Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 167: Group meeting

The good news of the cause of the cause of the gong is also a worry. The winning warriors are smiling and the warriors who have been eliminated are frowning.

All the warriors and beasts gathered together and scattered, and they retreated from the mountains.

Obviously, Lu Jiawu belongs to the category of worry. In the huge Xiuwu family, there were two masters in the family, and two masters in the half step, but these strong ones did not even enter the top eighty.

Shame, this is a shame throughout the history of the Lu family.

That night, the Lu family held a family meeting. Of course, the meeting was the core of the Lu family. Even Father Lu participated in the discussion in person.

After half an hour of fierce discussion, Lu Chunfeng initially set a plan. If Bai Yutang comes on tomorrow, then the master of half steps will handle it, Yixue's shame today.

No one feels glorious, or even feels a bit ashamed. Using a half-step master to deal with a late martial artist is a victory, and it is also a victory.

But now, the Lu family has only one way to go.

Either defeat Bai Yutang and save face, or humiliate until the end of the martial arts meeting.

Although the matter was settled, the atmosphere was dull. Most people are pondering their heads and thinking, how could the dignified Xiu Wu family be forced to such a degree.

"Fire dance, you didn't invite a master. Can you please ask him ..."

Lu Hanshan suddenly looked up and asked.

The rest of the Lu family's eyes brightened, and secretly said how they had forgotten this master.

This is a strong man comparable to the Grand Master.

If he did, Lu's situation would be completely changed.

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. They promised to protect Lu's family when it was necessary. It would be a kindness to ask him to help me. I don't have the face ...

Lu Huo hesitated.

"Lin Youye is a guest, and his identity is not worse than any of us. We are not qualified to order him."

Lu Chunfeng also shook his head.

"It's already owed to him to get him to help."

There was another downcast around.

Indeed, why can others help them. Everyone likes the icing on the cake, but few do things like sending charcoal in the snow.

You must know that the price of sending charcoal in the snow is likely to offend the Bai family, and at the same time offend two real masters.

It is estimated that any warrior in the world, even the master, is unwilling to do so.

"No face, but we can try to convince him with other things." Lu Hanshan gritted his teeth.

"You mean, we bought him?"

Lu Chunfeng's eyes brightened, and then dimmed.

It's not easy to buy a guru. Even if you give up the entire Lu family, people may have to consider whether to take over the hot potato.

Now the situation of the Lu family is indeed hot potato. No one wants to, nor dare to borrow, otherwise how would Lu Chunfeng's friends who had traveled in the past eat them behind closed doors?

"It's not easy to buy a guru, do you think I never thought about it."

Lu Chunfeng shook his head bitterly.

Guru is not a dragon among people. How can they take care of the common money? If they want, someone will send it to them in an instant.

There is no shortage of money.

Power, the Lu family can't get it.

Woman, there is a master's practice, not all kinds of beauty pursuit.

"I see that Mr. Lin has a close relationship with the lady, and the lady has never been a friend. I don't know if I can match it up. You can get a moon near the water platform."

An old man from the Lu family said suddenly.

To put it plainly is to be beautiful.

Lu Huowu was said to be ashamed, and at the same time an unknown anger was born in her heart.

She is indeed worshipping the strong, but this is not the same thing as admiration, and she is not a **** who is full of love. How can you love one when you see one.

Just like it, there is no possibility of development without long-term precipitation.

Moreover, the other party is still his superior.

Sure enough, in the face of the interests of the family, she was pushed to the front to sacrifice, and it was not ashamed of lips and teeth.

"The two of us are just purely superior-subordinate relationships, and the regulations also stipulate that abnormal subordinate-level relationships are not allowed."

Lu Huo retorted somewhat disappointed.

"Well, how do you know if you don't try it, it's a big deal if you quit that organization," the old man in the Lu family said.

Lu Huowu's face is not very good. Although it is indeed for the Lu family, she sacrifices her ideals and happiness, and she is unwilling to accept it.

She just wanted to refute, but another person helped her round it.

"It shouldn't work to marry a fire dance. Before I deliberately arranged the fire dance to the next door, I saw nothing." Lu Chunfeng shook his head.

"You can be wrong about this, man, what kind of dissatisfaction, even a modest gentleman, there are no fair ladies to pursue."

"The beauty of the lady fits perfectly with that man."

The old man touched his beard's jaw and argued.

Lu Chunfeng's face sank.

"This can only be done in the final plan, and we will discuss it later. Let's think of other ways first."

Lu Chunfeng made it clear that he was protecting his daughter.

In desperation, the Lu family brainstormed and expressed their opinions.

"Grandmasters are mostly lunatics. If you want to talk to them, only rare treasures are possible."

"I have a demon-like statue here, which was brought back from Japan by my grandfather's old man. I haven't researched any famous halls. Maybe I can show it to him.

A clan of the Lu family suddenly said.

This clan is already over seventy years old, and you can imagine how old his grandparents are.

"And this thing?" Lu Chunfeng was also stunned. He had never heard of it before.

"My grandfather was afraid of being ominous and greedy for the value of the idol, so he didn't tell others that it was passed down to my generation."

"This was originally told by the old man to be impoverished and sold out."

The Lu family always said so.

After a short while, the old family of the Lu family took the idol back.

At the sight of the idol, all the people understood why the ancestor jealous of this object, but passed it to this world.

But the appearance of the idol shows how valuable it is.

This is an idol of bright golden light all over the body. This is not the color of gold on the surface, but the pure solid gold. Such a large volume must have a few tens of kilograms.

First of all, let's push its historical value aside. Just at the current price of more than 300 yuan per gram, the value of this gold statue is over 100 million.

Such a thing, it is no wonder that the ancestors of the year were afraid of this thing, but they have been kept as heirloom till now.

"The weight of this thing is enough, plus the remnant of the 500-year-old elixir in the family, the guru can move."

Lu Chunfeng took a deep breath.

"Uncle, today's kindness is worth remembering by all Lu families."

At the time of the clan's survival, there are villains who sacrifice the interests of others, as well as far-sighted men who have a profound sense of justice.

Lu Chunfeng leaned down and worshiped, and so did the rest, tears of excitement.

The Lu Family ... is saved! !! !!

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