Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 139: Young Guru

Although the Chen family does not have a grandmaster and a strong one, there are two or three peak warriors, and their strength cannot be underestimated. It is because there are few warriors in the family who dare to provoke.

The speaker was a master of his own faction, and there were several people present who dared to despise the Chen family.

Chen Fangyin was unhappy, but he did not dare to refute the appearance of the other party. Although there were many Chen Jiawus, it was easy for the master to kill.

"Shut up! When will your stupid boy represent the Chen family, get me back." Chen Qing scolded Tieqing.

Now what is the situation, it is necessary to be cautious to get in with his practice, and with the help of Chen Fangyin's three-legged cat, his life is still alive.

Chen Fangyin was still unmoved, still stubbing his neck, but the meaning was clearer. If he wanted to hurt Brother Lin, he would step on my body first.

Chen Qing was a bit anxious, and scolded aside: "Asshole, do you know what you are doing!"

"I know what I'm doing!" Chen Fangyin replied heavily.

"Brother, come back soon, he's not worth it for you ... Uncle you let me go." Chen Fangyi burst into tears, anxiously rushed to come back to him, but Chen Qing's arms had been held tightly by Chen Qing, unable to move.

"Well, I finally give you three seconds to reconsider whether to pay or not to pay." Grand Master Yujia issued an ultimatum.

"Yeah, hurry up." Chen Fangyi gritted her teeth.

Deng Ai's mouth raised a smile, I believe in this case, as long as it is not a fool, he will obediently hand over the baby.

Do not want to, do you want to fight against dozens of high-level martial arts with your own strength?

For a time, all expectations, sarcasm, mockery, and sighs all focused on Lin Lang.

Under the intimidation of dozens of masters, even a genuine guru must retreat, not to mention that now a teenager faces these, and he is not afraid to submit.

Under the eyes of everyone, Lin Lang slowly outstretched his three fingers and opened his mouth gently, each word was extremely clear.

"I also give you three seconds. If I can run out of my vision, I will not kill you."

How big a breath!

A crowd of martial arts stunned, and then laughed regardless of the occasion.

This guy does n’t even have to pay the baby, but he still keeps saying that he can run out of his field of vision and not kill them. When you are all made of flour, it will be broken.

"Who do you think you are? The cowhide is blown out, and even the noble grandmaster dare not say this."

"Yes, the arrogant kid has to pay, and today he asked for it."

The sound of ridicule and ridicule for a while temporarily overwhelmed greed.

Even more good people, glanced back at everyone, and indexed Lin Langya's hand: "Come and come, I will calculate a bill for you, um ... there are three masters of Huajing, there are also seventeen or eight peak warriors, warriors There are dozens of them later. "

"When you are leeks in the earth, say that you cut them?"

Lin Lang tilted his head, glanced at him, and then nodded.

"Not leek, but it's almost there."

The martial arts were even more upset, and this guy even compared them to chives.

When was the warrior so worthless?

"Don't you say that you live in the White House." A military man laughed aloud.

"White House? I can go as long as I want," Lin Lang said proudly.

There was another word of silence around. If the White House were so good to go in, it would be directly changed into a tourist attraction, and you could get a ticket.

Is this guy challenging the limits of human bragging?

Even the corners of Chen Fangyin's mouth twitched. The scum around him was too good to pull the calf. He was quite serious, and now he couldn't hold back.

"Okay." Lin Lang also put away his joke, his face sullen. "I gave you a chance, you didn't cherish it."

"Come one by one or come together?"

Lin Lang's faint eyes swept across everyone.

"It's enough to deal with your husband."

Deng Ai took a step forward. He almost collapsed in the hands of a junior to make him lose his consciousness. Now he urgently needs to find his face.

"To solve you, I just need a trick."

Lin Lang was expressionless and bound his left hand, while his right hand was facing the blue sky and white clouds.


Deng Ai was furious, and a pair of iron-sand-polished palms touched Lin Lang.

It is true that the power of the Grand Master cannot be underestimated, but Deng Ai's palm took the power of lifting a car and dropped it on the flesh and blood. I am afraid that the broken bones and muscles were all mild.

However, this is enough to make the master's attack discolored, but Lin Lang's eyes are so weak, just like an adult watching a child waving his fist, weak and pathetic.

When he was practicing gas, he could kill Xiao Zhengning's masters. Now he has broken into the foundation, and his strength is no longer the same as before. In fact, one finger is enough to meet the early masters like Deng Ai.

"Sculpture of the worm."

Lin Lang still coped with it easily, without any fancy posture, it was also shot with one palm.


A muffled sound followed, and everyone expected that the scene where Lin Lang was beaten out did not appear. Instead, a blood arrow burst into Deng Ai's mouth.

Although not fatal, it was enough for him to be seriously injured.

However, I have to say that Deng Ai's luck was not very good, and he landed on a loose rock near the cliff.

Wow ...

Deng Ai hadn't waited to stand still, and the whole person fell down with his head down to the mountain. After a long time, he finally heard the sound of heavy objects falling under the cliff.

The warriors burst into a loud noise.

"How is this possible? This kid is fine, but Deng Ai is not!"

The Jade Master's eyes widened. Deng Ai's strength was only between him and Bo Zhong. Deng Ai was still like this. How could he win against him?

No one can be calm. The strength of the master is obvious to all warriors. Below the master, they are all ants. It is not a problem to deal with ten or eight peak warriors by virtue of the master.

But who would have expected it, today the guru will have no power in front of a teenager.

They then remembered that, from the beginning to the end, the teenager had only one way to deal with anyone, so that they completely misjudged the strength of the other party based on subjective assumptions.

"He's a guru, and he's not a normal guru!"

"Don't ... he can't do it?"

Lin Lang's combat effectiveness was so powerful that they mistakenly thought it was a state of God.

With such a terrifying guru ... there is absolutely the power to kill all of them.

Everyone shuddered, and thinking of Lin Lang's phrase "don't kill the light" before, no one could calm down, even the two remaining masters.

"Misunderstandings are misunderstandings. It was just that we didn't know Tarzan, but we couldn't recognize them in person ..."

The master of the Yujia coughed and hurriedly asked for mercy. He could feel the killing intention coming through the air while talking.

Lin Lang's indifferent face swept over the Grand Master of the Yu Family, and the spiritual power in his hand surged, suppressing the strength that was sufficient to hit the Grand Master severely.

Suddenly, the palm of his hand loosened, and the spiritual power became invisible.

The master of the Yu family was a little relieved, but the last sentence of the other party made him feel a cold sweat behind him.

"Looks like I don't need to do it myself today."

Lin Lang looked straight ahead, his eyes seemed to penetrate the noisy woods.

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