Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 156: Yaowang Zonglairen

Mount Emei, then lead the hall.

In the spacious hall, the crowds were crowded, and the warriors stood one after another. Some of them were busy and busy, and some people took the opportunity to chat with friends.

Some people also took this opportunity to hang a sign called "Heavy Gold for Dan" in the hall.

What's more, some stalls were set up and sipped continuously, making the whole hall of the entrance look like a market.

"The martial arts convention has always adhered to the purpose of martial arts friends, and on the eve of the martial arts conference, when the martial arts in various places exchanged the collected treasures, it was not too much for the martial arts to spend all their wealth for a good elixir." Lu Huowu whispered.

"Exchange? What exchange method?"

Lin Lang has some interests. Now he is trying to make the blood demon flower into Dan, but he is suffering from other auxiliary medicinal materials.

If he can find the best adjuvant through the martial arts conference, it will be his appetite.

"Money was rarely circulated at the martial arts conference. Generally, the barter method was adopted. Rare medicinal materials, Danfang and finished elixir can be exchanged." Lu Huowu whispered.

The warrior has a means that ordinary people can't reach. Even if he condescends as a thug, it is also the strongest thug. Besides, as long as the warrior shows a little strength, many wealthy people will look at the wind. Therefore, the warrior is the one with the most money.

"It couldn't be better."

Lin Lang's eyes flashed, he didn't have the medicinal materials, but Dan Fang in his head wasn't grasping a lot.

With a little groaning, Lin Lang sent a fire dance to get his pen and ink. He held up two wooden sticks behind him and hung a pair of ‘want to exchange for a millennium elixir. ’Bar.

"Uh ... why is the millennial elixir."

Lu Huowu looked at Lin Lang somewhat silently.

"what happened?"

Seeing it puzzled, Lu Huowu explained it to Lin Lang.

"Millennium elixir is generally inaccessible and rarely available. It is rarely circulated in the market. Occasionally, when it is born, it will be immediately looted by big families and offered as heirloom."

"Even in the Xiuwu family, there are very few elixirs that can be treasured. It is too rare for this year."

Lu Huowu sighed.

It is actually reasonable to think about it. The millennium elixir is a one-time consumable, and it is difficult to grow another strain after a short time.

And after so many years of large-scale ground scraping and excavation by farmers and ‘old hands’, modern detection instruments are so developed, and centuries-old medicines are already rare. As for the millennium, it is estimated that it is difficult to appear in the old forests that are not inaccessible.

"Is there any Lu family?"

Lin Lang suddenly asked, "It is the so-called fertile water does not flow outsiders' fields. If the Lu family can have it, it will save a lot of trouble.

"Uh ... the millennium elixir Lu family does not have. There is only one 500-year-old ganoderma lucidum strain. If the team leader needs me, I can discuss it with my father and give it to you for free."

Lu Huowu gritted her teeth. The original Ganoderma lucidum strain was intended to be used for Lu Lao to continue his life.

"Forget it, the medicinal power of the stubble strain is not enough, and I don't have much use for it." Lin Lang shook his head a little disappointed.


Lu Huowu's expression was bleak. She could feel that the other party exchanged elixir. It was definitely not an ordinary thing. This can be seen from the exercises of the fifth group of players.

Unfortunately, the Lu family does not have this blessing.

Fortunately, as soon as the banner was hung up, the title of the thunderman soon caused a crowd of soldiers to watch.

Although many people do not have the elixir, they have come up to inquire about the spirit of hunting strange things.

"In fact, I am more curious about what you want to exchange for the millennium elixir, and its value cannot be exchanged for Jinshan Yinshan."

A warrior stepped forward and asked with a chest in his arms.

"Do you have a thousand-year elixir?" Lin Lang asked in return.

"How can I have that thing ..."

The warrior murmured, and was interrupted by an unkind voice there.

"Don't disturb me in business without a millennial elixir."


The warrior was a little mad, and looked at the insincere sentence on the banner, leaving only one sentence: "Fantasy, I want to see if you can change to the millennium elixir, and by the way, remind you that there is a thousand years old medicine Wang Zong No, you can ask them. "

After saying this, the military man sneered.

Of course, he didn't remind the other party well that Yao Wangzong did have a thousand-year-old medicine. However, the masters of Yaozong were all cows in the sky. If they wanted to find something for them, they would be lightly slaughtered. Not to mention finding their roots.

"If you dare to find Wang Zong, wait for it to be ugly."

The warrior sneered again and left indignantly.

Just then, the whole hall was lively.

I saw a group of men and women in retro gowns at the gate of the palace.

Their arrival mobilized all the warriors in the hall, and they all got up to make way.

When these people stopped, they immediately started to set up the venue, and soon the labelled dan bottles were neatly placed on the table.

On the table, Yiqi Dan, Zengshou Dan, Xi Sui Dan, and many other rare elixir appeared in the hands of this group.

The scene instantly became hot.

A large group of warriors were red-eyed, and people crowded to leak the water surrounding them, and even many of them have been waving a lot of banknotes and rushed to the table like crazy.

"These are the people of Yao Wangzong, the woman is the elder of Yao Wangzong, Stefanie Sun, and the young man is the chief disciple, the elder Sun Hong, followed by the guest of Yao Wangzong, Xu Zhan. As for the others, Slightly lower, but they are also disciples of Yao Wangzong. "

Lu Huowu introduced them one by one. His eyes are full of envy. Danshi is respected in the martial arts circle. As long as he is a master who has refined the finished medicine, his status is no worse than that of the master.

Maybe they are not so outstanding, but they allow martial arts to quickly advance, cure diseases, and even save lives.

Mastering the vital triple lifeline of martial arts cultivation is also inevitable to be highly sought after.

As for the more famous Dan Master, the Grand Master also had to follow suit.

"For example, the lord of the King of Medicine Wang, more than half of the masters in the martial arts world are asking for his help. As long as the King of Medicine shakes his arm, the famous master on the list is willing to act as a thug, which shows Dan's huge appeal."

"So the martial arts world has been circulating a word, Ningyao two or three masters, do not commit Danshi Qiuhao."

Lin Lang did not object to this, because he was also an alchemist, and he was lower than the immortal king in the fairy world, and it was not easy to meet him.

The crowd in the hall was full, and almost when the two were talking, the elixir brought by Yaowanggu was sold out. Of course, they don't need money. What they need to exchange elixir from them is something of unequal value.

Their eyes are sharper than anyone else, and they will sifter through the rare treasures they see and pick the best to trade first. As for the rest, they naturally dismiss them.

The martial arts are also aware of this, but for the lion's big opening of the medicine king, they must also go up to be slaughtered. Whoever lets more than 70% of the masters of Huaxia all gather in the medicine king valley, there is no way to go to other places Yet.

Danshi's profession has basically been monopolized by Yaowanggu.

The people who waited for Wang Zong to put away the Dan bottle, and the warriors who weren't honored to buy the Dan medicine, pursed their mouths and left unwillingly.

In a sense, the medicine of King Wangzong has become an established custom. Warriors who have not captured the medicine can only blame them for not being able to fight others.

Coming here, coming back, this is probably their best portrayal.

Yao Wangzong's people were almost packed, and they were about to go back to their homes. At this time, they suddenly uttered a flick in their seats.


It was the young man calling Changhong Hong.

"What's wrong?" Sun Yanzi frowned doubtfully.

"Good guy, I found someone rushing for business with us." Chang Sunhong looked with a smile on his face, looking at where Lin Lang was.

"I'll try him first."

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