Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1278: Sirius Fall

Seal Yuan Yi. Lin Lang turned around unhurriedly and looked at the Sirius ancestor who was bathing in violent thunder behind him.

He could feel that the calamity of the Eleventh Zhongyuan Society had been minimized, and the Sirius ancestor trapped in it was about to escape.


Endless mad thunder.

The ancestor of Sirius raised his head and swallowed the terrifying thunder, his entire belly bulged, and there were still a lot of electric sparks remaining on the surface of his skin.

Don't look at him on the surface with this relaxed look, but in fact, the Sirius ancestor has already been injured by the Heavenly Dao Thunder, and his combat power is close to zero.

He is the God of the Demon Race, and he has the awe of the soul from the origin of the sky, and the power of the thunder is also extremely harmful to them.

Accompanied by the flickering of electric arcs, the skin of the Sirius ancestor continued to crack, and even his own terrifying recovery speed could not keep up with the speed of physical destruction.

It can be seen that a series of huge wounds from the inside to the outside are constantly opening up on his body, and other parts are suddenly torn apart before they have completely healed.

Lin Lang descended from the sky, staring at the Sirius ancestor indifferently.

"Old Sirius, your end is here."

The giant wolf stared at Lin Lang deeply, and finally showed a trace of horror in his eyes. The young man in front of him was so terrifying, he had grown to the point where he could kill the emperor.

Not to mention him in this state, even in its heyday, it claims to be able to swallow the stars of the universe, there is only a dead end in front of Lin Lang.

But how could he be willing?

"Everyone, I would like to exchange thousands of years of Hengshui Stone for my chance to survive." Sirius ancestor's voice was low, obviously he no longer has any hope of fighting alone.

Either persuade these detached people around to take action and help him once and perhaps still have a chance to survive. But if he stays to fight or turns to flee, he won't have any chance.

Hearing the three words Hengshuishi, the belief of some people in the void was shaken. This is also a precious divine object, an important material used in refining fairy artifacts in the legend, and its significance is not weaker than the original material.

The Sirius ancestor's exchange of Hengshui Stone for a chance to survive is indeed convincing.


The void is still silent, these detached people are without exception, no one is moving. Hengshui Stone is always precious, but if it provokes an opponent like Lin Youye, it is also a huge hidden danger.

The most important thing... is that they didn't have the self-confidence to block Lin Lang, so they might be nosy, even they would have to get in.

They had just seen the horror of Lin Youye!

"What else do you want to say?" Lin Lang walked towards the Sirius ancestor step by step, walking slowly, but giving people a huge amount of pressure.

The ancestor of Sirius seemed to be in an Asura Purgatory, the sweat beads on his forehead gathered into a stream of water, dripping in the starry sky.

"In that case, what about this one?"

When the voice fell, the Sirius ancestor opened his mouth and vomited, and a Hong Zhong carved with nine flying dragons floated out, quietly floating on the head of the Sirius ancestor.

At Admiralty, the sky and the earth shrouded the vision of Nine Dragons flying together. The nine dragons entrenched on the surface of the Admiralty seemed to have been resurrected, entrenched on the head of the Sirius ancestor.

"The Nine Emperor's Bell of Emperor Yunluo?"

Di Luotian said in surprise. There were several artifacts in ancient times, and the nine emperors accounted for one each. Among them, the nine emperor bells were the **** weapons of Emperor Yunluo.

Unfortunately, as Emperor Yunluo fell asleep later, the Nine Emperor's Bell also flew away, and his whereabouts were unknown. Otherwise, when Hongmeng Chance was born, Emperor Yunluo was definitely more than that kind of combat power.

Over the years, Emperor Yunluo has been searching for the whereabouts of the Nine Emperor's Bells, but it is a pity that it is not only obtained by someone, but also has no whereabouts.

To this end, Emperor Yunluo also announced an opportunity to shoot. If anyone can return the Nine Emperor's Bell, he can give the Nine Emperor's Scripture of his own practice and unconditionally make one shot for the other party.

Although everyone's combat power is similar now, promises are not necessarily counted. But it was possible to exchange things from Emperor Yunluo's hands for another treasure of him.

Although that treasure is not a divine tool, its value is not too much. It is one of heaven and earth divine objects. With the birth of the Nine Emperor Gods Bell and Hengshui Stone, everyone who was still watching the battle began to become eager.

Lin Langfei moved forward, and at this moment, a crack was embedded in the void. Tian Xing Zhizun shot, a palm as stalwart as a starry sky reached Lin Lang.

Lin Lang didn't evade, he fisted with the palm of Heaven Xing Supreme. The palm of the hand protruding from the void was suddenly shaken out, but Lin Lang was not affected in any way, and the dense rain of divine light fell across the sky between the waves.

The Sirius ancestor tried his best to dodge, but was still hit by the rain of countless divine swords, lying dying on the ground, strands of magic power were flowing uncontrollably from his body in all directions.

It wasn't that the Sirius ancestor was too weak to stop Lin Lang's blow, but the eleventh Yuanhui catastrophe had caused him so much damage and his magical powers could not be used normally.

Lin Lang just glanced at the surrounding void lightly, and said lightly: "Today I will kill the Sirius ancestor, not just for personal vengeance, the other reason is his identity."

"One of the six Allahs of the Devil, do you dare to help him?"

Lin Lang's tone was very cold, and there was no room for discussion. At the same time, the information revealed in his words couldn't help but shock everyone.


Demon creatures are still eyeing the central universe. Who dares to risk the world's unrest to rescue a demon creature that has been lurking for a long time?

Moreover, the Sirius ancestors in this state were unable to provide them with any help at all, and it was even a burden.

Even Tian Xing Supreme, who had previously shot, retracted his palms at this moment, no longer participating in the grievances between the two.

"This is not the place of your demon race, and the world is no longer the era of the demon race." Lin Lang stepped to the huge demon body of the Sirius ancestor.

The ancestor of Sirius no longer struggles, just sneered: "The fairy palace will start, the Yuanshi Devil Emperor will come to the world, and the great world will die."

"That old fellow Zu Hao has fallen, and in the world, who can be the opponent of Yuanshi Devil Emperor. You humans are doomed to perish!"

Along with the sorrowful smile of the Sirius ancestor, Lin Lang pointed his finger and a divine light gushed out, completely shattering the spirit of the Sirius ancestor.

The demons have no true spirits, this is their biggest flaw. As long as their spirits are destroyed, they will no longer have any possibility of resurrection.

Lin Lang's fierce and decisive means made everyone feel chilled. And this battle also ended with the fall of the Sirius ancestor.

As for Yuan Yi...

At this moment, he barely broke free of Lin Lang's prison, turned around and fled. But it was intercepted by Lin Lang in advance. Now Yuan Yi's situation is not much better than that of the Sirius ancestor, just a fate that is left to be slaughtered.

And just when Lin Lang was about to kill the killer, a **** shadow flickered in the sky, and countless bats appeared out of thin air. Lin Lang shot the bat group away with one palm, but failed to injure Yuan Zi.

"You want to stop me?"

Lin Lang stared at the old man wearing the lord's armor, who was the blood ancestor he had not seen for a long time.

Lin Lang's first encounter with the blood ancestor was shortly after Lin Lang had just returned to modern times from ancient times and the blood ancestor had recovered. At that time, the blood ancestors layout almost counted Lin Lang.

Later, under the threat of Lin Lang, the blood ancestor had no choice but to give up calculating. At that time, the blood ancestor had just recovered, and his blood was depleted, not Lin Lang's opponent.

And the blood ancestor in front of him, full of blood and energy, has a long history, and already has the capital to compete for the world. Although he missed the fight for Hongmeng opportunity in this life, he also got a blessing in disguise and broke through to a realm that was never set in the ancients.

Today, he hasn't done too much compared to the emperor.

"I asked about the prestige of Jietianjun, I don't know if I can enlighten him?" In the starry sky, a sturdy figure challenged with a spear.

This person is also not simple. Compared with the many detached ones who hide in the void and dare not show up, his combat power is even better, even if it is not comparable to the Great Emperor, it is not much worse.

This person.

It is the ancestor of the Asura clan, the Asura war emperor!

This is a powerful man who is respected by military force, and he is also a war-thirsty madman. From the humblest creatures of the underworld, to the emperor level, even the original Pluto will have him three points.

The gold content of the two of them is no joke. At the same time, Venerable Tian Xing also stood up to be a good old man and said with a smile: "What the Sirius ancestor said before his death made me shudder."

"The world of the demon race is about to be restored, and the even more terrifying Yuanshi Demon Emperor will descend from the upper realm. Before long, the universe will be full of life."

Tian Xing Zhizun slowly said: "At this time, it is the time when people are employed. Although Yuan Zheng is guilty, he is also a rare combat power in the Central Universe. Why not let him take his sins and make meritorious services, and then fight against the demons together?"

"Jietian Jun has a heart for the world and should understand this truth."

What righteousness, it's just a means they want to protect Yuanyi. Yuan Yi is alive, most of Lin Lang’s hatred will fall on Yuan Yi, and others are relatively safer.

But if Yuan Yi dies, God knows that Lin Lang, who has such a powerful combat power, will attack which of them first?

It can be said.

They did not come forward to win Yuanyi's gratitude, but regarded the latter as a puppet. A puppet that can restrain Lin Lang's behavior.

Otherwise, the existence of a super strong like Lin Lang will always make people sleep and eat!

"Jie Tianjun?" Lin Lang's mouth was full of sneers, his face was also very strange, and he said: "What is racial justice? It's just a joke!"

Everyone keenly felt that Lin Lang seemed to have undergone a certain change at this time, and his temperament was very different from before.

If you say that Lin Lang before, the temperament is like a noble king, not to be profaned. But Lin Lang in front of him was full of weird unknowns, more like a lunatic.

"Can you stop the person I want to kill?" Lin Lang smiled coldly, "Since you want to kill my son as a price to lure me, you don't have to live anymore!"

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