Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1384: The Emperor Hundu shows his power!

Chaos body led the monks under his command to fight all the way from the lower realm to the fairy palace. Even the Heavenly Court was still captured by him, defeating the combination of the Azure Emperor, the Heavenly Emperor, and the Empress alone.

The horror of the innate chaotic body can be imagined!

You must know that the Qing Emperor has broken through the ancestral realm, and his combat power is enough to rank in the forefront of all monks throughout the ages.

Although the empress and the heavenly emperor have not been able to break through the ancestral realm so far, one of them is the time and space divine body of Dacheng, and the other is a collection of nine ancient ways. There is an absolute chance of winning for anyone under the fairyland.

"His strength is probably different from the Heaven Jietian Emperor." Qingdi's voice was low. Smiting Heaven can defeat the three of them and join forces, and so can this Innate Chaos Body.

After all, not to mention that this chaotic body denies the way of heaven, just to say that this physique can already be comparable to the original fairy ancestors.

"The current situation may only be settled by Jietian Emperor himself. It's just..."

Xihe looked back into the depths of the heavenly court, Lin Lang who had turned into a stone statue after a long period of retreat.

However, Lin Lang traveled through the ages in a way of dreaming three thousand times, cultivating the ultimate avenue, and really did not dare to infer when he would wake up. Moreover, Lin Lang's current state, the Heavenly Court is only a clone of him, even if he is killed by someone, there will be no response.

After all, to cultivate to Lin Lang's realm, the so-called physical body has no effect. He is the avenue, and the avenue is his incarnation. It is Lin Lang's real body that is immersed in the ancient and modern world at this moment.

So even if the Heavenly Court collapsed and his body died, as long as Lin Lang had not completed his cultivation, he would not wake up.


The emperor clenched his fist, and the strands of Dao energy gathered around him, faintly evolving a majestic Dao energy.

It is as if the emperor wants to enlighten the Tao on the spot at this moment.

At this time, Xihe quietly held the Emperor's wrist and shook his head slightly. The heavenly emperor's heart shuddered, gritted his teeth, and after all, he dispersed the Tao Yun on his body at this moment.

It was the chaotic body on the other side that saw some doorways. He squinted slightly and looked at the three defeated men in front of him.

"The strength of the three is indeed not weak, but I still have a question I want you to give an answer." The Chaos Body was filled with a grim smile.

"Puppet emperor, empress, you two clearly have the ability to break through the ancestral realm, why should you not bear it." This is indeed something that Chaos Body is puzzled by. Even though the two of the Heavenly Emperor and the Empress are not better than the Qing Emperor by chance, at least they are physically strong and have spent such a long time.

It stands to reason that a monk who has gone through nearly twenty cosmological changes can break through to the ancestral realm no matter how unbearable it is.

"Or...what are you hiding!"

The Chaos Body walked gracefully, although he also suffered serious injuries, but at least he was much better than the three in front of him.

The Emperor of Heaven cast his gaze sharply, unable to think that he tried his best to hide, but at the last moment of life and death, he exposed this secret.

As this Chaos Body said, he and Xihe had the ability to advance to the ancestral realm as early as more than a dozen Yuanhui. But that time, Jie Tiandi personally came to the door to persuade them, which made the two of them tolerate it so far.

If it were not for life and death, the Emperor of Heaven would never reveal this secret.

The emperor and the empress are one of the main combat forces against heaven in the future. There are many avenues between the world and the earth, but the strongest is the Chaos Body, followed by the Hongmeng Body.

The time and space divine body is slightly second, but it should not be underestimated, and the second is the road of reincarnation. It can be said that among all the forces between heaven and earth, Xihe holds the third-ranked power, and Jiu Dao Yi is even better. Not only is it surrounded by time and space, but there are also other ancient avenues.

If they break through the ancestral realm, even if one-on-one is not an opponent of the chaotic body, they can at least remain at the same level.

The Emperor of Heaven had the urge to break through the realm, but Xi He promptly dissuaded him, worrying that this would disturb the Heavenly Dao and cause the final plan to fall short.

Although the two of them are strong after breaking through the ancestral realm, they are only auxiliary forces. It is Lin Lang himself that can really pull directly with the heavens.

"Sacrifice a few of us in exchange for the hope of ending the battle?"

The emperor secretly spread the voice.

Qingdi nodded without a trace. Obviously, he also acquiesced in this way. If the Heaven Smiting Emperor is there, the heaven and the earth can still be subverted, but if the Heaven Smiting Emperor wakes up early, then the time to compete for the order of the universe will be completely lost.

"After discussing it, I'm going to die with my own body?"

The Chaos Body couldn't help sneering when seeing the trio's small movements, and said, "Well, I will fulfill you!"

As he spoke, the Chaos Body took a step forward, and the power of the Chaos was condensed from his hands, and in the fairy palace, it had faintly turned into a chaotic world, and all Taoism was completely suppressed at this moment.

Those Celestial Sergeants who were fighting below, under this powerful force, directly fell to their knees, and even lost the courage to fight, regardless of whether they were foe or foe.


It is also impossible for the three top powerhouses in the world to catch them just like this. The three of them each control the strongest strength and fight the chaotic body for a while, until they can't resist, then they flee in three directions.

"I was left by you just like this, am I not very shameless?"

The Chaos Body chuckled, raised his hands, and sealed the avenue in the Immortal Palace. At this moment, the entire avenue of Order contained in the Immortal Palace seemed to be completely called by the Chaos Body.

The whole fairy palace is suppressing the three of them!

In contrast, there was a boiling sound in the heavenly court of the lower realm.

"The pseudo-emperor is the pseudo-emperor after all, even if the palace is immortal, it can't protect you all!" The monks from the heavenly courts of the lower realm burst out, as if they had been given a shot of a booster, the fighting became more and more fierce.

"The fairy palace does not belong to any of you. You are just a group of invaders occupying the fairy palace!"

"The avenue of the fairy palace is used to suppress you group of people who have lived in the fairy palace for several years, how ironic?"

"You should be obedient, and let go of the position of the fairy palace!"

A low-level master is full of sneers and sarcasm.

Indeed, the avenues in the fairy palace do not belong to anyone. But Chaos Body is an exception. He has the same avenue as Zu Hao. Under his influence, he can even drive the rules of order in the fairy palace.

The Chaos Body shot and sealed the three strongest immortal palaces, and the Daxian Palace became the final prison at this moment. Of course, even if they had a chance to escape outside, they couldn't do it.

Chaos body is very strong, but there is at least a glimmer of hope for victory. But the outer universe is already the territory of the Mogul Kun's family, and their escape at this moment is tantamount to dying.

The three strongest were imprisoned, but who still resisted stubbornly.

Behind the Qing emperor appeared the body, a green lotus almost as high as the sky, rooting in the ground, madly absorbing the breath of the fairy palace.

At the same time, the strength of Qingdi's body is also rising.

"With my voice, call all things and plants."

The voice of Qingdi Yinglang slowly sounded between the heavens and the earth. In the fairy palace, countless flowers and plants swayed, and thousands of years of old trees swayed. In the sky, the seeds that were flying freely in the air seemed to be swept away. The tornado blew through and swayed rapidly upwards.

Among these vegetation, countless light spots floated out, and under the control of the strong wind, they continued to merge into the Azure Emperor's body.

And those flowers and plants that gave their own aura are also withered at a speed visible to the naked eye at this moment, leaving only the last bit of aura.

Yes it is.

The Qing Emperor broke through the ancestral realm and created the avenue of vegetation. If there are creatures in the world, there will be vegetation. Plants and trees are affectionate, and are also the avenue of man.

"Every plant and tree is sentimental."

Qingdi's figure is radiant, like a happy fairy. Under the blessing of countless vegetation energy, the entire sky was stained with a faint blue color.

The green lotus behind the Qing Emperor also grew wildly at this moment. Everyone could only see that a palm-sized green lotus swayed from the sky. Then, the green lotus took root in the ground and began to draw the power of the earth crazily.


The Qinglian grows at an extremely terrifying speed, and in a short span of time, the Qinglian has swelled to the point where the naked eye can't catch it. Everyone can only see that the root of a green lotus is in front of them, not knowing how thick it is—but the height is just as upright!

A green lotus shines forever!

At this moment, there was no trace of the Qing emperor. Instead, it was a giant green lotus that opened the heaven and earth of the fairy palace. This was the body of Qinglian and his strongest state.

"Do not-"

Jiu Daoyi roared, he could already faintly predict what would happen next.

If it is an ordinary battle, the Azure Emperor doesn't need to use his body at all, and even if he encounters an opponent that he can't beat, he will not have much possibility of turning the body into his body.

But there is only one exception, that is, the body is transformed into a sacrifice to the Tao!

"In my body, call the ancient and modern souls!"

"With my spirit, sacrifice to the world!"

"According to my way, open peace for the world!"

Three dull and majestic voices fell, and the independent Qinglian plant burst out with a dazzling divine light at this moment, and the green brilliance illuminates the world, as if it has blessed this space with layer after layer of aura, and it continues to spread. .

Bang bang bang!

Those Heavenly Court monks who were in the distance were swayed by the halo formed by this avenue of vegetation, and their bodies exploded involuntarily.

The avenue of grass and trees is also like a gentleman of Qianqian.

But even a gentleman with a smile and politeness has a bottom line! The monarch was angry and blood flowed into a river. The anger of the gentleman opens peace for the world!

In the battle of the ancestral realm, there is a way of extinction, that is, to sacrifice the Dao with the body, and to collide with the Dao controlled by the opponent with the Dao created by oneself.

In this case, there is only one final result. That is, the avenue of one of them collapsed, while the other person’s avenue was mutilated or destroyed!

This is the last anger of the ancestral monks.

Of course, no ancestral cultivator would use this method of sacrificing the avenue with his body when it was not a last resort. This is why, Lin Lang went back to the ages and was clearly strong, but he rarely killed the strong ancestors, it was just an important reason for suppressing them.

Even the way of heaven is the same!

Why is he unwilling to destroy the ancestral realm? It's not that it can't, but this backlash is too strong, and he doesn't want to do it either!

The blue light bloomed, the body of the Qing Emperor gradually disappeared, and the heaven and the earth seemed to return to tranquility.

When the cyan light completely dissipated, the chaotic body came under the cyan light.

Even the Dao of Emperor Qing could not ruin him!

At this moment, Rao was so powerful that he could not help vomiting blood, but he still had a cold face, staring at the emperor and empress in front of him.

"The guy who threatened me the most is dead, now it's up to you!"

With that said, the Emperor Chaos is about to kill the Emperor and the Empress ruthlessly. The chaos was surging, and was about to fall, but at this time, the arm of the chaos emperor was grasped by a white hand, and it was difficult to fall!

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