Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1289: Eat God King!

The ancient secrets belong to the ancient secrets, and most of the information is no longer available for verification.

But at least one thing is certain.

After a long exploration, there is more than one road to cultivate immortals, and there are many possibilities for further study.

The owner of the Taoist tree in front of him was a monk who had practiced the two ancient avenues of time and space many years ago, and he had a great effect on the two **** kings of time and space.

It's just that the Little Demon Venerable also deliberately explores the secrets of the Great Way of Time and Space, and naturally it is impossible to let it go easily. The ownership of this Taoist tree depends on its strength.

The space **** king distorted space, and the little demon was not afraid, and evolved the mysterious solution of the space avenue with the dark avenue.

At this moment, the Little Demon Lord was shrouded in layers of darkness, and the extremely black runes floated around. With his movements, these dark avenue runes began to arrange and combine.

Within a few breaths.

Little Demon Lord has constructed a complete dark realm space, here, he is the master in the dark, even the Space God King who is good at space avenues can't easily change the space.

next moment.

The little demon was wrapped in the dark kingdom and killed. In the darkness, a dark night monarch holding a scepter, black clouds rolling by his side, rows of phantom shadows poured in.

Now the Little Demon Sovereign has already realized the Dark Avenue to a very high level, and with a move of his mind, he can summon endless dark power.

In the dark space, a silver light appeared.

A huge spatial vortex emerged behind the Space God King, and the Dark Lord came to kill, and all his magical powers were swallowed by the vortex before he came close.

In just a few breaths, the figures of the dark monarchs also began to distort rapidly, being sucked into other alien spaces and disappearing.

At the same time, the Space God King also began to counterattack. Numerous cracks opened in the dark space, and even the dark matter was swallowed.

The light of the void slowly escaped, streaming out a faint starlight. Murderous intentions suddenly appeared, and the cracks were cut like a knife. Little Mozun stepped forward, and the power of light burst from the void, shattering the light of the knife.

The little Demon Lord killed him close, and the Space God King kept moving and flickering, completely not giving the little Demon Lord any chance to touch his body.

The space **** king manipulates space, and there are very few monks who can really hurt him. Little Mozun also knows this well, the space avenue is infinite, but it is by no means invulnerable.

As long as the space can be fixed, the supernatural powers of the space **** king can be broken with a finger.

The little demon was also pinching the seal at this time, and a thick layer of frost formed in the surrounding dark space. The frost that was visible to the naked eye freezes the space, and the space **** king's actions have become extremely slow.

At the same time, the Little Demon Zun urged the Five Elements Avenue, a steady stream of energy blessed his body, and slammed forward.


Hearing only one explosion, the location of the Space God King was predicted in advance by the Little Demon Lord, and his body was smashed with a punch, and the space debris continued to fall with ice crystals wrapped in it.

"As long as you break your space technique, the ancient gods will be no different." The little devil's ridiculous voice sounded, and at the same time, a circle of avenues spread out from his side and landed on the space god. Wang's body.

These avenue rings are like tight hoops, firmly trapping the limbs of the Space God King, making him unable to move.

To kill the King of Space, the surrounding space must first be destroyed.

This is not difficult for Little Demon Lord!

The avenue ring imprisoned the actions of the Space God King, and the space around the Space God King seemed to be buried with countless explosives, bursting into pieces with a snap of the little Demon Lord.

The threat of the Space God King is that he can control the space, but what if everyone is not in the space? No one has the advantage.

Even if the Space God King can move to other locations, it will take time.

The five-color light of the magical power of the little demon was intertwined and ignited a raging fire. Even if it was not in the space, the flame also burned with a crackling sound.

That is the flame of extinction level.

When the shot fell, the body of the Space God King burst into pieces, turning into space debris in the sky. Little Mozun didn't want to give the Space God King any chance to fight back, raising his hand to form countless seals, and a small world behind him suddenly opened.

An ancient **** king is afraid that it will fall in the next moment.

"Back in time!"

At this moment, the faint voice of the Time God King sounded around, visible to the naked eye, the surrounding space began to reverse, and the little Demon Venerable should have been playing with magical powers and kept moving backwards.

Time began to flow backwards.

one two Three!

From the perspective of Little Mozun, it actually means counting three times. But when the voice fell, the Space God King appeared in front of him intact, and Lin Lang's supernatural powers returned to his body, as if nothing had happened before.

The Time God King finally made a move!

"The methods of the God King of Time are truly extraordinary." The Little Demon Venerable couldn't help but admire. If you say the Great Dao of the World, the most subtle is time.

When people are born, old, sick, and die, the God of Time and Space Masters the word birth and old. No matter how strong the power is, no one can escape time.

No one can kill the God King of Time with this hand of time-space retrospect alone!

of course.

This does not include Little Demon Lord!

The two gods of time and space looked at each other, and finally realized the difficulty of the little demon. The single method of avenue is a shortcoming they cannot avoid.

But if we join hands, no one can do anything about the world.

Little Mozun stomped on his feet, and a magnificent world emerged behind him.

At the same time, the space **** king and the time **** king reached their palms, and circles of mysterious power quietly covered the surroundings, and the space was mixed with magical time power.

That kind of feeling, as if to fight the little Demon Venerable back to its original shape, back to before birth. He had seen this kind of power before, and that time was in the body of Yuanyi, the ruler of the **** race.

Yuan Yi is also proficient in part of the time and space avenue, but it is only superficial. But even so, Lin Lang returned to the form of a three or four-year-old child.

The methods of the two **** kings in time and space are even more terrifying, as if Lin Lang's existence was to be wiped out of thin air.

Very domineering!

Let a person disappear out of thin air, or even erase all traces of his existence? What a terrible means!

The movement of the two kings of time and space conflicting with their palms slowly changed and suddenly pushed forward.


Accompanied by their magnificent sounds, the surrounding time began to flow at a speed of hundreds or even thousands of times, as if opening the door of time and space, and time and space that shouldn't exist one after another appeared, as if time was still.

The universe freezes.

The little Demon Venerable's figure began to move involuntarily towards the screen. Once you touch these pictures, it means that Little Demon Lord will be exiled to that alien space that does not belong to him.

There is no such person in the world!

At this moment, Little Demon Venerable turned around slowly, with a strange smile on his face. The pictures that should have been still shattered one after another.

At the same time, the power of time and space dissipated suddenly, and no great power could act on him. He moved to the front of the two **** kings. The two **** kings watched the little demon, but found that the avenue that he was good at could not reach the little demon.

This person seems to have jumped out of the world, invisible.

In the horrified eyes of the two **** kings, Lin Lang smashed the two **** kings with a punch, and a large number of rule fragments flooded the sky.

The two ancient **** kings directly declared death because of this!

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