Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 173: The flaws of Baijiaquan

The Lu family is now facing a dilemma. It should have been divided into three levels, but the manpower is not enough. It can only be guarded by Lin Lang at the eighty-five level.

Lu Chunfeng also knew in his mind that this was only a temporary expedient.

Once someone clears the customs from Lin Lang, then the next two barriers will surely follow. At that time, the Lu family will only have two choices.

One is that he does not participate in the competition of the martial arts convention, and still retains the name of the Xiuwu family, but he has no actual control, and it is almost no longer known.

The second was that the Lu family was removed from the Xiuwu family, and Grandpa Lu participated in the martial arts conference in the name of casual repair, and finally re-launched a new Lu family.

Either of these two is equivalent to the calamity of the Lu family.

This is simply an unsolved ending.


With each passing battle, Lin Lang still didn't mean to stop. Instead, the more he fought, the more he fought. In the end, he only needed one move to defeat the warrior peak.

One move big leaf seventy-two style starting hand.

As of now, there are no less than ten warriors defeated by Lin Lang, and few of them can force his other moves.

"Isn't he tired?"

The martial arts were a little embarrassed, even the Grand Master had to be a little tired after ten battles.

But this Lin Lang, not only did not have a little tiredness, but was full of vigor and vitality, the moves in his hands became more and more fierce.

Finally, Lin Lang encountered a slightly heavy warrior, that is, Bai Yushi who is standing opposite him now, a half-step grandmaster.

On this side is a fierce man who only needs one move to solve the peak of the warrior, and on the other side is a real half-step master, an old strong.

Neither of these are weak.

Most people's eyes are gathered here, looking forward to this amazing collision.

People with more good things sit up in private and draw a gamble.

"Boy, the farce is over, let's stop there."

Bai Yushi made a faint sound.

Lin Lang also nodded and said, "The farce really should end, remember to remind Bai family after stepping down, I will come to the door last time."


Bai Yushi was furious and rushed forward to fight with Lin Lang.

I have to say that although he was also trained in Baijiaquan, Bai Yushi's strength was far higher than that of the previous Baijia Wushu. A pair of iron fists were rounded by him, and there was no stagnation in the connection.

This Bai Yushi's accomplishment in the study of his boxing skills is so deep that he is afraid that he has already entered the room and Lin Lang as an opponent can not help but glance at it.

In an instant, the two played against the venue for dozens of rounds.

Lin Lang finally encountered a warrior with a little strength, but also saw the hunting heart, and urged the Seventy-two Daye style to fight with Bai Yushi.

The Bai Jiawu warriors do have something unique. While the purpose is to "go straight in and out," they can also ensure that the warriors themselves have a long and continuous atmosphere.

Main attack and more defense.

This is the characteristic of Baijiaquan.

Within a short period of time, it was even comparable to Daye 72.

However, the Day 72 style is the famous martial art of Daye Xianzong. After the 50th move, the gap between the two gradually showed.

Bai Yushi was pressed and beaten everywhere, and there was rarely time for resistance.

"Bai Jiaquan's main attack was suppressed, and Bai Yushi will undoubtedly lose for a long time."

"The subtlety of this boy's martial arts is just beyond Baijiaquan."

Bai Jiazhu's face was a little dignified, and it was the first time he saw Bai Jiaquan being useless.

We must know that Baijiaquan can develop so quickly and cannot be separated from Baijiaquan. At that time, the Chinese martial arts gods also praised Baijiaquan's methods, ancient and modern boxing, and Baijiaquan was good.

There should be no one who can surpass Baijiaquan in this world on martial arts.


Like Bai Jiazhu's mind, Lin Lang's mind was also thinking about this issue.

Baijiaquan can never be so exquisite. If it were the fairyland, it would not be possible to have such perfect martial arts on the declining earth.

The large leaf seventy-two style is a painstaking effort by countless generations of talents. It is already the limit that the monk can reach. A pheasant without a name and a straw shoe without a name can not be like this, even if it only has its third Power.

Under Lin Lang's intentional observation, he did not continue to suppress Bai Yushi and let the other party resist.

"good chance!"

Bai Yushi saw the timing, and a sideways flash of Lin Lang's fist.

"go to hell!"

With the opportunity to break free, Bai Yushi gradually regained control of the initiative, followed by a punch, and the rain-like fist kept pouring down, as if to release the previous anger.

Lin Lang was forced to dodge and had no chance to resist.

As time passed, white jade took the upper hand, but Lin Lang only fell into a depression.

"Homeowner, who will win this game?"

A Bai family member carefully approached the Bai family owner. It wasn't that he was worried about the clan, but that he had just pressed hundreds of thousands of yuan into it. In case of a loss, he wouldn't get caught in the water ...

"Although I don't know why he let Bai Yushi regain the initiative, but once the martial arts practitioners who practiced Baijiaquan were suppressed, few people could break free."

"He has missed the best opportunity," the owner of Bai said.

The voice didn't fall, I saw a sudden bow from Lin Lang, with his legs and hands supporting the ground, forming a perfect semicircle in the air.

Not only did he avoid the rushing attack, the next sweep of his legs, kicked directly at Bai Yushi's chest, listening only to the sound of bone fracture.

Bai Yushi fainted and died without seeing any interest.

Lin Lang fluttered down and couldn't even bother to look at him.

Had it not been for his intention to study Baijiaquan, Bai Yushi would have been lost.

"I said that there can be no such perfect martial arts on the earth. It turned out that the offense and defense were integrated, but the warrior himself was sacrificed. A fatal flaw appeared, that is, the shoulder area.

Once the scapular area is attacked, the whole set of boxing methods will be disordered, and the proper strength cannot be exerted at all.

Lin Lang was short of interest.

This is like a winner of the Nobel Prize in Mathematics. At the beginning, there was still a bit of interest in the maths math problem. After reading it, I realized the so-called "difficulty". But in fact, I was full of disappointment.

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