Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1264: Yansheng Palace

Hear the words.

Extremely supreme Xianzun's eyes also showed a shock that could not be concealed: "Even the Red Emperor has fallen?"

Although the battle power of the Supreme Immortal Venerable was already comparable to the real emperor, there was not much awe in his heart. But the Nine Emperors represent the strongest group of people in the ancient times.

Now even they have fallen...

"The fall of the Red Emperor is not a trivial matter, especially since she was killed by Yan Sheng." The extremely high Xianzun's eyes gradually became solemn: "Yan Sheng Ben is the reincarnation of a wisp of fire, and it is no less inferior to the great emperor since his cultivation. "

"And the Red Emperor is also transformed by the undead fire in the sub-fire. If Yan Sheng gets two sub-fires at the same time, I am afraid that his strength will be greatly improved, and then it will be difficult for anyone to control him."

If one person can master ten percent of the flame power in the world, it would be terrifying enough. And if you can master one-fifth of it, the ordinary emperor will not be an opponent.

The source of all fires here does not refer to the sum of the flames in the central universe, but the power of all flames added together in the margins of the universe.

So even if you only get one tenth, it is enough to dominate the world. Although Lin Lang had a sub-fire, but it was still far away from recovering to the peak state, but Yan Sheng was born to control all the power of one of the sub-fire.

"I'll go with you."

The Supreme Immortal Venerable said. Although he also understood that Lin Lang had a back-hand to deal with Yan Sheng, it was still very difficult to kill an existence of the same realm. If the two of them worked together, the chance would be greater.


Lin Lang didn't intend to refuse, if he could add more combat power around him, what could he refuse.

When the voice fell, Lin Lang sacrificed the fairy gate order, twisted the space through the power of the fairy gate order, and returned directly to Ye Xuanzong. Their next stop is the Flame Saint Palace of the Immortal Realm!


Yansheng Palace was founded by Yansheng. At the beginning, Yansheng ruled the **** Yixing, and after ascending to the immortal world, Yansheng Palace was founded to gather a large number of Yansheng masters.

Among the major forces in the immortal world, Yansheng Palace ranks in the forefront, and its influence is particularly superior compared to the holy land of the human race, and few people dare to provoke it.

at this time.

The Yansheng Palace was peaceful and peaceful, and inside the door walked a monk of the Yan tribe with a blazing fire above his head. The martial arts field had mutual practice, the library had selected books, and the pill medicine pavilion sometimes made a deafening sound of the fryer.

At this time, the Yansheng Palace was like a huge machine, slowly rotating. This is the top force in the fairy world, and their names alone can deter countless young people.

Since the revival of Yan Sheng, the arrogance of Yan Sheng Gong disciples has also risen year by year. Except for those who also have the great power of the Great Immortal Realm, they basically don't put anyone in their eyes.

Even if Yan Sheng is out now, that is also going to chase and kill the Red Emperor, one of the nine emperors, and they are also proud of being juniors.

But what they didn't know was that Yan Sheng had already hunted and returned to the Red Emperor at this time, and now he was sitting in the deep palace absorbing the Dao Guo of the Red Emperor.

Inside the shrine, a group of bright blue flames filled the entire room. The extremely high temperature could almost melt the entire palace. Fortunately, Yan Sheng had arranged a tyrannical formation nearby, and the energy did not leak.

Wrapped in the blue fire is a red flame. Scorching high temperature, as if it could swallow the world. In the most central position, countless chains are intertwined and twisted, firmly trapping a phoenix.

"After completely absorbing the original flame of the Scarlet Emperor, I can also take this opportunity to truly step into the realm of the Great Emperor. At that time, even the other seven Great Emperors will not want to do anything to me."

In the blue flame, a pair of deep eyes faintly appeared, staring at the Phoenix in front of him. In his field of vision, Chidi's main body phoenix struggled, but it was still difficult to break free from the shackles of countless dark blue flames.

Visible to the naked eye, the surrounding wisps of blue flames are turning into a mouthful of blood, greedily biting the flesh of the Phoenix.

The Red Emperor had indeed fallen, but the original flame of her transformation still had a trace of wisdom, and her instinct told her that the man in front of her was very terrifying and could never be swallowed and assimilated.

The speed of the blue flame nibbling faster and faster, in the end even the phoenix completely ran away, using all its power for the last fight.

The phoenix spread its wings and let out a loud neigh, and then its body grew rapidly, and the surrounding blue flames burst one by one.

Immediately after.

A turbulent pillar of fire soared into the sky, directly opening the dome of Yansheng Palace and shooting into the starry sky.

Immediately afterwards, the position from Yansheng Palace seemed to be like a volcanic eruption. In the pillar of fire, a large amount of magma liquid flowed down the bricks and tiles on the roof of the palace, and everything it passed was evaporated and disappeared instantly.

These visions quickly shocked many Yan Sage Palace masters, one after another rushed out of the cave and rushed to the location where the catastrophe occurred, but was deterred by an invisible force, unable to advance the slightest.

"It's Master Yan Sheng."

Soon a big figure in Yansheng Palace analyzed the situation, and the only person who could make such a big disturbance was Yan Sheng's old man.

"Sage Yan is practicing in retreat, please don't disturb." A famous Yansheng Palace with a three-color fire on his head said loudly, and then his heart moved, saying: "This is a reward from Master Yansheng. The surrounding magma can be swallowed. Don't sneak inside."

"Otherwise, once it disturbs Master Yansheng's cultivation, it will be dealt with by a ray of palace law."

The fall of a word immediately caused the entire Yansheng Palace to boil. The magma that is gushing out of the palace right now is fused with the original energy of the two subfires.

Even if they can absorb one of them, it is enough to improve their cultivation a lot. As the famous legend said, this is indeed a godsend.

All the masters shouted Yan Sheng Eternal, thanking Yan Sheng for his blessing, and collected magma liquid at the fastest speed. They could perceive that the soaring pillar of fire was declining, and they had to seize the opportunity.

Down the mountain.

The disciples guarding the mountain gate saw the abnormal changes in the palace, and quickly put down their responsibilities and rushed to the inner palace. They thought that someone had attacked Yansheng Palace and rushed to help.

There was no one at the mountain gate, and only two figures descended from the distant sky. They walked among the mountains of Yansheng Palace, constantly walking towards the top of the peak.


A figure blocked the path of the two.

This is a short-bodied young Yan Clan with eight-color flames wrapped around his head, representing his extraordinary talent. From the moment of birth in the Yan Clan, the flame above the head represents the corresponding talent level.

From the first product to the ninth product, they are all different. The cultivators of the Eight Fires Gathering all grew up to be famous people in the immortal world, and it is rumored that the Nine Fires Gathering even possesses the ability to touch the realm of the Great Emperor.

Of course, this is just a rumor, since ancient times, no one has been born with nine fires. In the same way, no one in the Yan Clan had really touched the realm of the Great Emperor except for the Yan Sage who was originally born as Zi Huo.

The eight-fire gathering of the boy in front of him is already very remarkable. It seems that Shouyuan should not be a hundred years old, but his combat power is already exhausted by the immortal king, and he will be promoted to the realm of immortal emperor.

"Stop! Who are you waiting?!"

The young man yelled, blocking Lin Lang's path. Lin Lang glanced at him, but he didn't take it seriously, and slapped the young man away.

"It's also a nice little baby."

Lin Lang smiled and shook his head, but he didn't plan to be merciful. Nowadays, even a casual slap is enough to slap a high-level immortal emperor to death, let alone a little doll who doesn't even have the realm of immortal emperor?

The young man fell to the ground, lying in the grass in the distance with blood and blood. He stared at the backs of Lin Lang unwillingly, and his vision continued to blur...

There was no sound anymore.

However, shortly afterwards, a ninth ray of flame rose from the top of the young man’s head. This is not over yet, and then the tenth ray...

The heavy flames were intertwined, reflecting the face of the teenager's fiasco, but he exuded a peculiar Taoism, and the strength of his cultivation was constantly getting stronger.

Faintly... the young man exuded an aura that made the fires of the heavens and the earth bow his head... but at this time, Lin Lang was fighting on the top of the mountain, not paying attention to the young man's abnormality.


Inside the Yansheng Palace.

Yan Sheng forcefully suppressed the phoenix, and countless chains were used from all directions to penetrate deeply into the phoenix's body. Inside the latter's body, countless chains are like vines, and every time they pass, they take away a lot of undead fire.


Even the Phoenix's struggle has become weak and unable to resist. But at this moment, Yan Sheng didn't have any happiness in his eyes, but frowned, and a sense of crisis appeared in his heart.

"Someone is aiming at me, otherwise the phoenix in this state cannot exceed the range of the formation. There seems to be the energy of other sub-fires in the undead fire..."

Thinking of this, Yan Sheng suddenly popped a name in his mind. He didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly suppressed Phoenix's rebellious will at the fastest speed, trying to escape from Yansheng Palace.

It was at this time.

With the sound of two footsteps outside the palace, Yan Sheng's brows wrinkled and tightened. He simply stopped and stopped moving forward.

"The praying mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind. Jietianjun, I really underestimated you."

With a chuckle, Yan Sheng walked out of the palace gate and faced both Lin Lang and Jishang Xianzun.

"It's ok."

Lin Lang humbly smiled and said: "But this is also in your expectation, isn't it? I am also one of the owners of Zihuo. If I didn't take the initiative to come to you, I'm afraid you will kill Ye Xuanzong. I am."

Yan Sheng's eyes sank slightly, and from the simple conversation with Lin Lang, he fully understood Lin Lang's intentions. Obviously the latter came for the fire on his body.

As the owner of Zihuo, devouring each other is the fastest way to grow.

Just as Lin Lang said, there was only one ending between them, either Lin Lang swallowed the flames of Yan Sheng for half a lifetime, or he swallowed the flames of Lin Lang and Chi Di, thus reaching the realm of unprecedented. So far, he Yan Sheng is invincible

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