Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1367: Weird Lin Lang

Knowing that Ling Zaixuan raised the issue again, Xiong Zhuang realized the key to the issue.

Judging from his current vision, the former Charm Sacred Heart Sutra was nothing at all, not even the cultivation technique. But since being revised by Lin Lang, the Charm Sacred Heart Sutra has undergone earth-shaking changes, even if he is promoted to a few more realms, he can still practice with this technique.

"It seems that the problem lies with Lin Lang." Xiong Zhuang frowned: "Could it be that he is not a good hermit?"

But the question is, if Lin Lang is really capable of doing that, why would he succumb to the small fire sect? Willing to be a humble handyman disciple?

Reminiscent of the time when Lin Lang modified the Charm Sacred Heart Sutra and handed it back to him, he also deliberately reminded him not to let this technique be easily revealed.

Obviously, Lin Lang probably already knew the level of the new version of the Charm Sacred Heart Sutra. However, whether it is to hide his identity or not want him to be the target of public criticism due to the exposure of his cultivation technique, this is not known.

Xiong Zhuang was puzzled and had to say: "Dare to ask Master, is there such a thing in the world that can create the existence of the Immortal King Cultivation Technique?"

"It's there."

Ling Zaixuan smiled and said: "It's just that such a person has long surpassed ordinary people in both vision and knowledge, and the cultivation base is at least the existence of the immortal emperor who has survived several eternal disasters."

"Could it be that you have met such an expert?"

Xiong Zhuang also didn't want to reveal Lin Lang, so he had to say: "Return to Master, the apprentice is just curious about what kind of people can create a technique like the Charm Sacred Heart Sutra."

Ling Zaixuan nodded slightly, but did not continue to question, but said indifferently: "Become under my command, and then your cultivation requirements will no longer be sloppy. You should be aware that you are the weakest disciple under my sect. I hope you can Follow in the footsteps of brothers and sisters as soon as possible."


Xiong Zhuang bowed to salute, and quickly withdrew.

At this point, Xiong Zhuang, who was ordered under Xuan's sect, finally succeeded from a small outer disciple to the ranks of the inner sect core.

As Xiong Zhuang's senior sister, Chen Pianpian also provided a lot of help after Xiong Zhuang started. Time flickered, half a year later, when Xiong Zhuang left the customs again, he was already in the late innate realm, and he was not far from the condensed golden core.

And the reason why he left the customs was to take over the Four Vessels in the big comparison.

Every year in the four veins of the Earth Fire Sect, there will be competitions in the realm of the disciples, competing for the highest honor in the life of the Earth Fire Sect disciples. Xiong Zhuang's entry is naturally no exception.

However, before the Four Meridian Grand Competition began, Xiong Zhuang felt that he had a great need to go back to the old handyman's office.

He always felt that Lin Lang's identity was not that simple.

The inner gate was not far from the handyman's office, and Xiong Zhuang quickly set foot on his way home. Chen Pianpian had nothing to do, and planned to follow Xiong Zhuang to take a look at what kind of place the new junior brother came from.

The door of the handyman's office was open, and Xiong Zhuang was dressed in the costume of the inner disciple. He walked all the way, and all the handyman disciples looked sideways, showing an expression of envy.

The identity of the disciple in the door is already considered a big figure in their eyes.

Even the former handyman in charge, at the moment when he saw Xiong Zhuang, he nodded and bowed his head, wishing to move his face to the side, and also touch the light of the inner disciple.

There is someone in the door, and he is the apprentice of the first sword of the north vein, his position will be as stable as Mount Tai, and it may even be one step closer.

"Junior Brother Xiong, did you come out from such a place?"

Chen Pianpian was surprised. What was completely different from the prosperous inner door was that the handyman's office was in tatters, and the environment in which they practiced was completely different. It can be said that since Chen Pianpian entered the sect, it is not even clear that the handyman office looks like this.

"Yes it is."

Xiong Zhuang smiled.

"Really great."

Chen Pianpian couldn't help adding her blue eyes. She also knew very well that there is basically no way to spread the handymanship. Even if there is, it is the lowest level. It is almost heaven to reach the realm of foundation construction.

Xiong Zhuang can stand out from such a place, and he is also very good.

Xiong Zhuang and Chen Pianpian talked freely, and they saw many scenes from the past. It's just that the acquaintance is no longer there, and most of the people who worked with him at the beginning were either dead or injured in the door, or had left the sect.

"I don't know if Brother Lin is still there in the past two years."

Xiong Zhuang thought so in his heart. Since he entered the outer door, he has returned fewer and fewer times, and he has not paid attention to his former roommate for a long time.

"He hasn't left yet." The steward smiled and said, "But then again, this kid seems to have found the right way over the past few years. He can chop more than a dozen trees in one day."

Xiong Zhuang raised his eyebrows, recalling Lin Lang's weak body. Cutting down more than a dozen trees a day made him a little embarrassed.

"Is the job of the handyman office so heavy now?"

Xiong Zhuang was dissatisfied, thinking that it was the steward that had increased Lin Lang's task.

"How dare I?" The steward explained quickly, smiling bitterly: "Your friend seems to have someone behind him. It is said that when he entered the handyman's office, it was Elder Xu himself who arranged to come in. How dare I offend him."

"That's good."

Xiong Zhuang looked at each other meaningfully, and said: "I don't care who is behind Lin Lang, but now, I am covered."

"That's natural." The steward said quickly, "Actually, the handyman's office hasn't had too many heavy tasks recently. It should be enough for him to cultivate for a while."

Xiong Zhuang smiled and nodded. Soon, they returned to the small house, but they were empty.

Lin Lang did not return, but Xiong Shi returned first, and was already lying on the bed honestly, snoring everywhere.

Xiong Zhuang stepped forward and awakened the latter. The two brothers in the same village had not met again for a long time, so naturally they couldn't greet them, especially the enthusiastic Xiong Shi, who directly took Xiong Zhuang in his arms, and his powerful arms were almost cut off by Xiong Zhuang.

After a long while, Xiong Shi exhausted his heat before letting go.

When asked where Lin Lang was going, Xiong Shi only said, "This kid didn't cut down enough trees. I guess he's still on the mountain at this time. I'll call him back."

"No need."

Xiong Zhuang said: "I am familiar with Hou Shan, I will go and find him myself."

"You guy with thin skin and tender flesh, you are not familiar with the mountain road." Xiong Zhuang's urn sounded, pushing the door and leading the way for Xiong Shi and others.

Don't look at Xiong Shi's big size, but he walks with wind, and his speed is amazing. In a few blinks, he has climbed over several low mountains.

"This friend of yours is not easy," Chen Pianpian walked behind, and she smiled and said, "Unexpectedly, the little handyman is also Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

Looking at Chen Pianpian, Xiong Zhuang naturally knew what the latter meant.

"My brother was born with a lot of strength, but unfortunately there is no foundation for cultivation, otherwise he must be a good combatant." Xiong Zhuang smiled and said: "However, recently I see this guy is getting stronger and stronger."

"More than that."

Chen Pianpian smiled and said, "I guess he can kill a monk in the foundation-building period with one palm. It's a pity that such talents stay in the handyman's office."

"But having said that, I am looking forward to your other friend even more. I can let the apprentice of Beimai No.1 Sword go out to meet him personally."

Xiong Zhuang smiled, and did not speak.

The three of them walked a few miles on the mountain road. At this moment, they saw a rustling sound from the jungle, and there was a figure as the branches and leaves swayed, holding a big tree down the mountain with difficulty.

From this look, who is not Lin Lang?

"It's him?"

Chen Pianpian continued in the night and saw Lin Lang's face clearly, a little surprised. After all, this mortal who was brought back to Earth Huo Sect by him had long been forgotten by her.

Unexpectedly, the two will meet again one day.


Chen Pianpian frowned slightly. Although Lin Lang had no spiritual power in his body, dragging the tree was still very difficult. But Chen Pianpian always had a strange feeling, as if he could perceive a strange rhythm in the latter.

However, she could not capture the source of this strange feeling at all.

Lin Lang naturally saw Chen Pianpian, but the latter didn't seem to say hello, and he just didn't know him.

The group of three chatted for a while, then returned to the small house.

After the greeting, Xiong Zhuang didn't rush to leave, he was planning to stay here. It was Chen Pianpian, who could not live with the three big men, stayed for a while and then took the initiative to leave.

The reason Xiong Zhuang didn't leave was just to verify Lin Lang's identity.

It's a pity that no matter how Xiong Zhuang hits sideways, Lin Lang is just shaking his head, saying that the things between you monks, how can I be clear to mortals.

Reluctantly, Xiong Zhuang had to leave after leaving some money with the two elder brothers.

"After half a month, it will be the Four Vessels of the Earth Fire Sect. I hope that the two brothers can also come to watch the battle."

Xiong Zhuang slowly said, "It's just that I'm only a late-stage cultivation base of the innate realm. Those who participated in the battle are also senior innate peak seniors. It is difficult to have a chance to win."

"I don't know, Brother Lin has a good opinion?"

Lin Lang smiled and shook his head, and said, "Just believe in yourself."

Xiong Zhuang: "..."

Helpless, Xiong Zhuang could only leave.

However, before returning to the inner door, he was suddenly stopped by Chen Pianpian.

"Brother Xiong, I didn't expect you to be in the same place with Brother Lin." Chen Pianpian smiled and stood on a rock.

"Senior Sister Chen, are you interested in my elder brother? Although my elder brother has a weaker cultivation base, his appearance is still good."

Xiong Zhuang joked.

"You have something wrong."

Chen Pianpian gave the latter a white look, and said, "You kid is getting more and more pimp, even your senior sister's joke."

Xiong Zhuang laughed loudly and said, "Senior Sister, what do you want to know? I must know everything."

Chen Pianpian curled her lips and said, "Then let me talk about your practice first? I don't know whether the Charm Sacred Heart Sutra you practiced comes from the elders around you?"

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