Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1315: Luofengpo

The sky here is bright, there is no sunrise or sunset, there is just a piece of eternal loneliness. Dark color is the only tone here.

Moreover, there is no life in this world. The only thing that exists is the wave of magical powers that are indestructible all around, and the wave of energy that has not been dissipated in countless universes.

It seems that from its birth, its only meaning is to end the battle between the two.

"Last time, they fought for the ancestral realm."

Fan Lu spoke softly and strolled near the landing point.

"This time, they are fighting for Wonderland."

Fan Lu can roughly judge some details from the energy fluctuations around him.

The world in front of him was definitely not something that an ordinary emperor could create. Although the cultivation base reached the Great Emperor level, he already had the ability to create the world, but after all, it relied on the external force of the world stone.

And to create space out of thin air, as a battlefield, this situation is not something the emperor monk can do!

The ancestral realm, only the ancestral realm!

Fan Lu deduced from this that in the second battle, Zu Hao had successfully breached the ancestral realm. And as his opponent, he must have reached the ancestral realm at the same time.

"It's really a pair of enemies, starting from the realm of the emperor, they have been tit-for-tat, not giving way to each other. The emperor, the ancestors, and perhaps they have met earlier."

"The first battle was unsuccessful. The two of them returned to their respective worlds and practiced again. When the cultivation base rose sharply, they engaged in a second engagement."

Fan Lu laughed loudly and said, "But if you can have this opponent, you won't be lonely on the road to success. They may be enemies before they are alive, but they are also qualified to be friends with each other."

"The only ones who can really accompany them to the end of the avenue are each other. It is really a blessing in life to have such a sympathetic opponent!"

Lin Lang also nodded. He has cultivated all the way. Although he has experienced many calamities and encountered many powerful opponents, he has been crushed all the way from beginning to end and surpassed by him. Then there is no chance to catch up.

He has never seen such an opponent.

And as the two entered the battlefield, subtle changes occurred in the magic ruins, and the balance of this world was broken. The remaining energy from the past rushed to the sky one after another, directly passing through the barriers, and shooting deeper into the universe. Place.


Not only Lin Lang and the other two felt the change, almost all the masters in the entire world also found anomalies at this time, and they all landed at the location of the magic ruins with their gazes.

The corpse emperor, the formation emperor, the demon sovereign, the existence of the great emperors in this ancient universe have revived.

Standing in the cosmic starry sky, Jinhuang looked at the location of Lin Lang from a distance, and there were some subtle changes in his facial expressions.

"This is the breath of Zu Huang and that person."

The town emperor whispered softly, he is the longest-lived strong man in the current universe. At the same time, he has truly experienced the prehistoric cosmos, the great power of the beginning of the universe.

Because of this, he was so sensitive to Zu Qi and that person's breath. Back then, he could be regarded as the monks who had seen those two heroes vying for battle, and even in a strict sense, Zu Hao could only be regarded as his junior.

In his life, I don't know how many earth-shattering events he has experienced!

"According to the intensity of their battle, there must be a source drop during the battle. If I can find the essence of the two of them in that world, it will not be difficult for me to return to the peak state."

The formation emperor pondered for a moment, and said to himself: "It's just that if you go now, you have already missed the opportunity. It is still a bit difficult to get all the benefits."

"So, it can be like this..."


Not to mention the complex thoughts and calculations of the Emperor Zhen, let alone on the other side, Lin Lang and Fan Lu were the first to enter the ruins and began their journey of exploration.

This world is actually very simple. From the beginning of its establishment, it has been an area that can withstand the battles of ancestral masters. Therefore, there is no life in the vicinity, and what they have is nothing more than the aftermath of the two powerful fights.

This is indeed an opportunity for Lin Lang and others like the strong.

They can use the power of the nearby magical powers to explore the mystery of breaking through the ancestral realm.

The two of them quickly landed on a flat ground and moved slowly along the land under their feet. They also know the depth. After all, this was the battlefield where two ancestral realm powers fought against each other, and there were a lot of ancestral realm fluctuations.

In this case, they also have to be careful.

The two of Lin Lang moved forward slowly, slowly advancing from a low slope. They climbed over the mountains and crossed the mountains, dodge the flowing magical powers.

Until the end, they stood still, staring at the surroundings slightly blankly.

"We have definitely been here."

Lin Lang suddenly stopped and said in a deep voice.

There are four peaks that are not particularly high around the direction, but the tops of the peaks are flattened. Except for some occasional protruding rocks, they look like they are surrounded by four volcanic craters.

"We've been to similar places, but it's just a little alike. The roads that are actually circulating are not exactly the same." Fan Lu pondered for a moment, then slowly said, "This world was formed because the two of them fought against each other. It is not surprising that this happened."

Lin Lang shook his head, unwilling to move on.

In the dark, he always had a strange hunch, and there seemed to be a voice in his mind reminding him, preventing him from moving forward.

This kind of premonition is not groundless. When he cultivates to the point of Lin Lang, he can already see a corner of the future. At the same time, Lin Lang has cultivated the Dao of Destiny, and his sensing ability is far more comparable.

Lin Lang felt that it was dangerous, so he would not move on.

He stayed and looked around, but he didn't find too many weird places.

"In other words, the magical powers of the two ancestral realm masters are too mysterious and have affected my judgment." Lin Lang muttered to himself, "So the most effective way is to detect with magical powers to see where there is a problem. "

The voice fell.

Lin Lang shook his hand, his cuff suddenly shot dozens of divine light arts, divided into four directions, and landed on a short volcano not far away.


Smoke and dust rose suddenly, and turbulent magma columns soared into the sky. It seemed that there was no problem, but the sense of crisis in Lin Lang's heart did not weaken at all.

Soon after, Lin Lang stood still again.

Looking around, there was no change in the volcanic craters he had attacked. The magma spewed out at the moment had already converged.

"Did you feel that the surrounding air is getting hot."

Lin Lang frowned. He had the profound meaning of flames in his body, and he was particularly sensitive to fire attribute energy. Even the slightest temperature change in the surrounding space could not be hidden from his eyes.

The air not only gets hot, it also becomes anxious.

"I suspect you are bluffing me."

Fan Lu squinted at Lin Lang, and said lightly: "You have this utterly worrying time, so it's better to go and see for yourself what changes are happening in the surrounding space."

Fan Lu couldn't bear his temper, he snorted coldly, and flew directly to the volcano crater behind him.

Is it dangerous? It won't be long before you explore it yourself?


And when Fan Lu approached the volcano, the surrounding volcano suddenly turned red, like a piece of iron that had been burned red, and red and purple.


In the volcano, columns of magma gush out again. Fan Lu exhausted his cultivation and did not rush out of the crater that was only a hundred meters in diameter.


At a certain moment, Fan Lu was more like hitting a hard screen. Instead of breaking through, he was eventually bounced back and fell heavily to the ground.

"His grandma, how could this place be sealed."

Fan Lu couldn't help but cursed, and got up with anger, unwilling to rush to the location of the volcano again. But this time, Fan Lu attacked with magical powers, but he failed to shake the crater at all. The magical powers were ejected back, and Fan Lu slammed into the depths of the earth.

After his tossing like this, the temperature around him increased significantly. Even with Lin Lang's cultivation base, he felt the heat from all around him, and sweat beads appeared on the surface of his body.

The monks like him who are proficient in the flame avenue are even like this, and it can be seen how terrifying the surrounding temperature is. As for Fan Lu, let alone.

At first, when he was bounced back by the volcano, Fan Lu was lying deep in the ground like a dead dog. However, in the next moment, Fan Lu jumped up directly from a distance as if he was hit with blood.


Fan Lu's face turned red, and now the ground under his feet has become extremely hot. He flew in mid-air, and finally realized that the surrounding space had undergone subtle changes.

"What the **** is this!"

Fan Lu couldn't help cursing, looking around for a way to get out. It's just that Yan Yanshishi, who has been sealed nearby, can't get out of trouble by his own means.

"Four tree..."

Lin Lang frowned, and said, "You know the ten most powerful forces in the world, and Luofengpo is extremely similar to this one."

Every place has terrain, but the difference lies in the degree of danger of this terrain. Lin Lang slowly said, "A monk who understands Feng Shui should know what the four volcanoes represent."

"This is already somewhat similar to Luofengpo in the terrain."

There are formations and formations between heaven and earth. And the degree of danger of some naturally formed formations is even higher than that of artificially arranged formations.

The real danger is this kind of formation!

Often, the formations that exist in nature can kill people invisible, and until death, the group of people don't know how they died. "Luofengpo's degree of danger is still second, probably ranked in the top ten of all the formations in the world." Lin Lang slowly said, these are the records he has seen from an ancient book.

Luofengpo, with both the seal and the power of obliteration,

The power of the seal will distort the void, making the monk who stepped into it lost and unable to get out. The power of obliteration is the real killer.

It can raise the temperature invisibly, and slowly kill the monks in a posture of boiling a frog in warm water. Even a phoenix reborn from the ashes will fall into it with a high probability.

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