Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 251: Departure day

Wanli is clear and clear like a mirror, and there is a blue sky outside the window, and white clouds keep rolling backwards.

A week has passed, and Lin Lang also set off for Japan on this day. Kevis did not travel with him, but instead arranged for him to investigate the headquarters of the Dark Star. After all, as one of the five major international organizations, its division Departments are all over the world, but the headquarters are not so easy to find.

Even before Kevis, there was a surname with a surname on the dark list. He had only a faint understanding of the Darkstar headquarters information, and could only vaguely probe into the Darkstar headquarters near California. The specific news can only be waited for him to go there I started looking for friends.

In contrast, Japan is relatively close to Huaxia, and the Nozawa family is easy to find. Naturally, the first goal is them.

"Yesawa Sword God, you are known as the sword god, and you don't know if you are worthy of the name and whether it is worth my sword." , So it went silent.

With his ability, he can completely avoid security checks and hide a small and exquisite sword.

"Old fourth, for you."

Sun Mingze smiled and handed a glass of Arctic Ocean from the opposite side.

Not only is Lin Lang going to Japan, Sun Mingze is also going to the Japanese State Office, and he is not himself. His father is also sitting opposite him.

Sun Mingze's father had a dark complexion. Presumably, he passed it on to his son. He didn't say much. He didn't say a word since he got on the plane, and his face was mainly serious.

Not taciturn, but a unique temperament that can only be developed after a long time in the upper ranks. The reason why he didn't speak, presumably he didn't think there was any good communication with the junior.

Aside from Sun Mingze occasionally saying a few words to Lin Lang along the way, several people had not communicated seriously. The other three were silent for the rest of the time.

"Sun Mingze didn't mean to go to Japan to see his fiancee. Why didn't they look a little happy, but they looked a little bit distressed?"

Lin Lang frowned. Since people didn't say it, he didn't ask much.

"Old fourth, what are you going to do this time in Japan? You don't bring any luggage. It doesn't look like you are traveling." Sun Mingze choked an apple, his mouth sobbing.

"Nature is not travel, I'm going to find someone." Lin Lang said.

"Looking for someone?" Sun Mingze blinked, curiously, "Who is worth your lonely trip to a foreign country, wouldn't it be a little lover?"

"Of course not. I came to fight with a friend, a friend I have never met." Lin Lang laughed.

Sun Mingze took a sip of the drink, coughed a few times, and took out a paper towel to wipe off the water. This was the saying: "Did you go abroad to fight? Since you two haven't seen each other, do you speak Japanese?"

"No." Lin Lang shook his head.

Sun Mingze said silently: "Served you, even if you don't speak Japanese, you dare to come directly to Japan. Then you should always leave contact information, or will he pick you up at the airport or something?"

"No," Lin Lang still shook his head.

Sun Mingze's eyes stared, and he was more speechless: "Then what are you doing here? Japanese is not there, and no relatives or friends. Is there a post on the street to ask for advice?"

"What is your name? I've been to China from Huaxia many times. I also have some friends there. Maybe I can help you."

Lin Lang thought for a while and said, "I remember that guy seems to be called Nozawa, and I don't know the exact name."

"If I have a rare family name, I can still help, but the people of the Japanese country Nozawa are everywhere. Just knowing a family name is like a needle in a haystack, and I can't help you." Sun Mingze shook his head endlessly.

"What are you talking about, kid? Are you sure the person you're looking for is the family name Nozawa?" The grandfather snapped in suddenly.

Lin Lang nodded.

Grandfather blinked and stopped talking.


Because this flight is not a direct flight to Japan, several provincial capital cities also stopped on the way. Before approaching the country, a young girl with sunglasses walked to Lin Lang with a small suitcase.

The pair of beautiful legs in shorts has grown into a new realm. The length of the lower body is almost equal to Lin Lang's eyebrows. At the same time, an aroma emanates, making people feel like a spring breeze.

"Handsome guy, can you please help me with your luggage?" The girl smiled and smiled slightly, her chin raised slightly, motioning to Lin Lang.


Lin Lang nodded, lifted his baggage and shrugged his lips. This baggage was too light and far from the standard for check-in. Looking at the ultra-short-sleeved T-shirt worn by the girl, she should be worried about losing it.

"Thank you."

The girl took off her sunglasses to reveal her good-looking face, her chin was slightly pointed, the typical net red face, but compared to the kind of cosmetic red net, she was natural, the facial features seemed to have been polished finely, look Not a little bit offensive.

The young girl was obviously a lively and cheerful person, so she sat down next to Lin Lang, and the two had a chat with each other.

Through conversations, Lin Lang also got to know the girl roughly. Her name is Li Xiaoman, and she is studying abroad in Japan. She is also an overseas purchasing agent and often travels between China and Japan.

The two chatted, and the aircraft landed for a while.

The Japanese DJ International Airport has arrived.

The hatch was opened, and the crowd flowed out. Sun Mingze and his son came to say goodbye to Lin Lang because there was still work to do. In the distance, there was already a Japanese girl wearing black silk and high boots waiting to see them. Stepping out of the square, the girl also ran over excitedly to hold Sun Mingze's arm.

This should be the fiancee mentioned by Sun Mingze.

"This is my fiancee, Shirakawa Sakurako." Sun Mingze introduced expressionlessly.

However, it seems that Sun Mingze did not introduce Lin Lang to Shirakawa Sakurako, and instead said goodbye to Lin Lang directly.

"Yes, if you have any trouble, remember to call me." Sun Mingze turned back suddenly.

"Okay." Lin Lang smiled, then added: "If you have any trouble, remember to contact me, I will help you solve it."

"it is good."

The family of three slowly disappeared into view.

"It seems that your friend's relationship with his fiancee is not very good, it is really interesting." Li Xiaoman laughed.

"Why do you see that?" Lin Lang's eyes flashed.

"Intuition, the intuition of a woman, that girl looks naive, but I'm afraid it's not a fuel-saving lamp." Li Xiaoman shut up in time. The two of them just met, and if they talked about it, they would be a little bit provocative.

Lin Lang deeply felt the same. He found some dark waves in the body of Shirakawa Sakurako, but not in the Sun family father and son. Obviously, this girl is definitely not as simple as it seems.

In turn, Li Xiaoman looked at Lin Lang again and laughed: "This is DJ, Japan's most prosperous city, and transportation is also in all directions. Where are you going?"

"I am going to Kanagawa Prefecture." Lin Lang smiled.

"Coincidentally, I am also going to Kanagawa Prefecture."

"Since we are all in the same destination, it is rare to meet a compatriot in a foreign country. I am more familiar with Kanagawa Prefecture. This fairy will take you there."

Li Xiaoman's ancient road was warm and inviting.

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