Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 245: Xia Bingbing's concert

The day passed, the sunset rose, and at noon the next day.

This time period is also the time when Xia Bingbing's concert starts.

Xia Bingbing's concert venue is set on the campus of Sichuan University. Because it is a key institution, the auditorium of Sichuan University is not worse than some stadiums in Sichuan University.

Before the grand auditorium opened, there were tidy lines outside.

This is also a major event in Shuzhong City.

I have to say that Xia Bingbing's influence is really not small. At this time, there are more than a thousand people gathered outside the auditorium, but the number is still increasing over time. As for tickets, it is difficult to find a lot of money, and even a lot of bright-minded students have started to buy and sell cattle.

These are Xia Bingbing's fans, including students and people from all walks of life. Sichuan University also very rarely opened the door on this day, allowing these people to flow unimpeded.

As soon as Lin Lang arrived, Chen Miaoxuan greeted her little hand and called Lin Lang to her side.

Those who can be around Chen Miaoxuan are naturally those friends, William, Bai Zhizheng, Sun Xiaohan, and a few wealthy second generations are listed.

At the sight of Lin Lang approaching, Bai Zhixuan's eyes flashed cold.

As for Sun Xiaohan, his face was even heavier than yesterday, but it was automatically filtered by Lin Lang. After a long time, Lin Lang finally figured out why Sun Xiaohan would be like this. It turned out that the ticket that Chen Miaoxuan had sent him was supposed to be her, and now it was so noisy that she had to sit away from Chen Miaoxuan.

"Brother Lin, so coincident, you also came to the concert?" Bai Zhizhen laughed.

"No, he even snatched my seat. I was sitting next to Miao Xuan." Sun Xiaohan wasn't suspicious, adding jealousy.

Bai Zhizhen's face was colder, but he still smiled: "Oh? Brother Lin is so lucky that even the seat next to Chen Xiaohua can get it."

"I don't know if Brother Lin can change his seat for love. You also know that the seven of us bought even seats and are not used to being separated."

In a word, Bai Zhiyu isolated Lin Lang to the periphery of the circle.

That's right, these people have always acted together, and now no one wants to be involved by an outsider.

"Yeah, as long as you're willing to give up your seat, brother, I'm indispensable for you." A rough man with a large waist and round waist also spoke.

Don't look at his five big and three rough like a country farmer, in fact, his background is not inferior to that of Bai Zhishang, who is also a member of the five major families of Chuanshu and Deng family. And Bai and Deng have been together for many years, and their relationship is not bad.

Similarly, none of the seven of them has a simple role, and any one of them going out alone is a big Sichuan Shushu.

"What benefit can you give me?" Lin Lang smiled with a smile.

"I can give you face." The younger Deng family snorted in a breath.

"Give me a face?" Lin Lang smiled, smiling with a few fingers, grinning: "You tell me, what's the use of your face?"

"I?" The Deng family stunned, then laughed: "Go out now and ask me about Deng Qi's name, and you will know what my face is for."

Several other rich second generations also laughed into a ball. It turned out that the boy didn't know who they were, so they grabbed their seats.

"If the boy knew who we were, would you say that he would scare his pants?"

Several rich second-generations looked at each other, and their hearts continued to have bad tastes.

"Is Deng Qi famous? He never heard of it." Lin Lang shook his head.

Suddenly, Deng Qi's laughter came to an abrupt end. Several rich second-generation wondered.

"Deng Qi couldn't sell his face, and they didn't know him at all." Everyone couldn't help but find a fun, and made fun of it.

"Deng Shao, you haven't practiced your kung fu properly. Now even a freshman can't control it." The second generation of Li Xingfu shook his head again and again.

Deng Qi faced Shen Shui and sent a furious beating.

"It's really impossible to know my name at your level. I just want to ask you if you think about it. Will you change it or not?" Deng Qi faintly said.

"No change."

Deng Qi twitched at the corner of his mouth, rubbing his fists and pressing forcefully.

The remaining two rich second-generations are also enemies, and they are meant to help repair Lin Lang's meal.

As for Sun Xiaohan, he also giggled, proud of having successfully ignited a battle: "Let you offend me, I can make you unable to confuse you with a few words."

William glared at Sun Xiaohan and hurried out to round the field: "Okay, everyone, please give me face, just leave it alone."

"Forget it?" Deng Qi snorted coldly, dismissing: "What kind of thing do you dare to give me face? Aren't you just a woman who eats soft rice?"

William's face froze.

He really isn't in this circle, and his family history is no less than these people, saying that he didn't really wrong him for eating soft rice.

But let's just say that ... too worried?

Sun Xiaohan secretly sighed, this is to lift a stone and hit his own feet. However, my boyfriend has made his nose scolded like this, and can't continue to pretend: "Deng fat man, you shut up, William is my boyfriend, I said he can, but also you say that he?"

Sun Xiaohan rushed on.

"Do you dare to say Lao Tzu? The Sun family is not even five big families. I respectfully call you Miss Sun and don't give you face what do you think?" Deng Qi said coldly.

"Yeah, yeah, your Deng family is really powerful in the past, but from that time on, the two Deng Bai members are getting worse and worse, and next time you reshuffle the cards, can you guarantee that the top five family names are not necessarily true?"

Sun Xiaohan stared straight at the sight of a fierce tearing war.

"I gave him the ticket. I have something to tell me." Chen Miaoxuan stepped forward and stopped both of them at the same time.

"Okay, everyone is their own, why don't they get upset, and the concert will start." Bai Zhixuan also stood up to persuade.

Bai Zhizheng is not low in this group of people. Everyone is willing to sell his face, and it is easy to stop everyone.

"Xia Bingbing is here!"

At this time, with the first exclaim, it swept across the auditorium in an instant, and numerous fanatical fans shouted Xia Bingbing's name, forming a wave of cheers.

A black business car stopped, and a young girl in a black skirt and a denim jacket was walking out of the car. The beautiful thing was beside her. Sister Li guarded around her. Several strong men's bodyguards opened the road, in countless passion Passing by fans.

The big star Xia Bingbing has arrived!

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