, his energy burst out, and a winding dragon was looming, hitting Sakai's chest. Sakai murmured, retreated sharply, and fell to the ground after seven steps.


Akasaka Masao changed his face. No matter how he called, Sakai couldn't possibly be resurrected.

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