Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1371: Broken Seven Elder Arm

In fact, Ling Xuan also had doubts in his mind. There was nothing surprising about the outer door of the Earth Fire Sect, why so many disciples gathered to guard it.

Could it be that what treasure was born?

But it is impossible to think about it, not to mention that the fluctuation of the treasure mine is not hidden from him, even if this happens, this place belongs to the North Vein resident, and any troubles must be reported to Ling Zaixuan first.

Along with Ling Zaixuan's shot, the large formation outside the door suddenly broke. Ling Zaixuan's gaze swept away, but he found nothing strange. Outside a simple thatched house, there is a figure holding an axe and chopping wood. He is dressed in a cloth and has a mediocre repair. There is nothing surprising about it.

"Is this guy again?"

Ling Zaixuan frowned slightly, but when his eyes fell on Lin Lang, he found something extraordinary.

The young man in front of him seemed sparse and ordinary, without any self-cultivation. However, the radiance was extraordinary, and even for powerful people like Ling Zaixuan, he only felt that the latter had an unfathomable feeling.

However, this young man's cultivation level can be clearly seen at a glance.

What is even more strange is that while this young man chopping firewood, he also revealed an inexplicable Taoism. Although Ling Zaixuan couldn't understand all of it, he only felt that there were some great fluctuations in it.

Could this be an ordinary person?

Ling Zaixuan's brow furrowed deeper and deeper, and before he knew it, he was a little fascinated, and some inexplicable Taoism appeared around him.

"this is…"

The disciples in the distance were a little dumbfounded.

The first sword of the dignified north vein, has it enlightened here?

Indeed, when Ling Zaixuan was observing chopping wood for a while, he actually caught the fluctuations of the natural avenue, and then entered the realm of enlightenment.

This is a few disciples guarding nearby in anxious situation. Here is the guy the Seventh Elder called for guarding. Now Ling Zaixuan suddenly intervenes, what can they do?

Ling Zaixuan is the helm of the North Vessel, and the seventh elder's order is also not to be violated. All they can do is to notify the seventh elder of the matter.

Time flies.

Half a month passed.

Ling Zaixuan finally withdrew from the realm of enlightenment, but at this time, when he looked at the thatched house in front of him, he had a little awe in his eyes.

"Thank you Mr. for your kindness."

Ling Zai-hyun's expression was stern, and he bowed forward to salute.

At this time, there was a hearty laughter from the thatched cottage, saying: "Since you can obtain Taoism, you can be considered a person with predestined conditions. It is better to sit in the cold house."

Ling Zaixuan nodded respectfully, but he didn't have the fear of others, perhaps he didn't know that Lin Lang could manipulate the ground fire.

In order to show respect, Ling Zaixuan did not fly in the air, but walked to the stone table and sat opposite Lin Lang.

Naturally, the chat between the two has nothing to do with the others, and they are basically discussions on the road. Even so, Lin Lang's achievements on the avenue are enough to get rid of the ten streets of the latter.

After several chats, Zaixuan deeply felt the horror of Lin Lang. This is simply a living fossil in the realm of cultivating immortals, any divine channel method in front of him can be disassembled into the simplest state in an instant.

As for the bottleneck that Ling encountered at this stage of Xuan, after Lin Lang's random dialling, he immediately pushed aside the dark cloud and made a breakthrough in the original realm.

Given Ling Zaixuan's current state, it is not a problem to break into the realm of Emperor Immortal in the future. After all, Ling Zaixuan's aptitude is not bad, it's just that his skills and vision are not comparable to those of the big sect seniors.

Now, after Lin Lang's advice, Ling Zaixuan's shortcomings in this area have been filled a lot. What is worse now is to reach the realm between the immortal emperors.

"This senior is either a powerful reincarnation, or a senior who hides and lives in seclusion." After a few days of contact, Zaixuan was already deeply aware of this.

Therefore, his attitude towards Lin Lang became more and more respectful.

When he wanted to leave this place, he saw the disciples still wandering around. Obviously, these people had been staying near Lin Lang's residence before, and they had ulterior motives.

Immediately, Ling Zaixuan directly picked up a disciple and began interrogation.

This person naturally refused to betray the Seventh Elder, but in front of Ling Zaixuan, all the questions he had concealed were questioned.

After hearing the whole story, Huo Zaixuan came up in no time.

Regardless of whether Lin Lang gave him any guidance or not, even if an ordinary disciple, the seniors in the sect were so other, it was impossible for Zaixuan to give up.

"Using power without authorization, threatening the same door, are you convicted?"

Ling Zaixuan's eyes widened, and the sharp aura fluctuated directly through the three of them, causing the three of them to crawl on the ground to lead the crime.

"I went to the penalty hall to lead the crime. I was so courageous that my hand reached my north vein." Ling Zaixuan snorted before leaving with anger. As for the disciples who bowed down below, after the incident, they also took the initiative to go to the penalty hall to confess their actions.

They originally thought that using the relationship of the Seven Elders, they would still be able to return safely from the penalty hall. But they never expected that the Seven Elders at this time would not be overwhelmed by themselves?

After solving the three disciples, Ling Zaixuan went directly to the residence of the seventh elder.

"Old Qi, get out of me!"

Ling Zaixuan shouted angrily, shaking the mountains.

A haze flashed across the Seventh Elder's face, but for Ling Zaixuan, he still didn't dare to offend him, so he could only obediently walk out of the cave and said, "Ling at the helm, why does it provoke you so much anger?"

Ling Zaixuan snorted and said, "What's the matter with that handyman in my Beimai?"

"It turned out to be this."

The seventh elder breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "This person is a little weird, I just want to test it, so the helm shouldn't care."

Ling Zaixuan snorted and said, "Old Qi, your hand stretched out is so long, you even dare to move the people of my North Line. A true immortal elder brazenly embarrassed a handyman. disciple."

"Your age, could it be that you can't live on a dog?"

Ling Zaixuan's beating and insulting also embarrassed the Seventh Elder. But the latter, after all, knew that he was wrong, and whispered quietly: "You don't know if you are at the helm, this handyman disciple has a big secret in him, and he can use the fire veins under the earth fire sect.

"You should know what this ability means."

Indeed, Ling Zaixuan couldn't refute it either.

The fire veins in the underground fire sect are the foundation of the sect. If it shakes a little, the entire sect will be razed to the ground. At the same time, if it could penetrate the secrets of the fire vein, the Earth Fire Sect would have already produced a large number of top powerhouses.

At that time, the birth of a new immortal emperor is nothing to say.

If he didn't know the beauty of Lin Lang, he would be tempted to hear what the Seventh Elder said. After all, this is a major event involving the rise and fall of the sect.

But now, after Lin Lang's advice, Zaixuan was already deeply aware of the horror of the latter. It is said that he can comprehend the mystery of the fire vein, even if Lin Lang suddenly slapped the Earth Fire Sect to the ground with a slap, that would be within his scope of understanding.

In Ling Zaixuan's mind, Lin Lang was definitely not a person who was waiting for idleness. In his heyday, he was afraid that it would be the terrifying power that dominates the upper and lower levels. Such people live in seclusion in the Earth Fire Sect, so what can they do if they understand the foundation of the sect?

Who dares to offend easily?

Ling Zaixuan snorted coldly, and said, "Old Qi, you are too much this time."

Having said that, Ling Zaixuan took a step forward, his sword aura was vertical and horizontal, and the seventh elder was dying in a few rounds. The Seventh Elder didn't resist too much. As a result, Zaixuan's strength surpassed him too much.

Secondly, the seventh elder also knew Ling Zaixuan's temper. He was a fierce man who dared to lift a knife and chop the head in any anger. To beat him without taking his life is already giving him face.

At least in this way, the Seventh Elders could also see that the latter was to protect him, only to beat him half to death.

"Come here, break his arm and send it to the handyman."

Ling Zaixuan snorted coldly. Where did the surrounding disciples have the courage to cut off the arm of a sect elder, one by one, they froze in place, neither moving nor not moving.

However, Ling Zaixuan was more decisive, raising the sword in his hand and cutting off the latter's arm directly, and threw it to a disciple of Bei Mai.

When Lin Lang received this arm, he knew what Ling Zaixuan meant. But he didn't care, and threw this arm directly to the back mountain.

If people don't offend me, I won't offend people.

As for the seventh elder, he was ordered to cut off his arm personally, and the remaining sword energy on his body couldn't heal without a hundred years. This is the lesson Ling Zaixuan taught him.

However, in the hearts of the Seventh Elders, the resentment towards Lin Lang increased a bit.

The seventh elder was severed and sent to the handyman's office.

After a series of fermentations, this matter is also spreading in the local fire sect. As for Lin Lang's identity, it was even speculated by the masses of Huo Sect monks, the most outrageous one, and also wondered whether it was Ling Zaixuan's illegitimate child.

Of course, most people just treat this as a factional fight within the door. After all, the fire sect is not monolithic, and conflicts with each other are common, but this time the incident is quite serious.

When the local Huo Sect leader asked about the matter, both of them were vague and did not make it clear. One is selfish, the other is unwilling to reveal Lin Lang's identity.

The storm also passed quickly.

After more than ten years, Xiong Zhuang also returned to the sect soon. But at this time, his cultivation has entered the late stage of the realm of real immortality, and he can enter the realm of condensed realm just by condensing the true meaning of the Dao.

It is conceivable that in the past ten years of travel, Xiong Zhuang also has his own opportunities.

After Xiong Zhuang returned to the sect, he took the lead to return to Lin Lang's residence and shared all the things he encountered in this trip with Lin Langting.

This time, Xiong Zhuang does have a great opportunity. He went deep into a demon cave left in the immortal world, not only killed a master of the demon race, but also absorbed the opportunities contained in that cave mansion.

Only then has the cultivation base climbed straight, and now only a few accumulations are needed to successfully break through to the realm of the Immortal King. The latest chapter address of the invincible fairy king in the city: fairy king in the city to read the full text address: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1371 Broken Seven Elder Arm), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Immortal King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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