Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1294: Goodbye Reincarnation Empress

"The Pluto is not weak at all, with the blessing of the semi-immortal weapon, we are not opponents." The little Mozun's face sank, and he understood the situation at hand.

It's just that he didn't expect that an even more surprising thing followed one after another.

The mysterious woman shook her delicate finger, and the brown ring she was wearing on her ring finger slowly fell off at this time. The scene was as if it had been decomposed, and a lot of yellow mist was diffused.

However, the breath that seemed to be fragile, but it seemed to contain the weight of an ancient sacred mountain.

The next moment, golden light appeared, and the dazzling golden light could hardly open the eyes of people. A three-legged golden tripod appeared out of thin air, and it was with Na Hongmeng Ziding.


The violent energy fluctuations directly overturned both sides. Pluto stepped backwards, and his shirt was shattered by the blow. He was topless, showing a piece of strong muscles.

the other side.

The mysterious woman stepped barefoot in the sky, and strands of golden gas fell above her head, protecting her from the wind.

Hongmeng Purple Ding, Chaos Golden Ding.

At this time, the little Demon Lord finally understood that the capital that this mysterious woman could contend with Pluto was here.

The Hongmeng Ziding was born by the future generations of Hongmeng and was acquired by Pluto. The Chaos Golden Ding is the strange thing of heaven and earth that was born during the first chance of Chaos, and it has always been in the hands of this mysterious woman.

In the later period of Hongmeng Chance, it was probably these two who competed for the ownership of Hongmeng Ziding. Faintly, Little Demon Venerable had guessed the identity of this mysterious woman.

When Pluto saw that the Chaos Golden Ding was born, he didn't want to fight anymore. He just left a sentence: "The combination of the two tripods is a fairy. The other half of your Chaos Golden Ding, I will get it sooner or later."

The voice fell, and a black mirror surface appeared under Pluto's feet. His figure gradually sank into the darkness, and soon disappeared.

Yao Xi still wanted to chase, but was stopped by the little demon. Little Demon Sovereign shook his head lightly and said: "Even if we catch up with him, we can't keep it. We can't kill the Pluto who has a half fairy weapon."

"Damn it."

Yao Xi snorted, but didn't refute it. The immortal weapon is already the most powerful weapon in the world, and I am afraid that there is only one made by Zu Hao in the world.

Unfortunately, it was also split into two halves. Immortal artifacts are unique, but the number of semi-immortal artifacts is unknown. Perhaps some prehistoric expert once refined it.

But the number will never be too much, and the number of hands can be counted. Pluto is one of them. It is said that it is Xiao Mozun and others. Even if the palace lord of the underworld comes, it is probably not so easy to kill Pluto.


Little Mozun turned his head, looked at the mysterious woman with long hair covering her face, bent over to salute, and said, "Emperor, the junior is polite."

The mysterious woman was still floating barefoot in the air, unmoved.

Hearing Lin Lang's voice, Yao Xi seemed to have verified the guess in her heart, and her eyes were gradually covered with tears, choked up and shouted.


Lin Chou was also stunned, somewhat inconceivable. He looked at Yao Xi, and then stared at the mysterious woman for a long while, and said in a daze, "This is me...grandmother?"

He didn't know what was going on beforehand, anyway, if Yao Xi started, he would join the battle. It was just completely unexpected that it was Yao Xi's biological mother that they risked their death to help.

Hear the words.

The mysterious woman's body trembled, and she pulled away the bangs that stood in front of her face. It was a face without a face, without facial features, and without any emotions.


On that face like a white board, two crystallized teardrops crossed his cheeks. She whimpered, as if she wanted to say something, but couldn't make any noise.

For a long while.

The mysterious woman put her finger on her mouth and pulled it lightly, then she pointed to the top of her finger again, and went away without looking back.


Yao Xi screamed heartbreakingly, but the mysterious woman's footsteps were getting faster and faster. Yao Xi was anxious and chased after her body shape.

Little Mozun and his son also followed. The three chased and fled for three days and nights. Until the end, the mysterious woman suddenly stopped.

She put her legs together and looked back at her face, Yao Xi caught up with her and threw herself directly into the arms of the mysterious woman, crying into tears.

"Mother, you know I had a hard time looking for you. I have only seen you for tens of millions of years. Don't leave me behind, okay?"

The mysterious woman was moved, lovingly stroked Yao Xi's hair, two lines of clear tears crackled and fell behind Yao Xi's head. Lin Chou stood far away, his face didn't fluctuate too much.

He didn't have any impression of this grandmother, and naturally he had very little feelings. Even if part of her blood is flowing in his body.

However, slowly, Lin Qiu's face also showed a complex color. Not for this cheap grandmother, but based on similar experiences between myself and my mother.

He glanced at Little Demon Venerable, and the hostility in his eyes faded a lot.

The mother and daughter hugged and wept. Soon, Yao Xi stopped crying and said, "Mother, I know you are going to a very dangerous place, but no matter where you go, will you take me?"

"At least, I can accompany you."

The mysterious woman's white face stared at Yao Xi for a long while, hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded her head. In the next moment, she wrapped Yao Xi in her arms and turned into a burst of blue smoke to dissipate.

Seeing that his mother, whom he had just found not long ago, was abducted by his grandmother, Lin Chou was a little unhappy, and quickly reached out and grabbed it, as if he wanted to capture the two elders back again.


Two slender hands greeted him, and the cheeks of Lin Chou who slapped on the left and right slapped red.

"You stay and follow your father, and you are not allowed to go anywhere." Yao Xi snorted, and her figure quickly disappeared.

Lin Qiu was dull: "..."

Little Mozun couldn't help laughing, staring at Lin Chou with a bitter face and laughed loudly: "You should understand how strange your mother is, don't look at her older than me."

Lin Chou: "Go and die!"

When the voice fell, Lin Chou slapped the little Demon Venerable on the head.

"Okay, it's against the sky, do you dare to beat Lao Tzu?" Little Mozun cursed with a smile, shaking his hands to meet Lin Chou.


It didn't take long for Lin Chou to be pressed to the ground by the little demon. The little demons could also detect that after a series of events, Lin Qiu's hostility towards him had dissipated a lot.

The biggest complaint in Lin Chou's heart is that he was abandoned by the little demon after he was born. In fact, Little Demon Lord has nothing to do with this.

As for the deity of Lin Lang, it is not even Lin Chou's killing of his father and enemy. They are one body, and it is not important who is in charge, but the body is of the same blood.

A father and son also sat down and chatted openly for the first time.

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