Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1365: Ordinary life

There is a teacher behind Chen Pianpian, who has a very low status in the door, and even the elder of the examination hall who is alone has to give three points.

There are tens of thousands of disciples in the Dihuo Sect, and it is easy for the elder of the assessment hall to arrange a new disciple. After a while, Elder Xu brought back a token with Lin Lang's name.

"Miss Chen, the old man has arranged the identity of a handyman disciple for your friend. You can report to Pandaoshan in the afternoon." Elder Xu said softly, "I have notified the same door on the Pandaoshan side, over there. It won’t be too harsh either. On weekdays, you only need to do some work of chopping wood and cutting trees."

Perhaps because she was worried that Chen Pianpian would continue to bargain, Elder Xu immediately said: "With the authority I can use, without spiritual roots, it is hard to arrange a relatively leisurely handyman's office."

Chen Pianpian gave a gift, leaning slightly and said: "The younger generation has thanked the elder."

"No problem, no problem."

Elder Xu waved his hand again and again, saying: "Everyone belongs to the northern line, so it should be right to take care of each other."

The turmoil in the disciples came to an end for a while, and Chen Pianpian soon said goodbye and went back to the master to report on his work. After all, as a monk, she couldn't always focus on an ordinary person like Lin Lang.

In the afternoon, Lin Lang went to the handyman's office to report. As the elder Xu said, the steward of the handyman's office did not embarrass him, and he was basically useless on the first day.

"Little brother, I'm afraid you will be exhausted due to the exhaustion. Let me take a day off. I'll come to you tomorrow to explain some rules and regulations of the sect." The manager of the Handyman Office said.

"Turn left ahead, there is a thatched house 100 meters from the intersection. That is your residence." It can be seen that the steward of the handyman is very good at being a man. Since I heard that Lin Lang was arranged by the people inside the door. Those who came in didn't have their own status, and they were very polite to explain to Lin Lang.

After all, being able to mix up a small official in a place like the handyman's office is naturally excellent at observing words and colors.

Lin Lang nodded, following the direction pointed by the other party, and quickly found a place where he lived.

This is a three-person bunk, with three beds neatly arranged in the room, but it is obvious that the three beds are essentially different.

A bed is neat and tidy, the pillows and quilts are folded into the shape of tofu blocks, and even the bedside table is wiped clean without causing any dust.

The other bed is a mess, with grass stems, hair, dirt, basically everything. It can be seen that the owner of this bed should be a rough man.

As for the last bed, although the cups are stacked upright, a lot of dust has fallen on it. It seems that this is Lin Lang's future residence.

In the evening.

Lin Lang saw his first roommate, but just as he imagined, this person was a fair-skinned man who looked a little like a scholar of white!

How should I put it, if I have to get an impression, the vocabulary that Lin Lang thinks of is probably the "sissy" commonly used on Emperor Linxing.

However, this guy's personality seemed to be a little withdrawn. After seeing Lin Lang, he only brought it a little bit. He pushed aside the bedding, and took out an old book with pages that had been turned off from below.

A few words can be seen vaguely above, the General Outline of Immortal Cultivation and the First Chapter of the Charm Sacred Heart Sutra.

Lin Lang smiled slightly, but saw the white-faced man sitting on the bed in a decent way, and began to learn the content recorded in the book. Occasionally, it will be accompanied by a little spiritual ripples.

He barely stepped into the threshold of the realm of refining qi, of course, in his situation, he belonged to a cultivator who had stepped into cultivation at a half-step, but had never explored the spirit sea.

"Lower disciples, there is no shortage of people who are eager to learn."

Lin Lang smiled in his heart, but he didn't have much comment.

For a long while.

"I heard that we are newcomers here?"

A rough voice suddenly came from outside the door, pushing the door, but the voice came before anyone else. The visitor was a middle-aged man with a shaggy beard, basically the same as his bed, unkempt, like a savage who had just emerged from the forest.

Seeing his roommate's return, the white-faced man frowned slightly and couldn't help but snorted coldly, and said: "If something is a little bit bigger, you are arguing for others to study."

Lin Lang: "..."

It's not that I dislike this kind of personality, but a big man speaks in this tone, it really makes people get goose bumps.

But the wild man seemed to be familiar with himself, and he pulled Lin Lang when he came up, and said, "My name is Xiong Shi. From now on, the three of us will live together. Tell me what's the matter."

Xiong Shi banged his chest and said, "Outside, if anyone bullies you, just tell me. We have no other capabilities, but we still have strength."

"Lin Lang."

Lin Lang smiled and took the initiative to chat with the latter. It's like Xiong Shi's character. Basically what he says, you only need to hum and haha ​​on the side, and occasionally bring up the topic a few times, and you can talk for a long time.

"Forgot to introduce to you, this old boy who doesn't talk much at ordinary times, his name is Xiong Zhuang, and he was in the same village with me."

"Xiong Zhuang?"

Lin Lang was stunned. The name is quite casual, but the name is for reference only, and the character of the character shall prevail in kind.

Unknowingly, it was getting late, and it was pitch black outside, and occasionally a few tremors could be heard, and Lin Lang couldn't help but breathe.


Lin Lang was stunned suddenly.

He seems to have really become an ordinary person now, and even when it gets dark at night, he will be sleepy.

"It seems that I have to accept this fact now." Lin Lang shook his head and smiled, but didn't care about it. On the other side, the white-faced man is still practicing in a decent way, but unfortunately, with his method, it is estimated that it will take a long time to open the Linghai.

No words for a night.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Lang went to the steward to report, and Xiong Shi and the others were called together. In addition to the three of them, there are seven men of various fats and thins, who seem to be under the steward.

Early in the morning... Regular meeting.

The steward was naturally talking about some work assignment issues. Obviously, even in the immortal cultivating sects like the Earth Fire Sect, there are indispensable logistical support personnel like ten of them.

Xiong Shi was responsible for going up the mountain to chop wood, while Baimian Xiongzhuang washed and washed for the official disciples of the Earth Fire Sect. In addition, the others were also engaged in different jobs. It can be seen that in the circle of these ten people, another lean old man has a high status.

Without him, the lean old man is responsible for carving bows and arrows, wooden stakes and other basic objects. These things are all used for the training of those outside disciples. It is a very important productivity in this team.

After the morning meeting, the steward stopped Lin Lang and Xiong Shi alone, and assigned Lin Lang the same job of logging uphill.

Logging is actually the most tiring item of all work. As for why Elder Xu said that the job was easy, it was because the amount of wood used for logging up the mountain was basically more than enough for one person to do it. Arranging for Lin Lang to come in was just a mess.

This is a very leisurely job.

As for Xiong Xerox's unwillingness... this Tie Hanhan seems to be not accounting for these details.

of course.

Lin Lang did not deliberately be lazy, anyway, the rest of his life is only so long, so why not do a mortal life peacefully, laziness every day, and wasted his whole life in bed, what's the point?

The next day, Lin Lang and Xiong Shi went up the mountain, and the two cut down a dozen trees. It was not until the evening of the sky that they piled the wood down the mountain. Master Xiong cut down twelve trees. As for Lin Lang, only four trees were cut down.

It's not that Lin Lang is deliberately lazy, but that every tree on the mountain has the thickness of a bucket. It takes a long time to just fell and move it down the mountain.

This is not an easy task.

In the end, after a day's work, Lin Lang suffered from a sore waist and backache. When he returned to the room, he fell asleep.

"Small body, really not good." Xiong Shihan looked at Lin Lang.

The peaceful days are just passing by day by day. Lin Lang also completely accepted his current identity, and all that was left was a monotonous and tedious life every day.

It was not until two years later that the former managerial brother was also transferred from his original position and promoted. The one who came to take over his job was a young man, who seemed to be about the same age as Lin Lang.

It's just that this guy is different. The first day he took office, he was full of authority and leadership. Although there is no talk about the morning meeting, this guy still informs everyone that he is related to a certain inner disciple in the door.

For the good of everyone, the next step is to grasp the output, especially the amount of logging.

For a while, this new manager caused a lot of complaints. But there is no way, who can let people have power in their hands? On the contrary, the lean old man posted very quickly and had a very good relationship with the new manager.

One day.

Bai Mian Xiong Zhuang returned from the outside, with a few distinct blood stains on his white and tender face. The first thing I did when I returned to the room was to puck my buttocks and cried under the quilt.

Lin Lang and Xiong Shi realized that the latter was bullied. They asked them several times, but there was no result.

This matter can only be stopped temporarily.

But as time went by, white-faced Xiongzhuang's body also showed a number of whip marks, and when he arrived here, the other two also understood that the latter obviously suffered frequent beatings.

As for who made the fight, it is unclear.

After crying for a while, Xiong Zhuang began to be angry again, studying the Charm Sacred Heart Sutra.

"I must cultivate aura, let those people take a good look!"

Xiong Zhuang muttered, as if caught in a sea of ​​knowledge.

It's just that Xiong Zhuang has been practicing for several years, and he still hasn't even developed a spiritual energy. In this life... I am afraid that will be the case.

Lin Lang couldn't bear it. After borrowing the book and reading it for a while, he couldn't help but say, "This exercise is actually not suitable for you."

Lin Lang's original intention was to say that this was not a practice exercise at all, but just some superficial introduction, but he was worried that it would hit the latter, so he changed his view. The latest chapter address of the invincible fairy king in the city: the full text of the Invincible Fairy King in the City: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1365 Ordinary Life) reading record, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Fairy King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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