Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1324: Land of reincarnation

"The situation in the underworld is like the epitome of the way of heaven, except that the underworld controls the cycle of life and death of sentient beings, while the way of heaven controls everything in the world."

Lin Lang's thinking became wider and wider, and he even ignored everything around him.

the other side.

Fan Lu drove the sea and carried Lin Lang forward.

Not long after they were near the center of the vortex, everything around them was vividly visible.

As far as they could see, boundless seawater gathered to the center, not knowing where to lead. And above the vortex, there is no longer nothing.

In the very center of the Samsara Sea, there is a vast island that occupies almost the size of several star fields. In the center of the island, a towering city was built, empty, like a ghost town.

"This is the core of life in the world, the place of reincarnation for all beings."

Fan Lu slowly said, awakening the contemplative Lin Lang. Until this time, Lin Lang just raised his head and looked at the core area of ​​the underworld.

"Let's go down."

Fan Lu put down the sea and landed on the central island, followed by Lin Lang, also on the top of the island.

"It's a bit strange." Lin Lang frowned slightly, he found that as he landed on this continent, a thick mist appeared around him, and even the distant city was nowhere to be seen.

Not only the naked eye, but even the divine consciousness cannot pass through.

"It is expected that it should be the obstacle set by the underworld to prevent the spirits in the city from escaping."

Lin Lang glanced at it, and there were countless souls floating in the fog around them. They looked confused, not knowing where they were going, let alone the meaning of their existence.

"This is the ancient path of life and death."

Fan Lu spoke softly and said: "There are thousands of creatures in the world, and they will eventually enter the reincarnation of the underworld, and the first window in front of them is the ancient path of life and death here."

"Look at these mists around, they are actually unformed souls. When the dense fog in a certain area condenses into water droplets, a soul will be summoned."

Fan Lu softly explained, "These souls have experienced the transportation of the sea of ​​reincarnation, and most of them have been delirious, but they must pass through this misty area, which is the ancient path of life and death."

"The mist is the particle that condenses the soul, and it is also an obstacle that blocks the way forward. Only by relying on your own strength to walk the ancient path of birth and death can you be eligible to enter the cycle of reincarnation."

"Is that so."

Lin Lang was a little surprised: "So, if you have bad luck, even if you have been dead for millions of years, but you can't find the right way to the ancient path of birth and death, don't you have to stay here all the time?"

Fan Lu nodded and said: "Theoretically, this is the case. The reincarnation of the underworld is fair. It does not consider whether the life of the creatures is modern or ancient. As long as there is luck, it is not impossible for them to reincarnate on the second day after death. "

Lin Lang understood a little, but was also full of puzzles.

So, is reincarnation necessarily fair?

Fan Lu didn't have so many emotions. As the host, he led Lin Lang all the way. It can trap the mist of sentient beings, but it can't trap him who is carrying the road of reincarnation.

Ten days later, the two smoothly walked along the ancient road of birth and death, and the surrounding fog suddenly converged, and replaced by a towering ghost city with unknown fonts hanging above the tower, but the meaning of "Fengdu" can be vaguely seen.

"After Fengdu is the underworld, but the underworld is the place where the master lives. If there is nothing serious about us, we disciples can't easily step in." Fan Lu slowly said, "As for the capital, it is to guide the undead and step into it. The final place of reincarnation."

As the two talked, they had already walked downstairs in the city of Fengdu.

Two ghosts nearby flew over, one with a rope wrapped around him, and he wanted to arrest Lin Lang.

"Go away, you also want to ask for the people I brought."

Fan Lu stared at him and threw the two ghost chaps out directly.

The two ghost chauffeurs got up and saw that Fan Lu was exuding the orthodox road of reincarnation. They knew that they had almost tied the wrong person, and they knelt on the ground to sue.

Fortunately, Fan Lu didn't have the idea of ​​continuing to embarrass them, waved his hand and let the two ghost chases retreat.

"The subordinates are not sensible, Brother Lin should not be offended." Fan Lu smiled and said: "But it is their duty to seduce one's life."

Lin Lang nodded and looked around. Seeing countless ghosts flying around, he couldn't help but took down all the spirits that were walking around the ancient path of birth and death, tied them with ropes, and dragged them into the depths of Fengdu City.

The two did not continue to delay, and stepped into the capital city.


The two of them came to the center of the city, but there was no gloomy ghost market in Fengdu, let alone any buildings. Among them, there are only two huge bridges spanning the void, and at the end of the bridges, there is an extremely large millstone.

"Outside the capital city, the ghosts lock their souls. They will bring these souls into the city, find out the various past lives and erase the memories, and then send them to the place of reincarnation." Fan Lu continued to explain.

"The two bridges in front of us are Yangguan Road and Shuzhan Bridge. Yangguan Road represents a good origin, while Shuzhan Bridge represents the opposite, and may become the reincarnation of a pig and dog."


Lin Lang's heart moved and aroused some interest.

He had always thought that reincarnation was just to wash away the memory of the creatures, and to live a new life with another body. What kind of rebirth was completely random. But now it seems that after the reincarnation experience and birth, only the underworld has the right to decide.

"The underworld is really a wonderful place to control the life and death of living beings and control their destiny."

Lin Lang couldn't help sighing.

Some people are born with glory and wealth, and some people are born with yellow robe, but most of them are ignorant of the people, facing the loess, worrying about their livelihoods, these are long before they were born, the underworld has made a decision for them!

"It's not as unbearable as you think."

As if seeing Lin Lang's thoughts, Fan Lu continued: "Although the underground can dominate the direction of the reincarnation of creatures, generally speaking, it will not intervene arbitrarily."

"Yangguan Road and Shuzhan Bridge are completely random. Although we are facing two bridges that have not changed in any way, they are not static."

"From the moment you step on the bridge, it may be Yangguan Road or Shuzhanqiao that appears under your feet. This is the first random window into your destiny."

Lin Lang seemed to understand a little, he flew up and landed on one of the bridges. The nearby ghost chase saw a living person on the bridge, and was about to step forward to stop him, but was repelled by Fan Lu.

As for Lin Lang himself, he walked slowly on the bridge.

He also didn't know whether the bridge under his feet was Yangguan Road and Shuzhan Bridge. He was just out of curiosity and wanted to experience the various steps of reincarnation.

But as he moved forward, Lin Lang also found a problem.

That is, as he keeps moving forward, he has forgotten his identity, and all the past is slowly dissipating at this moment.

"It seems that the role of these two bridges is not only to determine the origin, but also to erase the memory of the previous life." If Lin Lang understands, but this kind of chronic forgetting is indeed very powerful, even with his current cultivation level. It is only able to contend to a certain degree.

Many small things are still forgotten unknowingly.


Lin Lang walked to the end of the bridge, and the huge millstone in front of him reproduced the calendar. Above the millstone, a scale similar to his time-space roulette was branded. The difference is that one is a subdivided time scale, and the other does not know it. meaning.

In front of Lin Lang, the souls and spirits were confused and jumped into the reincarnation plate. The grinding disc slowly revolved, and those creatures disappeared.

Lin Lang deliberately tried, the soul came out, and soon entered the millstone.


Lin Lang's soul body only felt that a gust of wind rang in his ears, making it difficult for him to concentrate. And outside, the wheel of reincarnation was also slowly spinning, pulling Lin Lang into the wheel.

In a daze, Lin Lang seemed to have seen that he was born in a magnificent palace. A man with a small beard and a tough face exclaimed excitedly: "Emperor, Emperor! There is a successor to my Great Xia Dynasty! "

Along with the ups and downs of congratulations, Lin Lang's thoughts turned, and the soul separated from the baby's body. He looked up at the sky, only to find that the reincarnation disk above his head had disappeared without a trace.

Lin Lang's smile stopped, and the baby's crying momentarily stagnated.

He abruptly stood up and looked around, but he didn't know where he was around. The cultivation base in his body was also empty, leaving only a baby body without the power to bind a chicken.

"Fortunately, the power of the soul is still eliminated."

Lin Lang was a little bit more relaxed.

As for everyone in the palace, including the emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty, they were shocked to see this scene.

A newborn baby stood up straight like this, saying more than just some language in his mouth. Is this a monster?

"What are you afraid of? My son can speak at one year old, and can speak at three years old. This is God bless Daxia, the dynasty will be prosperous!" The emperor of Daxia dynasty laughed, and went straight to the baby of Lin Lang's incarnation and hugged him. Kissed several times in a row.

Lin Lang didn't have the mind to pay attention to these. He raised his head and looked at the sky, his eyebrows staring.

Is this a complete reincarnation?

But the question now is, how can he go back? I don't know which remote universe this place is. Lin Lang hasn't even heard of the name, so he guessed it is a wild corner of the universe.

Lin Lang was not worried about his own safety, anyway, there was still a soul, and no one on this planet could threaten him. It's just that the spiritual energy is thin here, and I am afraid that it is the year of the monkey when I want to cultivate with this body to cross the void.

It's not impossible for the soul to cross the void.

But the soul body is inherently fragile, and it will also increase a lot of danger if it has to cross the borders of the universe, which is unknown.

He tried to reverse the world with the Way of Reincarnation, but it still didn't help. He could mobilize the Way of Reincarnation, but it didn't mean that he could summon the wheel of reincarnation out of thin air.

"How about... suicide?"

Lin Lang thought for a while. If he wanted to return to the underworld again, suicide might be a shortcut, but it would take a long time to travel in the sea of ​​reincarnation. Invincible Immortal King’s latest chapter address in the city: fairy king in the city to read the full text address: fairy king in the city txt download address: invincible fairy king reads on urban mobile phones: the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Favorites" below to record this (Chapter 1324 Land of Reincarnation) reading history, and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Invincible Immortal King in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you your support! (

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