Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1262: The horrible existence of Tianma Palace

They don't care about the lives of these low-level monsters. The demons have always eaten the weak, and the lowest-level monsters have no right to speak. After a group of dead, more monsters will be born soon.

It is naturally a better choice to consume the power of such a powerful person as Supreme Immortal Venerable.

An overwhelming army of monsters poured out from all directions, and the soldiers pressed the land, completely covering the sky. Even the Supreme Immortal Venerable can harvest thousands of demon creatures every time he slashes across it, but the surrounding monsters are still pouring in continuously.

The Supreme Immortal Venerable is fighting with a knife. Except for the sword light that rises up into the sky, there is no longer a figure of the Supreme Immortal Venerable. The only thing I can see is all kinds of strange monsters rushing to the center of the battlefield.

This fierce battle lasted more than three days.

Even the two Gods of Kongshan who were watching the battle on the periphery couldn't help but be moved.

"This class of capable people would be better if they were born in the demons. It's a pity that they cast the wrong womb and were born in the inherently weak human race." God Kongshan shook his head and sighed.

At this time, the Supreme Immortal Venerable is riding a stone horse and holding a long knife. They are bathed in blood, their clothes have been wet with magic blood, and they are dripping into the space below.

The battle situation under the sky was even more tragic. From the position where the Xianzun stood on the top was a radius, within a space of millions of miles, there were densely packed corpses of demons, piled up to nearly a thousand feet high.

It can be seen from this that in just three days, how many powerful demons had been killed by the Supreme Immortal Venerable. It's a he consumes most of his energy, and he has no chance of winning against the two demon gods.

"The brave character of the human race should be the same!" The God of the Ten Thousand Races also raised his heartfelt admiration, even if his stand was different, he also showed high praise.

He gently beckoned, motioning the powerful demon clan behind him to rush up and continue to consume the energy of the Supreme Immortal Venerable. The sound of horse hooves in front of him, the Supreme Immortal Zun approached step by step, and no one stopped him.

"Is that so scared by a small human race? Don't give me a boost..." God of the ten thousand races was slightly angry in his heart, suddenly turned his head, and was about to reprimand his subordinates.

However, when he really turned his head back, he was shocked to find that there was no one beside him except God Kongshan.

It's not that the demons are afraid, but the people around him are all dead. You know, in order to stop the Supreme Immortal Venerable, he has fully recruited all the masters of the demons on this continent.

However, these people were slaughtered by the Supreme Immortal Venerable in just three days. This is too brave! God of the Ten Thousand Races only felt a chill from the soles of his feet rushing to his scalp.

Even if he were to be replaced, I am afraid that he would not be able to achieve the level of Extreme Immortal Venerable.

"Human, this will be your last battle. I will kill you with the strongest means. You can rest assured." God Kongshan faintly said.

"What's the fear?"

The Supreme Immortal Venerable walked on the horse, his steps became heavier and heavier, and until the end, one person and one horse jumped high and launched the final charge.

He does not have much power and must end the battle as soon as possible. With the fierceness of the first few styles, the Supreme Immortal Venerable directly swept out the two Allahs with one enemy and two.

Although they could not really hurt the two of them, it was already glorious enough to be able to force the two demon gods into such embarrassment at the same time.

If it is the peak period of the Supreme Immortal Venerable, it shouldn't be a problem to fight two Allahs for thousands of rounds at the same time. Of course, this refers to the Supreme Immortal Venerable before the injury, and Shima fully recovered.

but now……

In addition to the fierceness of the previous styles, the Supreme Immortal Venerable is exhausted, and even the sword that he swung out can be shaken by the power of the Demon Race God.

"go to hell."

A long piano appeared in front of God Kongshan, his hands waved rapidly, and the sound of the piano pierced the body of the Supreme Immortal.

at the same time.

An illusory figure of a woman floated beside God Kongshan, and her compliant right hand was like a water snake, clinging from the neck of God Kongshan to his arm.

Her palm rested lightly on the palm of God Kongshan, stroking the long qin. The sound of the qin was like a sword, and the sorrow flowed backwards. Even if the blow fell on the human emperors of the past, it was a means to kill.

Kill the Supreme Immortal Venerable, just in this blow!

It was at this time.

The strings in the hands of God Kongshan suddenly broke, and the celebrity woman who appeared behind him disappeared instantly. God Kongshan stretched out his hand to catch, but he failed to catch anything.

Immediately behind, was a completely transparent shadow, which was constantly drifting towards the sky above the demon. That is the true spirit of the woman who fell in love with God Kongshan.

Pity the lover, but in the end he imprisoned the true spirit of the lover, trying to achieve a situation of staying together in this way.

It is love, and it also comes from the morbid possessiveness in the bones of the demons. In the next moment, a long sword shining with tribulation power penetrated the chest of God Kongshan.

Lin Lang released the palm of his hand, the sword turned the force of the robbery, and completely detonated the internal organs of God Kongshan. Originally, Lin Lang had never succeeded so easily, nor could it be so easy to kill a demon emperor.

However, God Kongshan has been distracted by the human woman for too long, and has even given up resistance. Lin Lang took advantage of this and was directly beheaded.


Lin Lang frowned slightly, God Kongshan had fallen, but he did not fall so easily. He noticed that there was a special power in the underworld, and quietly swept away part of the spirit of God Kongshan.

In time, God Kongshan will be resurrected and come back. This is not good news.

But what Lin Lang didn't know was that after Lin Lang broke the string, God Kongshan's heart was already dead, and even if he came back, it would only be an empty skin with the realm of God.

Unless he can get out of the knot. Perhaps by that time, the realm of God Kongshan will be more diligent.

At this time, with the appearance of Lin Lang, the precarious situation of Supreme Immortal Venerable has been solved. Kongshan is dead, and there is only one person left, God of the Ten Thousand Races, who can't help Lin Lang.

Lin Lang didn't plan to stay long, the two looked at each other and left directly.

It was also at this time that a Milky Way descending from the sky lay in front of the two of them. Lin Lang broke through with a single force, but behind it was accompanied by the mountains and mountains, preventing them from walking freely.

"There are still masters?"

Lin Lang stopped, and the two turned their heads together, looking at the space behind him. The unknown strong man does not know where to hide, but it can be concluded that this person is still some distance away from them, otherwise he will not be blocked by transboundary magical powers.

"It's the one from the Heavenly Devil Palace."

The voice of the Supreme Immortal Venerable was a little low, and no one knew the terrible existence of the Heavenly Demon Palace better than him, that was an existence that had completely surpassed the realm of the Great Emperor.

In the current Central Universe, the only person who can fight the Heavenly Demon Palace is the Emperor Slaughter.

"I'll block him for a moment, you take the opportunity to escape." Extreme Xianzun said in a deep voice, "If you and I are both in the peak state, there may be a possibility of a battle. The top order is now not only impossible with your strength alone. Save me, even getting out of it becomes a problem."

Lin Lang glanced at him and said faintly: "I have saved everyone, so there is no reason to escape halfway. You go first, I have my own way of getting out."

Just at this moment, a light and shadow rushed from behind the two of them. Before they arrived, the monstrous magical way rushed towards them, even if the two of Lin Lang changed their faces when they felt the power. It's very solemn.

This is indeed not the power that the monks of the Great Emperor Realm should have, but the energy that surpasses the ultimate realm like the Slaughter God Emperor.

The figure shrouded in black robe in front of him is a super power who has survived the catastrophe of the eleven yuan society.

"You go first, I may not have the chance."

Lin Lang's eyes flickered. Stepping forward to greet this mysterious existence in the Heavenly Demon Palace, the Supreme Immortal Venerable is not a mother-in-law. It is very clear that in this case, if you give each other humility, there is only one final result.

Neither of them can leave!

At the same time that Lin Lang's voice fell, the Supreme Immortal Venerable nodded deeply at Lin Lang: "Take care of yourself", and the Supreme Immortal Venerable directly took the lead and left.

On the other side, how could the God of Ten Thousand Races let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, intending to chase after him while the Supreme Immortal Venerable's injury was not restored, and completely settle this grievance, but Lin Lang stopped him.

"Your opponent is me."

Lin Lang spoke lightly, blocking in front of many masters of the demons. Behind him was a huge magical appearance, and a vigorous energy tide rose from behind Lin Lang, pushing the devilish energy around him to the corner.

"I can't help myself."

The demon in the black robe gave a cold snort and confronted Lin Lang. Lin Lang retreated in large strides, while the black robe demon was pressing harder and harder. The fierce and mighty power contained in the moves was overwhelming Lin Lang. Lang can only defend passively.

It was only the first confrontation that Lin Lang tested the depth of this black-robed demon race, which was far stronger than he imagined. And Lin Lang was also very sure that if he were in a head-on confrontation, he would definitely not be the powerful opponent of this demon race.

"The strength of the eleventh eternal catastrophe, the Demon Race has also born this kind of existence." Lin Lang's eyes were very heavy.

Even though the emperor seldom can kill monks in the same realm, there is no doubt that the difficulty of killing the emperor through the existence of the eleventh Yuanhui catastrophe will be much reduced.

If it is not handled well, he is very likely to explain here. However, in order to give the Supreme Immortal Venerable time to escape, he could only bite the bullet and go up and stop the black robe powerhouse and the God of the Ten Thousand Races alone.

In a short period of time, Lin Lang's body was blown several times, relying on his strong recovery ability to persevere.

It was at this time.

The space behind Lin Lang waved with unusual void ripples, and a palm protruded from the void, colliding heavily with the mysterious powerhouse of the Heavenly Devil Palace.

The mysterious powerhouse of the Demon Race retreated, staring at the void in the distance. Obviously, he has recognized the strong man who shot to stop him.

"You really have a lingering soul." The mysterious powerhouse of the Demon Clan snorted coldly: "The dog of the bereavement is also worthy of being an enemy of this seat."

"It doesn't count what you said."

A loud laugh came from the void, and a figure with an elegant face and white-clothed Shengxue came from the void. Even if he didn't emit any fluctuations, the unique power was overwhelming.

Like the mysterious powerhouse of the Demon Race, this strong man in white clothes is also a terrifying existence who has survived the catastrophe of the eleventh Yuanhui!

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