Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1336: World development

Although Dao Ancestor has not experienced eternal catastrophe, he also knows very clearly that the 78,000 thunders in front of him are just appetizers, and there will be terrifying thunders capable of killing the emperor and even proving Dao emperor.

"If the current Jietian Jun has a slight decline, his chance of successfully passing through the following catastrophe will be less than 30%." Dao Zu said in a deep voice.

On the other side, under the cover of heavy thunder.

Lin Lang was not as relaxed as everyone imagined. The thunder tribulation above his head was unavoidable, and he could only passively respond.


Thunder's power directly knocked Lin Lang out nearly a hundred miles away. This was no longer an ordinary thunder calamity, but a half-emperor calamity that could damage the emperor.

If he were to change to normal times, Lin Lang would naturally be able to calmly dissolve this level of energy. But now, under long-term high-load operation, the situation in Lin Lang's body is already very unoptimistic, and it is a bit difficult to cope with the successive half-emperor calamities.

You know, Lin Lang had already experienced twenty half-dimension bombardments before this. This is equivalent to simultaneously hitting a full blow with the twenty half emperors in a state of complete victory at the same time.

In this case, even the intact emperor would be very difficult to bear!

Half-Emperor Tribulation was over, and immeasurable Tribulation soon brewed a thunder comparable to the great emperor's full blow. As a last resort, Lin Lang could only start to contend with his cultivation base.


A violent explosion occurred at the location of Lin Lang, and the power of Thunder directly melted Lin Lang's fist. He stepped back a few steps, and the next heavy thunder came again.

There is no respite, what Heaven wants to create is this kind of tribulation environment.

After the Great Tribulation fell again and again, Lin Lang was already in tatters, relying on the mystery of the Immortal Sutra, constantly repairing his injured body.

But the power of Thunder became more and more terrifying. In the end, a terrifying thunder that could kill the emperor came crashing down, directly melting Lin Lang's body standing far away into nothingness, and even Lin Lang's true spirit was affected and distorted. Stance.

"The reincarnation does not stop, it is endless!"

Lin Lang pushed the mystery of the Immortal Sutra to its limit, and his body grew at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, a complete body appeared in the starry sky.

Next, is the multiplying power of Exterminating Emperor Jie!

The clouds in the sky seem to be unable to withstand this terrifying force, even if it has not bloomed yet, the fluctuations in the terrifying energy contained in it have already made everyone present feel a suffocation.

"Is this still a catastrophe that a monk can handle?"

At the same time, there was such a problem in the hearts of everyone watching the ceremony. Under such a terrifying thunder, it was said that it was the Great Emperor, even the Zen Dao Great Emperor who had experienced the eleventh eternal catastrophe could not bear it!

Lin Lang was able to resist it for the first time, but what about after?

The power of Immeasurable Tribulation is more terrifying every time, even if it reaches the level of the eleventh eternal catastrophe, it will not stop. There will be more and more terrifying catastrophes, and even catastrophes at the ancestral level are extremely likely to occur!

When Thunder landed, he saw Lin Lang's body being crushed by the thunder robbery again and again. Lin Lang had reorganized his body nearly seven times before and after, and the thunderous thunder in the clouds disappeared slightly.

If Lin Lang hadn't been proficient in Immortal Sutra and could resurrect in a very short time, he would have fallen seven times in exchange for someone else. And the price of this continuous rebirth, even Lin Lang was somewhat overwhelmed.

"There are three last chances."

Lin Lang's heart sank. Even though he was exquisite without death, he could not be resurrected infinitely. He had at most three chances to regenerate his body. After that, his body would become separated and collapsed.

The thunder in the sky did not diminish in any way, one line was more terrifying than one line, like silver snakes, hanging down one after another.

Under this circumstance, Lin Lang dodged from left to right, but these constantly falling thunders seemed to have eyes, chasing Lin Lang to escape from the direction and bombarded the past.

"In the tribulation, avoiding the calamity is the most useless way." The Buddha is also shaking his head: "How can he make such a low-level mistake? The power of the tribulation will only accumulate and become more and more terrifying, until in the end, it becomes impossible to resist. Strong catastrophe."

The Kaitian Saint shook his head and said, "I don't think it is necessarily."

"Others may make such low-level mistakes, but as Jietianjun, how can he not notice the abnormality? I think he must have other plans."

As everyone was talking, a more terrifying thunderbolt shot down in the sky, which had exceeded the power of all previous calamities combined, and was infinitely close to the ancestral realm.

Tribulation of the Ancestral Realm!

But Lin Lang was still at large, relying on his physical skills to leave the tribulation of the ancestral realm far behind, until finally, the thundercloud in the sky brewed the real tribulation of the ancestor realm.

It was at this time.

Lin Lang suddenly stopped, and the hundreds of silver lightning bolts behind him suddenly turned around, facing the tribulation of the ancestral realm that had hit frontally.


At this moment, the starry sky trembled and the stars disappeared. With the collision of the two lightning forces as the center, within a range of dozens of star fields in diameter, a violent explosion was set off at the same time.

Stars fell, like a candle in the wind, vanishing into ashes.


Every inch of space nearby seems to be brewing heavy energy, which may explode at any time. Don't think this is just thunder robbery, but it is no different from the duel of the ancestral realm master.

As long as the monks in the realm of the Great Emperor were in the middle of the scene, they would be killed instantly.

The Ancestral Realm Thunder Tribulation dissipated, but the Immeasurable Tribulation did not end. A more terrifying force was brewing, and Lin Lang would kill Lin Lang with one blow.

Lin Lang raised his head, and there was a tiny world spinning in his palm, a world constructed entirely by the power of thunder.


Along with Lin Lang's movements, the miniature world was also thrown high, before rushing directly into the depths of the clouds and mist shortly afterwards.

boom! Bang bang!

It seems that there have been changes in the depths of the clouds that are incomprehensible to ordinary people. Once the energies of the two homogenous attributes come into contact, they show very different energy rules, triggering a more terrifying explosion!

"So this is his plan!"

Di Luotian who was farther away saw this scene, his eyes suddenly brightened. He looked at the exploding nebula in the distance, and finally understood the purpose of Lin Lang's move.

From the very beginning, Lin Lang used himself as a container, accumulating the power of thunder from the tribulation on one side, and building a new world of thunder on the other.

Why is the new Thunder World?

That's because the thunder accumulated by Lin Lang is the same as the thunder and lightning from Heaven's Path. If they are combined together, there will be no recoil, but will merge.

Therefore, Lin Lang constructed a new Thunder World, replacing the will of the world with his own will. In this way, the moment Thunder World enters the clouds, it is like a spark thrown into the center of a nuclear bomb, instantly detonating the subsequent immeasurable calamity.

If it weren't for this, Lin Lang would definitely not be so unbearable in front of a few half-emperor calamities.

The immeasurable robbery dissipated, and no more thunder power descended thereafter.

But there is still time to breathe, and the next catastrophe will follow one after another.

This is human robbery!

At this moment, among the clouds in the sky, the figures shrouded in the holy light stepped out of the clouds and floated in front of Lin Lang. Each of them was accompanied by extremely powerful energy fluctuations, at least they were also in the realm of the Great Emperor.

Looking around, there are more than a dozen figures shrouded in the holy light.

Human calamity... the world is revealed!

In fact, many people present have experienced similar catastrophes. Anyone who is full of talents will definitely encounter the world's development in the later stage of cultivation.

What is the development of heaven and earth?

Heavenly Dao will record some powerful cultivators, whether it is their magical powers or avenues, they will all be observed by Heavenly Dao. Then Tiandao copied a body that was extremely close to the monk's deity based on these recorded data.

Lin Lang has also experienced a similar situation, but at that time he was facing the development of the young emperor, at least the young emperor's way has not yet been completed, Lin Lang can use his own combat power to surpass the realm.

But now it is completely different. Lin Lang has to face more than a dozen great emperors in his heyday. As for the combat power, you can refer to the strength of these people in the last shot.

In an instant, Lin Lang was already fighting with more than a dozen great emperors.


Tianqi Sword Emperor looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't help being stunned.

He found that it was not others who were fighting Lin Lang fiercely in front of him, but he himself, every move, every style, and even the ripples of the avenue were exactly the same.

This is completely equivalent to his deity personally going off the field and fighting Lin Lang. In particular, it should be noted that the appearance of the Emperor Qi Jian this day is even more powerful than the combat power of his deity.

"A copy of the Heavenly Dao is actually stronger than me?"

Tianqi Sword Emperor's eyes were dull and unacceptable. He practiced hard, tens of millions of years of painstaking cultivation, only in exchange for this earth-shattering cultivation.

But the appearance of Tiandao's development directly took away all his abilities.

"Maybe Jietianjun is right." Tianqi sword emperor muttered to himself, "Heaven is always monitoring all the changes of sentient beings. Our cultivation base and the avenues we have built have all become heavenly. Nourishment."

"It can create our substitutes at any time, and even the cultivation base will win out of us. It's perfect!"

The reason why they are called perfect is that each of these replica bodies can perfectly display their strengths, and even because they are closer to the main road, they are stronger than them in overall combat power.

Facing more than a dozen opponents at the emperor level, can Lin Lang make a comeback?

Lin Langxiu is strong and strong, but none of these great emperors are vegetarians, and every one of them has the ability to kill Lin Lang. With more than one enemy, it doesn't account for any chance of winning.

By the way, these clones are perfect without any shortcomings, it is even more impossible to break the game!

"This kid is getting me looking forward to it more and more."

At the end of the sky road connecting the universe and Emperor Linxing, Emperor Slaughter God opened a treasure mirror and watched the scenes of Lin Langdu's catastrophe from a distance.

From the beginning of the battle, Lin Lang fell into an absolute disadvantage. Compared with the fighting of a dozen great emperors, the dozens of great emperors are all under the leadership of the will of heaven. They are connected with each other and attack each other as one. Could not find any flaws.

After a hundred moves passed, Lin Lang was already blocked in the corner.

But there was a smile on Lin Lang's face. He moved forward and backward, using space power to move his body to the other edge of the battlefield. Invincible Immortal King’s latest chapter address in the city: the full text of the Invincible Fairy King in the City: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 1336 World Development), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Fairy King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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