Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 221: Press conference begins

Sichuan University.

After receiving the above order, An Qi also started busy. As the second person in charge of this project, he had to worry more than Lin Lang. The layout of the venue, the invitation of the expert research team, and the press conference are all things he cares about.

In the evening of the same day, after Lin Lang returned to Sichuan, the two hurriedly met and talked about some simple things.

In a flash of two days, this day, a large number of experts and scholars from abroad and at home gathered in Shuzhong City.

The press conference of Shengliyuanye will be held today!


On this day, a large number of experts gathered in Shuzhong City, among which are the famous biological tycoons abroad, as well as the local biological lands in China.

The press conference also has the special support of the government, and simply vacated the largest venue in Sichuan and Sichuan. Normally, this place is closed to the public.

For this press conference, An Qi did not make a lot of moves, and even directly invited a lot of biologically important people.

In the venue, crowds of people, various knowledgeable professors, students who are interested in biology, or giants of biological companies have appeared.

Early in the morning, before the venue opened, a large number of reporters had been waiting for a long time to set up their cameras.

As soon as Lin Lang and Song Tingqing and other research team members arrived, the cameras over there began to snap photos, and even Chuanshu TV sent special journalists.

Lin Lang is wearing a formal suit today. He wears a suit shirt and tie. It looks quite spirited. This is also what An Qi strongly demands. He can't let him be as good as ever. Wear a T-shirt flip-flops to make a speech.

Through countless flashes and admiring eyes, Lin Lang and others finally sat down slowly in the first row of the venue.

The press conference and professional host warmed up and talked about the development and history of biotechnology, and the audience was amazed. Obviously, they have done their homework for this.

Lin Lang also sat in the audience listening with interest.

"These are the three giants of the global biopharmaceutical industry. The one who is the chairman of Seth Bio Group in France, Anthony, is sitting next to him is the chairman of the UK's Dilkey Bio Group, Usep, that is The Orlando Group. "

Looking along Song Tingqing's eyes, there were three foreigners with very different looks, dark-stained like iron charcoal, and small-eyed hawk nose, but without exception, all three were in suits and leather shoes. , Look like a winner.

"The three of them are probably the world's three largest biotechnology groups, and they have monopolized the achievements of many small companies. Each of them is strong and among the top 500 in the world."

"These three companies stand on top of each other. At the same time they are hostile to each other, they may join forces at any time. Other outsiders ca n’t get in at all. Because of this, our Chinese Xia Yueyue has been unable to go international. .

"There, Dr. Black, a generation of biological giants, has won two Nobel Prizes in physiology and medicine, and has been an associate dean at MIT for almost a decade."

"Ten years ago, his introduction to Cell and Biology became a hit, and the theories in it were advanced. Everyone likes to call him Darwin in the 21st century."

Song Tingqing made an endless introduction here.

At this time, a blonde young man spoke a group of Huaxia language and sat down slowly beside Lin Lang.

"Hello, your Excellency is Professor Lin. I'm Edelwart. I'm glad to meet you." Edelwart's smile and hee are hard to make people hostile.

This is indeed a very charming man.

"Hello." Lin Lang nodded.

There are also many people who come together to make Lin Lang like him, both domestic and foreign.

But it was the only one who could get him a little attention, because he caught a strange wave in the opponent.

When the young blonde sat down, Song Tingqing whispered in Lin Lang's ear.

"This is Edelwart, an American biologist. Don't look at his young age, but his research in the biology department has kept up with the older generation, and even research on herbaceous plants has reached the cutting-edge level of biology. "

"And it is said that most of the hybrid plants bred by his hands will produce strange changes and the growth rate will be extremely fast."

"Not only that, even the mutated plant cultivated by his hand is very likely to breed again." Song Tingqing said more and more excited, and it was difficult to hide his respect in his tone.

Although she is a little known in the biological world, she also specializes in herbs, but she is more than a big expert like Edelwald.

When she was in school, she once considered Edelwart as an idol.

"Edelwald is as good as the rumored. If I can find such an object in the future, he is handsome and knowledgeable, I will be satisfied." Song Tingqingfang was trembling and thought secretly.

As for Lin Lang, she didn't want to, but the latter was too wicked, so she didn't have the courage to think about such things.

Thinking about it, Song Tingqing's pretty face turned red and shy. She's not too young, she's almost three. She doesn't want to think about her life-long events.

"The main effect of Shengyuanyuanye lies in ... The founder team of Shengyuanyuanye is here, and Lin Youye, the leader, comes on stage."

There was a thunderous applause.

Song Tingqing helped manage the collar, and Lin Lang subsequently came to power and gave a speech on the only remaining biotechnology from other stars.

But even so, everyone below was listening enthusiastically. There was a lot of applauding.

Just then, a discordant sound suddenly sounded from the stage.

"Wait, I think some of the problems that Professor Lin said need to be corrected."

I saw two people standing slowly from their seats.

One was Dr. Black, and the other was a translator he brought specifically.

Lin Lang looked up and smiled, "What's your problem?"

"Biology studies the science of known organisms, but what you are talking about is your own vision of the future, which fundamentally does not fit the scope of biological research and runs counter to tradition." Dr. Black questioned.

According to him, there are many echoes around him.

Indeed, what many of Lin Lang said was in the eyes of many people who drew a big cake.

"I said at the beginning that this is the future biotechnology, and this is the theme of the conference." Lin Lang said lightly.

After the translation, Dr. Black froze. He was interested in the element of life and really forgot about this theme.

Dr. Black thought for a while and said, "Professor Lin is talking about the future development of biotechnology. It can be difficult for our modern technology to reach this level, so I say it is not practical."

"You said before the advent of the plane, who could have thought that humans could also fly into the sky?"

Lin Lang smiled nonchalantly.

"That's different ..." Dr. Black countered.

"But we have made life fluid, and if you want to see it, I will prove it to you."

Lin Lang fell down, and everyone in Dr. Black was ready to resign.

Indeed, the only way to stop them is to let them witness the miracle with their own eyes.

Next Lin Lang called Song Tingqing to bring a half-bottle of life fluid. As before, he found a withered flower and then dropped a drop of life fluid. After about two or three minutes, the flower came back to life and bloomed again.

The audience were stunned.

This is not over yet, Lin Lang found another dying rabbit trapped in the vacuum hood. After a while, the rabbit who lost his air kicked and died.

Then Lin Lang fed it a drop of vitality fluid. After a while, the rabbit's left leg moved, Lin Lang fed another drop, and the rabbit's right leg followed.

Within five minutes, the rabbit became agitated. This is not over, the rabbit drank another drop of vitality fluid after returning to normal.

Under the horrible gaze of countless eyes, the rabbit's body actually expanded slowly. It strengthened its leg muscles and bouncing force. It jumped high in countless stunned eyes Vacuum hood.

"Is this medicine ..."

The three giants started to stand up, and looked at the liquid on the stage that looked like bean juice.

"Oh my God, I'm afraid the efficacy of this vital fluid is more amazing than the Holy Spirit Water."

The three eyes were dignified and they looked at each other at the same time, all seeing the same thoughts from each other's eyes.

The formula of life fluid must be available!

"We can't get the Holy Spirit Water, but it might be easier to get the fluid of life."

The hawk's nose was silently cruel.

As one of the giants in the global biological industry, he definitely has full confidence.

For a long while, they sat down slowly, but at this moment they seemed to be overwhelmed by boiling water, and they were sitting still.

These are the processes that Angel has already arranged. Now it really shows.

Experts and scholars were convinced, and felt that their studies were too shallow. I wished to step forward and ask for some advice.

Even Dr. Blake was conquered by the oral conviction, and returned to his original position, no longer continuing to Lin Ling.

Edelwax's eyes flashed, and his heart was quite restless: "This should be a drug that stimulates the potential of life, if it can be used in the awakening of the extraordinary ..."

The thought of Edelwart couldn't calm down anymore.

The potential of the transcendent person stimulates the need for special drugs. The drug properties of this drug are inseparable from the performance of Shengyuanyuanye in many aspects.

"Perhaps this vital fluid can be used as a substitute for potential potion. It seems that by the end of the conference, I must try it myself."

Edelwald made up his mind and waited until the end of the press conference to get the original version of Life Liquid.

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