Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 186: Huaxia third: Wan Jianyi

The crowd has not completely digested the shock of Bai Mu's defeat, but at this time, another incident has already begun.

Waves have not settled, waves have risen again!

I only heard a violent drink at the foot of the mountain and it fell.

An old man with a negative sword and a middle-aged man was already on the mountain.

And their arrival was to make the warriors thoroughly boiled, and among the numerous noises, only one name could be faintly heard.

Tiannan swordsman, Wan Jianyi!

"Oh my God, how did Wan Jianyi and his old man come? This martial arts conference even shocked this one?"

"Senior Wan is the oldest second only to Huaxia Valkyrie, and is on the top of the world's hidden list."

Every time the two walked past, there were countless air-cooling sounds around them.

"It seems that the old monster that Boss Yang said at the beginning should be him."

Lin Lang's eyes flickered, and he looked at the old man called Wan Jianyi. He could feel the weak breath in the other person.

As for the middle-aged man Lin Lang who was beside Wan Jian, he had also seen it, it was Yang Yang who had escaped from his curse.

And Wan Jian was aggressive, and made Master Lu feel an unpleasant feeling. Within a few steps, he came to Lin Lang and whispered.

"Wan Jian has been hidden for a long time, and now he was born unafraid that the visitor would be bad." Lu Beidou said in a low voice.

Wan Jianyi, the same generation as the Yin and Yang Taoists, was the ultimate power of the world. He entered the late stage of transformation ten years ago, and his strength is only one line worse than that of the Yin and Yang Taoists.

He is also a well-known powerhouse on the dark list, and he is at the top of the list, only half a step away from the top ten.

"Since he's so strong, why doesn't the martial arts conference have his ranking?" Lin Lang frowned.

"The martial arts conference is a ranking in our country. Many hermit masters are seeking the ultimate martial arts and are dismissive to participate, so many have not been included."

"For example, people like Wan Jianyi, they are the strongest high-level masters. There is an underground secret list abroad, which is a list that specializes in counting the world's great masters."

"There are only three people in the top 20 of China's list today, one of them is Wan Jianyi, ranking eleventh, and the other two are Huaxia Valkyrie and Yinyang Taoist, respectively, ranking first and second.

Lu Beidou entered the Grand Master earlier and knew much more than others.

Only one hundred strong men are listed on the dark list. Although martial art masters such as Bai Mu are also on the list, they are inferior. This shows the gold content of the Dark List, which counts global masters.

Between the two of them, Wan Jianyi had brought Yang Boss on the platform of Wanfoding and looked around.

"Which is Lin Youye, get out of the old man."

Wan Jian was very grumpy, swearing when he opened his mouth, and he could not see any hermit master.

"Wan Jian has been hidden for a long time. If he doesn't pay attention to ordinary things, he can provoke him. Presumably, they have a good grudge."

Bai Mu's eyes flickered. Although he was sealed up, he did not hinder normal thinking.

"He is Lin Youye!"

Almost useless to think, Bai Mu stood up and pointed his finger at Lin Lang.

"I can't clean up you, but there is always someone in the world who can clean up you!"

Bai Mu looked at Lin Lang with some pride in her heart, and there was a feeling of retribution.

Wan Jian entered the guru even earlier than him. The kendo he studied was top-notch in Huaxia. I believe that he took the shot and it was not enough to deal with Lin Lang.

He always believed that Lin Lang had to catch his flaws in order to win, and he did not play tricks, and it was not known who had died.

However, Wan Jianyi did not look at Bai Mu, but turned his head and looked at the boss Yang.

"Is that Lin Yuye who killed Fang Mu?" Wan Jian asked coldly.

Boss Yang knew that the old monster was moody. He was a character who did not blink. He almost immediately replied, "It's him. Now that the man has found it, the junior will retreat first."

Boss Yang didn't want to spend more time with this old monster, even for a second.

We must know that at the beginning of the 21st century, Wan Jian was notorious for killing one person and one sword. I don't know how many people were killed. It was only after Zhao Zilong was born and lost to the latter that he promised to hide the mountain from the world.

It wasn't Zhao Zilong's deliberate sympathy, but because of his ability that year, he could only force Wan Jian to lose one stroke, and fight each other.

In recent years, although Wan Jianyi has converged a lot, but the fierce name is not diminished, especially the older generation of the master of the realm, hearing the name that dominates an era is a cause of fear.

"Since you brought me here, it should be sent away." Wan Jian nodded.

"The younger dare not dare to give away the old senior." Obviously, the old boss did not understand what Wan Jian meant to send him away.

He had just wanted to leave, but at this time he was shocked to find that his feet were so detached from the ground, his neck was pinched in his throat, and he could not say anything.

Looking forward, I don't know when he was lifted up by Wan Jian holding his throat.

Boss Yang couldn't help but keep kicking his legs in the air.

Wan Jian twisted his finger gently and clicked, and Yang could no longer struggle.

Because he is dead.

"Mandarin, you are ..."

Master Yang's mouth opened involuntarily. The boss of Yang was a personal biography of Yang's family, so he was pinched to death by unknown people, and he couldn't watch it.

"His relationship with my apprentice Fang Mu, do you want to avenge him?"

Wan Jianyi was like killing an insignificant ant without blinking his eyes.

Master Yang's dare not speak up, bite his teeth, and then returned.

The whole audience was still trembling, and everyone didn't even dare to breathe for more than ten years. The devil who did not blink was not changed at all.

After clearing up Boss Yang, Wan Jianyi finally set his sights on the Lord.

"Boy, did you think of today when you killed my apprentice?" Wan Jian said lightly.

Everyone was surprised. It turned out that Lin Youye had such a holiday between them. Wan Jianyi protected the character of the calf. I was afraid that this was the first time in his life that he had been actively bullied.

Here comes the highlight!

Almost subconsciously, countless eyes fell on Lin Lang.

Looking forward to the latter reply.

"There are more unknown generations dying under my hand, who is your apprentice?" Lin Lang said leisurely.

"My apprentice is Fang Mu. I pity my young apprentice that year. I was deceived by people when I first came out of the rivers and lakes, and died of a treacherous person."

Wan Jian showed sadness on his face, and he could see that it was true feelings.

Having lived alone in the mountains for many years, I finally accepted an apprentice and a speaker, but in a blink of an eye it was white hair and black hair.

No one can accept this fact.

"Fang Mu, you are optimistic in the sky, and I will take revenge for you."

Wan Jian looked extremely grim, with sharp eyes, bursting into a burst of light.

"I will abandon his martial arts first, and let him kneel before your spirit to repent for seven days, and then kill it."

At this moment, Wan Jian kicked at one foot, and the whole person burst out like a sharp sword.

Hidden for many years, but his cultivation has never fallen.

This speed alone is beyond the reach of Bai Mu.

"The strength is not bad, and it barely counts as a worthy opponent." Lin Lang secretly said.

Bai Mu is only in the middle period of transmigration, which is more than one grade worse than Wan Jianyi, an old brand of transmigration.

Lin Lang, however, was a monk in the early days of building the foundation. In terms of realm and means, it is enough to resist the cultivation in the later stages of the realm. It is estimated that only this type of person can have capital to attack him.

While the voice fell, Lin Lang also raised his palm to meet the enemy, entangled with Wan Jianyi.

"Lin You Ye Xiu is not bad, but you should not have any advantage in the face of Wan Jianyi."

"Yes, there are only two people who can fight against Wan Jianyi in the world today, but if you compare the study of Kendo, hey, even those two are not good."

"I see this time, Lin Youye will undoubtedly lose."

Few people are optimistic about Lin Lang. Although Lin Lang had defeated Bai Mu before, Bai Mu and Wan Jian were two different things.

The voices of the discussion below could not help but let Mo Moxian and Lu family and others deeply sweat for Lin Lang.

"Brother Mo, you know Mr. Lin better. Who do you think is the better between him and Wan Jianyi?"

Lu Beidou could not help but worry.

After the incident that just happened to Bai Mu, the two were both masters. They were only in the midst of adversity. They knew each other a little, but they got close to each other.

Compared with his tense expression, Mo was quite relaxed, he smiled and said.

"Rest assured, Mr. Lin hasn't heard of a defeat since he was born. He could only fight Xiao Zhengning half a year ago. Even Bai Mu is not his opponent now."

"But his opponent is Wan Jianyi, not an ordinary master like Xiao Zhengning."

Lu Beidou couldn't help but say.

"You look at his age. At the age of eighteen, he is already in the middle and even the late stages of enlightenment.

"They can do it. We don't even think about it, so you can rest assured."

The old **** Mo was waiting, and only he could be so calm in the audience.

If a boxing technique that is given out casually can make him break through the realm, how can such a person use common sense.

"Perhaps he could defeat Wan Jianyi."

Unconsciously, Mo Yixian had a blind confidence in Lin Lang.

Since Lin Lang was born, it has been almost as if he watched step by step until now, this is not a master who likes to lose, and he has not found anyone who can make him lose.

As for how others reacted, he was not prepared to care about it.

To this day, it is not a big deal who will win the martial arts conference.

What they are concerned about is the victory and defeat of this battle, the confrontation between the new generation and the old generation.

This will also be a battle of life and death.

Lin You Ye Sheng is famous all over the world, the two hidden world powerhouses can not be seen, the world martial arts should respect him.

If Wan Jian wins, Lin Lang is dead without a corpse, and he has no hope of turning over.

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