Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1363: Gate of Cultivation

The two chatted briefly, and then Chen Pianpian carried Lin Lang and planned to leave with Yujian.

"You grab this rope and don't move behind me."

Chen Pianpian was a little worried, and hurriedly exhorted. After all, flying at high altitudes is extremely fast, and a mortal like Lin Lang who has no foundation in cultivation will have to be disabled even if he falls.

"It's okay."

Lin Lang said indifferently, "You just need to be in charge of Yujian, don't worry about me."

Chen Pianpian looked at Lin Lang suspiciously, only to hear the latter's voice again, and said: "It's just a sword, I control the balance."

Chen Pianpian was suspicious, controlled the flying sword, and stared at Lin Lang stepping on the flying sword, and then moved forward at a slow speed. In this way, even if Lin Lang fell down, she would have enough time to rescue.

"Stand really steady."

Chen Pianpian glanced at Lin Lang behind him, and saw the latter's face as usual, standing straight on the flying sword, without any signs of swaying, and he was a little relieved.

The two of them stepped on flying swords and quickly crossed ten miles.

It was also at this time that there was a low hum from the distant sky, and the red bird hovered in the air for a few times, and finally stopped at Lin Lang.

"Fire Birds and Beasts."

Chen Pianpian frowned. The habits of this kind of birds and animals are very aggressive. Just like its name, it has a very grumpy temper. Once it provokes it, it will almost never die.

If it were normal, Chen Pianpian would not be afraid of this bird, at least it would be difficult for the fire bird beast to hurt her life. But right now, it was different. Chen Pianpian was flying in the air, with a mortal behind him who had no cultivation.

It is unwise to provoke firebirds and beasts at this time.

"Hurry up, speed up."

Chen Pianpian's voice was a little serious, and said, "Now you and I have to get rid of this fire bird and beast. We will be safe after we pass no man's land."

Lin Lang nodded lightly, and grasped his palm tighter.

At this time, Chen Pianpian speeded up suddenly and rushed out with the flying sword. The firebird didn't mean to let the two of them go, and chased them forward.

The sky, but its battlefield, it naturally consumes time.

After traveling for twenty miles, the Fire Bird and Beast had no intention of leaving. At this time, Chen Pianpian gritted her teeth abruptly, and Feijian suddenly accelerated, instantly turning into a long rainbow and rushing away.

At the same time, Chen Pianpian's spiritual consciousness has been paying attention to the rear to see when the flying bird will leave.

After about half an hour, the Fire Bird and Beast gradually shrank in Chen Pianpian's sight, until finally, it turned into a small red dot. Obviously, this flying bird also gave up its plan to hunt Lin Lang.

"Finally got rid of this guy."

Chen Pianpian breathed a sigh of relief, but at this time, she suddenly realized a problem.

That is Lin Lang behind him!

You know, in order to avoid the fire birds and beasts, she has just exploded out of the full strength of this body, and the speed of the flying sword has exceeded the speed of sound. In this case, can Lin Lang behind him bear it?

Chen Pianpian swept away, but saw Lin Lang behind him still standing upright on the flying sword, like a nail, in the gust of wind, his sleeves were hunting and hunting, but he still remained motionless.

"Is this guy really a mortal who has never experienced cultivation?"

Chen Pianpian was secretly frightened, if he was a mortal who didn't know how to practice, how could he stand so firmly on the sword the first time. This is simply impossible.

"Could it be that he is already proficient in cultivation techniques, but at this time he just doesn't want to show his cultivation, and deliberately shows the appearance of a mortal?" Chen Pianpian secretly guessed, but she carefully observed Lin Lang with her spiritual knowledge and found out that There really isn't the slightest aura fluctuation in the person.

Really mortal?

With Chen Pianpian's cultivation base, it was naturally impossible to fly forever. After thousands of miles, the two fell on a sand dune to make some corrections. Chen Pianpian did not restrain his curiosity, and tried Lin Lang several times, but unfortunately he did not find any valuable information.

Days spent a day in this situation.

A day later, the two had flown out of no man's land and landed on top of a volcano.

Above the volcano, clusters of flames are constantly erupting. From a distance, it seems like a huge flame is burning.

This is the Earth Fire Sect.

Where Chen Pianpian's teacher is.

"Have you seen this majestic mountain gate?"

"The old fire sect is also considered to be the most prosperous sect on the mainland. At its peak, there was an ancestor of the immortal emperor. It is a pity that the ancestor of the immortal emperor accompanied Lin Xian to resist foreign demons. Never came back."

Chen Pianpian sighed, and said, "The Earth Fire Sect is not as big as before, but there are still a few masters of the Immortal King, but later, with the rise of the Fierce God Forest, the main task of the Earth Fire Sect has become defense The beast wave hits."

Lin Lang nodded slightly, and couldn't help being a little curious: "As you said, the three big beast masters of the ferocious gods often set off a wave of beasts to attack the territories of the human race, so it would be better if someone kills the three big beast masters."

"You said it was easy."

Chen Pianpian gave Lin Lang a white look and said, "You know what the three big beast masters mean, that is the fierce beast in the Immortal Emperor realm. It has almost stood at the top of this continent, where it can be killed so easily. "

Lin Lang changed his mind, but that was true.

The battle power of the three major beast masters, the immortal emperor's level, was impossible to contend with only by the Earth Fire Sect. Moreover, the human race is in the eventful autumn, where are so many immortal emperor masters dispatched at will.

After going back and forth, the position of the Forest of Fierce Gods has been firmly established.

"That's right, you haven't experienced systemic training, maybe you don't know what Immortal Emperor means." Chen Pianpian shook her head and said: "You don't know how to practice. I will tell you what to do."

After speaking, the two had already landed at the mountain gate of the Earth Fire Sect.

Chen Pianpian had a disciple order, and the disciples guarding the gate of the mountain would naturally not be embarrassed and let him go directly. Lin Lang who accompanied her was also regarded as a disciple of this sect, without any cross-examination.

"Dihuo Sect has 30,000 disciples, with different cultivation levels. There are young talents who are stronger and masters in the realm of real immortals. The weaker ones are the outer disciples like me who are still in the foundation realm."

Chen Pianpian slowly said, "Next, I will take you to the disciple hall to report and test your qualifications. If possible, you will have the opportunity to become a cultivator like me."

She turned her head and glanced at Lin Lang, only to see the latter's serious expression, as if she was thinking about something.

"You don't need to worry too much. The assessment of the Earth Fire Sect is not so strict. Basically, among the ten people, nine of them have tested their cultivation qualifications and stayed in the door." Chen Pianpian smiled.

Lin Lang didn't seem to have heard it, his brows frowned slightly, he only felt that the aura of the fire sect in this place made him very familiar. It was mixed with the breath of the source of flame he had once possessed, but this kind of breath was very weak, and it was basically difficult to detect at ordinary times.

Related to yourself? Lin Lang was slightly interested.

"What is the origin of Huo Sect in your place?" Lin Lang asked.


Chen Pianpian thought for a while and said, "If you trace the history of the Earth Fire Sect, there are some. It is said that the founder of the mountain stalked nearby. One day, the sky suddenly fell on a big fire and hit the ground, forming the landform of the Earth Fire Sect today. "

"So that's it." Lin Lang smiled: "After all, the origin of the Earth Fire Sect is the magical power that falls on the ground."

Lin Lang finally understood that the origin of this so-called Earth Fire Sect was probably caused by the aftermath of his magical powers pouring down from the sky during a certain battle. But having said that, this was transformed by his supernatural powers, which meant that he was able to mobilize the power of Earth Fire.

Although he could no longer cultivate, this land fire was also a trump card after he lost his cultivation base.

At least, he stayed in the Earth Fire Sect without any worries about his life.

Knowing this, Lin Lang quickly relaxed.

It seems there is nothing wrong with being a mortal here quietly.

With this thought, the two of them moved forward, passing through a deep cave tunnel, and finally came to an underground square illuminated by fire.

"This is the disciple test office. You will check your practice qualifications later."

As Chen Pianpian spoke, she brought Lin Lang to the reporting position. After simply inputting the information, she began to line up.

The assessment of the Earth Fire Sect is the same as those of those sects, and the tests are nothing more than the three old ones: cultivation base, spiritual root, and comprehension.

These three are not difficult, just look at the people who are entered in front, who are constantly cheering and cheering, and you can probably know some of them.

The assessment of the Earth Fire Sect is not strict, and basically most people will pass it.

"Don't worry, as long as you have the qualifications to practice, the Earth Fire Sect will be admitted. The only difference is that the Sect will assign different peaks according to the strength of the spiritual root and other conditions."

"Oh?" Lin Lang said with a faint smile, "This assessment basically means that there is no threshold."

If it were placed in the original Big Leaf Immortal Sect, this situation would never exist. You should know that the threshold for Daye Xianzong to recruit disciples is the realm of real immortals, and occasionally a better Tianxian will be promoted exceptionally.

In contrast, the Earth Fire Sect is almost the same as the ordinary sect.

Hearing this, Chen Pianpian couldn't help being embarrassed, and said: "I believe you have also seen it. The Earth Fire Sect guards the periphery of the Fierce God Forest, and where are the students of the disciples? These are just monks who have not passed the assessment of other sects nearby. ."

"That's it."

Lin Lang nodded slightly.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he seemed to recall the time when he was still in the frustrated time when he was testing his aptitude in Daye Xianzong.

He didn't have any thoughts of competition. After all, his current cultivation base was completely lost, and it was not bad to be an ordinary person here.

The two chatted briefly, and the crowd in the long line continued to shrink, and soon they lined up to Lin Lang's position.

"go in."

The assessment elder faintly spoke and pointed to a portal in front of him.

"keep it up, you can do it!"

Chen Pianpian raised his fists to cheer for Lin Lang. Lin Lang didn't care, he stepped into the gate of cultivating immortals unhurriedly. The latest chapter address of the invincible fairy king in the city: fairy king in the city to read the full text address: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1363 The Gate of Xiuxian), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Immortal King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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