Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1369: Good cabbage

Chen Pianpian looked at Lin Lang with a smile, but the sly smile at the corner of his mouth couldn't hide it.

"Promise? What promise?"

Lin Lang frowned and looked at her.

Just listen to Chen Pianpian's proud voice, she said: "Before the bet, we didn't say it. After the bet is won, you promise to answer me a question. Don't forget, you are putting all the bets."

Lin Lang: "..."

"What do you want to ask?" Lin Lang frowned and looked at her.

Chen Pianpian smiled, and said, "Where did you get the exercises for Junior Brother Xiong Zhuang?"

Before she asked the question, she made a mistake. In this way, it can not only test whether Xiong Zhuang's exercises come from Lin Lang, but also ask about the origin of the exercises.

Of course, the premise is that Lin Lang must know the secret of Xiong Zhuang's exercises.

"I thought it was something." Lin Lang smiled, and there was nothing wrong with answering. He faintly said, "The technique I gave him was created by me at will, so are you satisfied?"

Chen Pianpian curled her lips and said, "I believe you are a ghost. Since you are unwilling to tell the truth, I will stay with you and let you answer when I think of a better question."

Chen Pianpian subconsciously thought that Lin Lang was joking and lying to her. After all, even her master’s order in Xuandu once said that this exercise is far beyond the realm of Xiong Zhuang, at least it is the bottom of the immortal king level, and it may even involve the secrets of the immortal emperor.

Who can create an immortal king-level exercise at will?

Chen Pianpian naturally didn't believe it. If Lin Lang had this ability, why should he stay in a small land fire sect?

Afterwards, although the two also chatted for a while, the temptations between Chen Pianpian's words continued, although she could not find any valuable news.

As for the young man, his eyes kept moving between Lin Lang and Chen Pianpian. He always felt that there was some kind of unclear relationship between the two, but what was the problem, he really didn't figure it out anyway.

Although he didn't show any ambiguous actions, the young man could clearly feel that Chen Pianpian's interest in Lin Lang was clearly above him.

"It's strange, a handyman disciple hasn't even reached the realm of foundation building. How good is he?"

Later, Xiong Zhuang also showed extraordinary suppressive power, basically an invincible existence in the same realm. It's a pity that his cultivation level was so short that he was finally defeated by the master of the same realm of Nanmai.

Through this battle, Xiong Zhuang also clearly felt that there was a big problem with his practice.

It wasn't that the exercise was not good, but it was so perfect that he couldn't believe that this was actually created by Lin Lang's alteration.

Of course, he didn't break this point either. Since the Four Vein Grand Contest, Xiong Zhuang has gone to his master a lot less frequently, and most of his training time is spent in the handyman area.

This made the master in charge flattered, and a disciple who played a decisive role in the inner sect actually chose to practice in a small handyman's place. How can he calm down?

For fear of improper hospitality, the steward hurriedly sent someone to pack up a clean and upright house and vacate it for the inner door master to live in.


Xiong Zhuang responded lightly. Although there is not much benefit to cultivating here, after all, it is by Lin Lang's side. Even if the latter gives random pointers, it is definitely an opportunity.

Xiong Zhuang knew very well that Lin Lang's true identity was probably a certain hidden master. For some reason, he temporarily lived in Dihuo Sect.

Such a strong person either avoids misfortune or is tired of the secular world. In short, such an existence cannot stay in the Earth Fire Sect forever.

Xiong Zhuangsheng was afraid of Lin Lang leaving, so he also wanted to ask the other party to mention a few words before the other party left.

With this thought, Xiong Zhuan stayed for half a month.

He found that Lin Lang didn't have any training time from beginning to end, as if he were really a mortal, cutting down trees and dragging, day after day, there was never any change.

Perhaps the only thing that has changed is that the latter's physique is getting stronger and stronger.

"Perhaps it is a certain hermit expert, who has traveled the path of comprehension beforehand."

Xiong Zhuang could only think so, but he did not give up because of it. Almost every evening, Xiong Zhuang brought back a lot of delicacies of mountains and seas, and invited Lin Lang to eat and drink.

Come and go, how could Lin Lang not understand what Xiong Zhuang meant.

On this day, taking advantage of Xiong Zhuang's speech, he suddenly said, "You have to practice here, no problem. If you encounter some bottlenecks, you can also ask me for advice."

"But... I don't want other people to disturb my life again."

Xiong Zhuang nodded quickly and said some doubts about his cultivation. Lin Lang didn't have any clumsiness. For him, although his cultivation level was lost, at least his vision of invincibility was still there, and pointing Xiong Zhuang was just a trivial matter.

In this case, Xiong Zhuang's cultivation base has progressed by leaps and bounds.

In just thirty years, Xiong Zhuang has surpassed most of the cultivators of the Earth Fire Sect and reached the realm of Earth Immortal.

This kind of cultivation speed may not be a big deal in the Big Leaf Immortal Sect, which is born in large numbers of evildoers, but in a sect like Earth Fire Sect, it is definitely a genius once in a century.

Even Xiong Zhuang's existence has attracted the attention of contemporary leaders, who personally summoned Xiong Zhuang to teach magical powers.

It is a rare genius to move from the innate realm to the earth fairy realm in thirty years.

In all fairness, Xiong Zhuang's aptitude is not very good, and his comprehension is also a little bit worse, otherwise he would not have been troubled in the Qi refining realm for many years. What is really powerful is his cultivation technique, which is a perfect technique without any mistakes. He only needs to inherit the technique and practice step by step. It is not a problem to reach the realm of the immortal emperor in the future.

The only difference is that the strength of Xiong Zhuang's later period of enlightenment determines his combat power in the realm of Emperor Xiandi.

"In your current state, I can't point you too much." Lin Lang said in such a loud voice, "The true immortal state needs to condense Taoism, but now you have not touched any avenues."

"This is your weakness, and it also relates to the bottleneck of your future cultivation." Lin Lang slowly said, "Now, there is only one way in front of you. Go out for experience and find the way you can understand."

Xiong Zhuang was also aware of this problem, and at this time also bowed to Lin Lang and said, "Mr.'s kindness, be my teacher."

Xiong Zhuang spoke in a deep voice and after expressing his gratitude, he soon asked to resign.

When he went to Ling Zaixuan's residence, he really surprised the Earth Fire Sect master for a while. There are no errors or omissions in the cultivation technique, even if it is only in the realm of earth immortals, it is enough to compete against some famous true immortals.

This kind of cultivation base is basically not too dangerous to go out to practice.

"This kid really has a deep blessing, such a spiritual root aptitude, but can cultivate to this state in such a short period of time."

"But... how could he take the initiative to practice at the handyman's office?"

Ling Zaixuan frowned, but couldn't figure it out.

His consciousness swept away, and he quickly fell to the position of the handyman. The furnishings there are simple and there is nothing superfluous. Even Lin Lang, he just glanced at him, nothing more than an ordinary mortal, there is nothing outstanding about it.


At the same time that Ling Zai swept through the mysterious sense, he found that his other disciple, Chen Pianpian, had already reached Lin Lang's residence.


Ling Zai Xuanrao watched everything below with interest, if it was just a cheap apprentice Xiong Zhuang. Why does even Chen Pianpian often go to Lin Lang's side?

Chen Pianpian took the initiative to open the door, her eyes filled with smiles, and her soft voice sounded: "Brother~"

Lin Lang: "???"

"I haven't seen each other in thirty years, did Junior Brother miss me?"

"Don't bark."

Lin Lang faintly said, "There is no relationship between you and me, and I have no interest in you."

Chen Pianpian: "..."

But she was not discouraged and sat directly on Lin Lang's bed, the two of them were very close.

"Um... I also encountered some problems in my cultivation, can I ask my brother?"

Naturally, Lin Lang didn't want to answer, turned his head and was about to get up. On the other hand, Chen Pianpian didn't mean to let the latter go, her tender body leaned directly on Lin Lang.

"Do you think I dare?"

Lin Lang looked at her with a faint smile, his palms directly wrapped around the latter's slender waist, and said: "You seduce me like this, it seems useless."

"How useless?"

Chen Pianpian sighed gently next to Lin Lang's ear, and said, "Then it OK?"

On the other side, Ling Zaixuan, who was watching all this, quickly cut off the screen.

Pooh, pooh, the next picture is probably not suitable for children. He is a teacher, but he is not so voyeuristic.

After Ling Zaixuan withdrew his spiritual knowledge, Lin Lang finally sat up from the bed, turned and walked out of the room door.

Chen Pianpian stared at the scene blankly, this... just left?

She even wondered if her charm was lacking. It’s just that Chen Pianpian does not have to chase after the situation in front of him, so he can only return to his residence.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he returned to the cultivation cave, Chen Pianpian had a face-to-face meeting with Ling Zaixuan.

"Master...what is your look in this?"

Chen Pianpian looked at the complicated expression on Ling Zaixuan's face, sighed, or melancholy. What kind of attitude was this?

"Master, you..."

Ling Zaixuan just sighed softly, and said, "When the piglet is raised, it should be released." The expression was like saying, "Good pigs, how can they be eaten by good cabbage?"

Chen Pianpian: "..."

"Master! Have you peeped at me!"

Chen Pianpian stomped her feet, her pretty face quickly blushed. Although she is no longer a girl, this kind of thing is seen by her master, it is still...too embarrassing!

In order to avoid embarrassment, Chen Pianpian could only chase Ling Zaixuan, and said something old maniac, it turns out that you are like this...

In fact, Ling Zaixuan is also a few years older than Chen Pianpian. Although he is a master and apprentice, he is more like a mode of getting along with friends.

In the end, Ling Zaixuan could only hide and never show up.

After all, if Chen Pianpian shouted those words, if someone with a heart listened to him, he would think he had any unreasonable thoughts about his apprentice. The latest chapter address of the invincible fairy king in the city: fairy king in the city to read the full text address: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1369 is a good cabbage), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Fairy King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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