"Mr. Lin, don't forget that there are electives this afternoon."

Still in the morning, Director Liu of the Academic Affairs Office called early to remind him.

"I see. I just rushed back to Sichuan today. I will be there in the afternoon." Lin Lang nodded.

Biology elective time is set at seven or eight in the evening, but it's less than five o'clock, and Director Liu rushed to Lin Lang in full swing.

"It is said that Mr. Lin's talents are the pillars of our Chinese biology community. The louder the name really is, the temperament of the people is also very different from the past." Director Liu laughed and stepped forward to greet him.

"Director Liu is not bad," Lin Lang laughed.

Obviously, Director Liu was afraid that Lin Lang would miss the appointment, and he wanted to take this opportunity to make friends. Before Lin Langshan chicken had no name for straw shoes, he didn't recognize Lin Youye, but now Lin Lang's life fluid has become famous.

"Mr. Lin shouldn't have eaten yet, let's go. Let's have a meal in eight bowls. I'll treat you." Director Liu laughed.

"Forget it, I have already eaten it." Lin Lang shook his head.

"It's okay, it's not public money. I asked you in private. Wouldn't Mr. Liu want to break my old man's face?"

Director Liu saw that Lin Lang's refusal was not so obvious. He immediately knew that there was a play, and sighed, saying, "In fact, this time, although I wanted to ask Mr. Lin to rub in the eight bowls, he was taken first by President Zheng. , Already set up the banquet in the eight bowls, waiting for Mr. Lin. "

In desperation, Lin Lang had to be pulled to the car by Director Liu, the taillights flashed, and the dust left.

This so-called eight bowls is the largest restaurant in Shuzhong City. Historically, the eight bowls were the most prosperous during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. Later, they were accepted as one of the eight treasures of Manhan's full seat. Dishes.

In particular, Lin Lang came from Shencheng, perhaps with some Manchu descent, and Director Liu did what he liked, which set the restaurant to eight bowls.

The rooms here are all single-colored antique screens. Because they didn't dare to be too pretentious, so President Zheng chose the Furong Hall which is a lower level than Zhenlong Hall. In the ancient true dragon hall, only the emperor dared to enter.

Lin Lang was just here by elevator, and the dishes there were also full.

But as they walked through the corridor, a single room with an open door, a young man with golden glasses fell on Lin Lang's eyes, until Lin Lang turned and walked into Furong Hall.

"It turned out to be Lin Lang. It's really a narrow road."

The man in the gold glasses blinked, raised the cup and saluted the old Sven opposite.

"Guide Chen, it is not easy for you to work, this cup respects you."

The man in the golden glasses slammed his back, and then exhaled slowly, sighing again and again: "Guide Chen, you don't know. I recently conducted a random check in the discipline inspection department. The freshman class and absenteeism situation is very serious."

"Well, I can't control the following students more and more. They are all arrogant and always caught by the Discipline Inspection Department. It's not a solution." Director Chen also sighed and stared at the man with gold glasses. A glance.

"You can rest assured that I have Chen in the Discipline Inspection Department. I have given off a lot of students in your department, but there is only one person ... it is too much crime, and I can't help it." Jinsi glasses pretended to be like.

"Who is it?" Director Chen asked quickly.

"It's that Lin Lang. Since the beginning of school, he has committed more crimes than anyone else for four years. I just used my power and didn't name him." Jinsi glasses complained.

"Who? Lin Lang!"

It ’s okay for Jinsi glasses not to mention Lin Lang. This mention of Chen Dao almost exploded, and he shot his seat continuously and stared. Even if the boy didn't come to class at first, he didn't even look at him at all.

"As far as I heard, this guy loves wine, and actually makes friends with people who are not trivial in the society, and his future is ruined. And he is eating in eight bowls now." Jinsi glasses are provocative about such things Practice makes perfect, and there is no bottom line in arranging bad things about others.

When Jinsi glasses first said the first half of the sentence, Chen Dao was furious, a little rabbit yelled clearly, but he heard the second half of the sentence but stunned again.

The eight bowls are rich and expensive to eat here, even if he is rich because of the man with golden glasses, this can invite him to have a meal. Even if Lin Lang was a student, he couldn't mess with it!

Seeing the change of Chen Dao's face, Jinsi glasses didn't make a good secret, and then he said, "Actually ... this is what Bai Shao meant."


Director Chen was shocked again.

Who is Bai Shao? Naturally, he is the son of the Bai family in the four major families of Sichuan and Sichuan. Let alone those characters, even the principal can't afford to blame.

"Yes, Bai Shao has a holiday with him. In his capacity, would he turn off the shelf to deal with a poor boy, and I will deal with him." Jinsi glasses sneered.

"This way, I have to manage it." Chen Dao's eyes were gradually dignified, and at the same time there was a rush of joy. If he could take this opportunity to win the favor of Bai Shao, he would still nest in school as a young teacher ?

"Ye Feng, let's go. Today, we have to take care of this kid. I won't fire him without going to class. Today, I dare to dangle under my eyelids."

Chen Daoleng snorted, and Bai Shao was standing behind his back, and his heart was full of energy.


Inside the Hibiscus Hall.

When President Zheng saw Lin Lang coming, he couldn't help but overjoyed, stepped forward and trembled, and some young talents appeared. After the greetings, the three took their seats.

The lowest position in this group was Director Liu, who saw President Zheng and Lin Lang drinking a few glasses of each other, and then they went up toasting.

The two were also old foxes, and it was often a simple matter to pull up the house. Before waiting for more than half of their meals, they almost became brothers and brothers with Lin Lang.

This time is different from the past. Prior to the release of Life Liquid, Lin Lang was only a visiting professor at Sichuan University, let alone a teacher. Even Director Liu, who was in charge of teaching affairs, had never been right.

Later, with the convening of the press conference, many foreign creatures refuted by Lin Lang on the spot were dumb, which only gradually became famous. Until now, his name has spread abroad and has become more and more famous. Darwin '.

Even those well-known biological dignitaries are now regulated by the name Huaxia Lin You Ye. Such a person came to Sichuan University to be a professor, and it is his honor to be the president.

Just then, the door of Furong Hall was kicked open.


An old man and a young man came into the door aggressively, and the young man looked proudly and blossomed in his heart.

The older one was even more fierce and mighty, and before entering the door, the scolding scolding voice passed unambiguously into the entire room and kept echoing ...

"Lin Lang, let alone skip class. Now I still make friends with these dregs in the society, even I will lose face for you!"

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