Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 184: Grand Master's Battle

Master Lu's lay on the ground, not to mention him, even the medicinal power has gradually faded, and it is no longer enough to support him to stand up again.

In the field, Bai Mu faced Lin Lang faced with gunpowder.

Countless eyes focused on the two.

"Let me liquidate?"

Lin Lang looked at each other with a smile, "It just so happened that I was looking for you, too, who had killed me at the foot of the mountain had a copy of the Bai family."

On the first day of the martial arts conference, Zhujidan in the hands of Bai Jialin Lin Lang followed the mountain and hunted down. Later, Lang Lang cursed him out of the air.

It can be said that even though Bai Mu did not mention this, Lin Lang did not forget.

"Did you do it?" Bai Mu's pupils narrowed.

He naturally knew this, and was one of the parties, but he remembered that the descendants of the Bai family had been cursed and died in his presence.

At first, this incident was strange, but now it seems that the murderer, even if it is not Lin Youye, is afraid that he can't get in touch with him.

But what puzzled Bai Mu's heart was that such a young boy would he be a master practitioner?

Of course, this is just Bai Mu's idea.

The other warriors have blasted the pot and looked at Lin Lang with pity.

Grand Master Lu's family is dead, and Lin Youye's largest umbrella has been broken.

At this time, he didn't even admit defeat. Where did he get the courage?

"Now that you take the initiative to admit it, it can't be better, I thought you would run away with your tail in it." Bai Mu Leng snorted.

He is already a Taishan Beidou standing in the martial arts world of Huaxia, even if the other party is really a master of spiritual practice?

The cultivation of the pinnacle in the middle of the realm was enough to become his proud capital.

"Hard to touch the old man who hasn't been afraid of anyone yet. You are not a martial arts man. After all, you will never think of what kind of power you have brought into this realm."

Bai Mu's words were echoed clearly and unambiguously.

As soon as he waved his sleeves, the wind and clouds suddenly surged, and a hurricane was set off in situ. He rolled up the lingering stubble, and passed to Lin Lang.

Those who practice the Fa may have the ability to control the wind, but when martial arts reaches its peak, it is also the same route.

"At this point in military training, I'm afraid the army is helpless."

The crowd looked at Bai Mu with infinite admiration. His hand was almost a **** in the hearts of the warriors.

"The devastating power of this strong wind is enough to kill the peak warrior. How can he resist it?"

Everyone looked at Lin Lang.

Lin Lang, however, was calm and didn't move at all under his feet. The palm of his hand was gently lifted and pressed down.

For some reason, the hurricane seemed to have met the owner at this time, no longer violent, but gentle like a good baby.

It slowly shrank until it became visible to the naked eye, but a small tornado the size of a palm lingered at Lin Lang's fingertips.

The whirlwind turns and turns, everything returns to calm, but the ground is already full of scars.

"I despised you, but I didn't expect you to be a master practitioner."

Bai Mu's eyes were dim, and what he tried to do was Lin Lang's bottom line. Unexpectedly, it was the result of his guess.

Hearing the words, the warriors were all ashamed, looking at Lin Lang solemnly with a variety of expressions.

After being acknowledged by Bai Mu himself, this made everyone aware of the fact that the one who stood opposite him turned out to be a master practitioner. Make Bai Mu sure that this is an established fact.

"It turned out that he was a master practitioner, and it's no wonder that he can remain calm in the face of Bai Tingxu Zhan."

Only then can everyone figure out something, and it's no wonder that others have spoken so hard that even the guru didn't bother. Indeed, there is no reason for a master practitioner to avoid being a master practitioner.

What makes them somewhat unacceptable is the age of Lin Lang, who seems to be only one or twenty years old, but how could he have such a practice.

Finally, someone suddenly remembered something and screamed.

"The young master, the young master, the original rumors said it was him!"

"It turned out to be him! I still think it was a rumor that was nothing."

Ignoring the shock left by Lin Lang to others, Bai Mu had already shot violently at this time.

He leapt forward, and the distance to Lin Lang was less than half a meter, almost face to face.

Bai Mu's combat experience is full. He knows that the master cultivating masters is good at long-distance attacks, and even if he is higher, he may burn the master of martial arts.

However, melee combat is a common shortcoming of the masters of martial arts. Fighting together, the masters of martial arts are equal to zero in the eyes of martial arts.

Naturally, he won't leave this opportunity to Lin Lang.

"If I were you, I wouldn't let a martial arts master approach such a distance."

"You are still too young!"

Bai Mu looked at Lin Lang with a smile.

Xu Zhan also nodded subconsciously. Indeed, being defended by a master of martial arts, the defense of the master of Falun Gong was useless.

"is it?"

Lin Lang did not lift his eyelids.

"It is indeed possible for me to say that the Master of the Dharma is what you say, but I am not. Unfortunately, you will never expect my ability."

It is true that Master Xiu Fa cannot confront Master Wu Dao, but Lin Lang is neither!

He is an immortal practitioner. The so-called cultivators, martial arts, and horizontal training on the earth are combined together, which may be called an immortal practitioner.

Of course, the premise is that they must have a copy of the practice of immortality. Since Lin Lang was born, he has never seen an orthodox cultivator similar to him.

"Oh? Then I need to take good care of you."

Bai Muhaha laughed and punched Lin Lang sideways. Obviously it looks like a simple fistless fist, but it falls into Bai Mu's hands with thousands of changes, and the mystery is deep.

It is also Baijiaquan. Falling in the hands of Bai Chen is a feeling, falling in the hands of Bai Ting is another feeling, but it can be subtle in Bai Mu's hands.

Nothing daunting, but subtle!

"The eagle worm trick is nothing, this attack can't help me."

Lin Lang looked calm and did not see any confusion. He met with a single palm, and his backhand choked Bai Mu's wrist.

Bai Mu's mighty fist, but at this time just happened to be resisted, no matter how difficult it is


At the same time, Lin Lang pushed backhand, kneading Bai Mu's fist into a circle, and pushed back with his backhand.

"Huh? You even practiced martial arts."

Bai Mu stopped the downturn and frowned subconsciously, but it was somewhat unexpected.

He thought Lin Lang was completely empty near him.

But this was not enough to make him panic. His other hand was raised and his fists were dense like rain.

, The crackling clothes rang, as crisp as a big bead and a jade plate.

Turning around, more than ten boxing shadows blasted to Lin Lang instantly.

"This is the fanfare. The core of Baijiaquan lies in the subtleties. I did not expect that Baijiaquan had been trained to such an extent by him."

"Although Bai Mu has inherited Baijiaquan, his trick Ning Han waterfall has not yet appeared, and I don't know if he can open his eyes today."

Well-informed people speak.

At this time, Bai Mu was almost at full strength, and every time he poked forward, he had to shovel a deep ditch, backhanded to greet the enemy, as if he was slamming and pulling.

However, Lin Lang faced no pressure, rounded offense and defense, and no flaws.

"Lin Youye is so amazing." Wu Xinghe's eyes widened, his eyes were incredible.

Originally thought that Lin Lang was relying on the protection of Master Lu's family, but now he understands that he originally relied on himself.

With him, it is enough to be proud of the world.

In a blink of an eye, dozens of moves passed, and there was still no victory or defeat between the two.

Bai Mu's heart is inevitably impatient. He is already the leader of the martial arts world in Huaxia, but he can face a little cub, and he can't do anything with dozens of tricks.

"This talent is like a demon. The strength is just not under me, it must be removed!" Bai Mu was surprised.

He is really a bit scared of Lin Lang's talent, and now he may be able to overpower the other side by repair.

But one year later, ten years later?

I'm afraid it won't be long before this boy can surpass him.

Lin Lang's revealed strength and talents were enough for Bai Mu to increase his killing intentions and thoroughly cut off the grass.

"No more, I will not entangle him, I will use that trick."

Bai Mu said to himself, completely made up his mind to use his skills, Ning Han waterfall.

This is the trick, which he adapted with great wisdom based on the yin and yang Taoist Xeon Jue Xue Hantan ruler. Although it is subtle in a subtle way, the effect used is also ten out of ten.

It was this move that made him successfully top the martial arts conference. Of course, this is based on the assumption that the old monsters did not participate.

"Ninghan Waterfall!"

Bai Mu whispered softly. At this moment, the air of Wanfoding fell a few degrees for it. It was obviously summer, and it should be hot and hot. At this moment, people couldn't help taking a nap.

The air is filled with tiny particles of ice crystals, like a little starry sky, a cold air visible to the naked eye, constantly drifting forward.

The condensed water becomes ice, and the forest is cold and cold.

"This is called Ning Han Waterfall."

Xu Zhan's eyes were like a torch. He naturally heard the name of Ning Han Waterfall, but he was lucky enough to see it once.

As for Bai Ting, seeing the use of this trick by Bai Mu's homeowner, his mind was settled. Because in his memory, Bai Mu has not encountered a considerable opponent, but none of them has been able to escape from the Ning Han waterfall.

This move already represents invincibility.

"Ning me!"

Bai Mu shouted again over there, and the surrounding air became colder. The ubiquitous cold wave and ice crystals wrapped Lin Lang in an instant.

With the order of Bai Mu, no matter it was water in the air or ice crystals, at this time everything turned into an ice prison. There was no space to move his body. Lin Lang was imprisoned.

"Let's take your fate. Even a strong man in a higher realm cannot escape from the cold waterfall, and it should be your honor to die under the beckoning of me."

Bai Mu's face was expressionless, and his fist, which had accumulated half body strength, blasted out to Lin Lang's head.

Lin Lang couldn't move, as if he could be slaughtered. At this moment, Lin Lang was in a difficult and dangerous situation!

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