Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 215: Caught in bed

The city of Chaohai is approaching, and there is a bustling crowd on the dock below.

Lin Lang got off the boat and wanted to be separated from Sun Bin.

Suddenly, Lin Lang's expression moved, and he walked back to normal steps.

"Brother Sun, you are a local, do you know where is No. 98 Xiangtang Road in Chaohai?" Lin Lang asked.

This coordinate is naturally the position of the headquarters of the bounty list.

However, Sun Bin frowned: "Are you sure it is Xiangtang Road in Chaohai City? I remember that Chaohai City has not heard of such a place."

"I've stayed in Chaohai City for thirty years, and I know every street here, it's impossible to have such a place." Sun Bin Duding said.

"Did you remember it wrong?"

Lin Lang shook his head. This is the information he extracted from the mouth of the Black Shark organization. It should be very accurate.

But then I thought about it again. How can a place like bounty list that targets killing people appear on the bright side? It must be hidden underground. Otherwise it would have been destroyed by the special operations team.

"Brought Nanting to the guy if I knew it." Lin Lang muttered.

It's already here anyway, find it slowly.

Lin Lang resigned and left, but Sun Bin was really hospitable, and even told him to go home to drink, which is not a bad idea today.

Perhaps judging by his eyes, Lin faintly was able to detect the extraordinaryness of Lin Lang and made good intentions.

Can not bear the repeated invitations, but in desperation, Lin Lang had to let him go. Anyway, the address has not been found, it would be better to take the opportunity to inquire about it.

Sun Bin called a car near the pier. After explaining the location, the car engine left with two people.

After about half an hour, the two walked off the car.

In front of them, it is not a very large community, although it is not comparable to a large community, but it is also considered to have all the internal organs.

"At that time, my old house was relocated to the development zone. It was in a big move a few years ago and was given a lot of compensation, so we have the current house," Sun Bin introduced with a smile.

The two were joking and they had climbed up the stairs.

Sun Bin took out a bunch of keys and twisted them into the door.

Lin Lang glanced casually. Most of them were duplex apartment buildings with complete supporting facilities. The quality of life of the Sun Bin family should be good.

But then, he heard some movements in the room, his face was a little weird, and he whispered: "Brother, I don't think we should go in first, disturbing the sister-in-law ..."

"What are you talking about? You were kind to me at the doorstep. You won't be entertained at the doorstep, and I don't want to confuse it."

"Your sister-in-law's cooking skills are not ordinary, this time Brother Lin has a mouthful." Sun Bin grinned.

Talking, the door lock was unscrewed by Tacha.

Sun Bin pushed in, but his eyes fell on the extra pair of leather shoes on the ground.

An unpleasant feeling sprang up ...

Sun Bin had no time to take off his shoes and hurriedly opened the bedroom door.

The bed was ragged, full of rough and primitive desires, intertwined.

"Boss Li? You ..."

He froze, his face flushed immediately.

There was a moment of silence in the room, followed by a rude scolding from the man.

"Roll, roll away, or I'll split you."

Sun Bin's expression grew darker and he became more and more red. The clenched fist clenched his emotions.

"Sun Bin, do you want to do it under the hands of Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu gives you five insurances and one gold, what's wrong with playing with your wife once, and get rid of Lao Tzu."

The man in the room scolded again.

"roll roll roll!"

咣 Dang!

The bedroom door closed heavily.

Sun Bin ate behind closed doors. He was silent all the time.

After turning around, tears were already flowing.

He walked away silently, but did not go out, but went into the kitchen. When he came out again, he was holding a kitchen knife in his hand.

There was a rustling dressing sound in the room. About two or three minutes later, an old man with a big belly was walking in the room, holding a big beer belly, and his belt was not fastened.

This man is Boss Li from Sun Bin's mouth, and is also the boss of his company.

Boss Li glanced at the chopper in Sun Bin's hand casually and did not take it seriously.

"Sun Bin, you have been with me for four or five years. You said that I treat you well."

"Five insurances and one gold are paid every year, and the salary is 15,000 per month. It is considered upstream in Chaohai City, and ordinary white-collar workers do not have this treatment." Boss Shen said in a stern manner.

Sun Bin's teeth were squeaking, and there was a faint blood stain between his teeth.

Seeing that Sun Bin was silent, Boss Li seemed very satisfied and slowly made a noise.

"Now that you agree, I can think of today's events as never happened, and we will be fine."

Boss Li seems to be back at the point where he pointed out and rebuked his subordinates.

Unconsciously, a smile came from the corner of his mouth. This feeling he enjoyed so much that he even wanted to lean on the sofa comfortably and yelled, "Nothing is swayed with money. With money, I can buy your wife, and I can also make you wander away. "

"Well, I'm going back to the company too, and I'll leave it to you."

Boss Li stepped forward. When he passed Sun Bin's side, he patted the latter's shoulder gently: "You are very knowledgeable. The company needs talent like you, and it is not impossible to be a supervisor in the future."

After all, Boss Li laughed wildly and went away.

"and many more."

Sun Bin was hoarse.

"Why isn't my monthly salary enough? I can increase it to 20,000."

Boss Li suddenly turned back.

"No, I want to thank you ... Thank you for paying me a mistress."

Sun Bin laughed, but couldn't stop the tears.

He was so happy but sad, like a lunatic madman, he slashed forward with a knife.

The black and bright kitchen knife cut a wonderful scratch in the air.

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