Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1256: Demon Continent

In a cave in front of him, Lin Lang stopped and saw that more than a hundred flying apes had gathered in the cave in front of him, and what they were guarding was a cloud of dark green energy gas.

"This is... the source of life!"

When Lin Lang saw the dark green gas, he recognized the origin at first glance. It is one of the gods that is enough to attract the emperor's coveted by the world.

Even just a wisp of the source of life gas is enough to save a dying person, no matter how serious the injury is, it can be restored, comparable to the nine-turn pill.

And this is also the reason why the flying ape has not the ability. The place near the source of life is rich in life, which will give them strong vitality.

The flying apes in the cave seemed to have also spotted Lin Lang, turning their heads together, staring at Lin Lang with bad eyes. The next moment, hundreds of flying apes soared into the sky and flew toward Lin Lang's direction.

Others may be helpless to deal with this monster and can only retreat. But it was nothing to Lin Lang. With a wave of his sleeves, the kingdom of darkness opened, and the flying apes suddenly became docile.

Immediately afterwards, a horrible suction burst suddenly, as if there were invisible dark hands in the space, grabbing all the flying apes in front of them into the dark realm.

Half a stick of incense time passed.

The flying apes on the scene have been cleared by Lin Lang, leaving only the dark green life source. And the unknown space behind the source of life is so deep that it emits a faint light, not knowing where to lead.

He walked in the empty cave, his probe grabbed to the source of life.

It was also at this time that the sudden change occurred.

From the source of life in this group, a palm suddenly appeared, and Lin Lang confronted Lin Lang with a head-on blow, perhaps because he could not withstand Lin Lang's strength, the dark green palm collapsed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the source of life actually gave birth to two legs and ran away directly. This source of life actually gave birth to a weak spiritual intelligence, unwilling to be caught by Lin Lang.

What I have to say is that the escape speed of the source of life is so fast that even if Lin Lang pursues it at full speed, he still can't pull in the gap.

Along the way.

The Source of Life was infected with many monsters. The killing of these monsters of different races caused Lin Lang a lot of trouble.

of course.

These creatures were not strong in the first place, and it was difficult for Lin Lang to cause any injuries. Most of them were destroyed by Lin Lang.

He pursued hundreds of billions of miles all the way, and the source of life finally caused him a lot of trouble. This is a group of peculiar races living in the great abyss, very similar to human beings, but they are a rare witchcraft.

The way they fight is different from that of ordinary people, and all kinds of methods have made Lin Lang overwhelmed with some injuries.

Especially the patriarch of the Wu clan in front of him, even if he has only half-emperor-level strength, but with the blessing of the source of life hiding not far away, he almost possesses an immortal body.

Even if Lin Lang is not easy to fight against, if he hadn't used the power of Tribulation to directly cut off the possibility of the resurrection of the Wuren clan patriarch, this old guy would have been able to fight Lin Lang for at least half a month.

Seeing that the source of life is not good, continue to flee. Strangely speaking, this source of life seems to have the ability to deceive people's hearts, and there have been a large number of creatures that intercept Lin Lang along the way.

In a cave, even a steady stream of human beings rushed out. They didn't count death at all, and went to kill Lin Lang one after another.

"what happened?"

Lin Lang only found it strange. The space in the depths of this great abyss has neither water sources nor sunlight. Under such a harsh environment, it is simply not suitable for human survival.

How can so many unknown creatures appear?

The source of life probably also knows that these weak human beings can't stop Lin Lang at all, so they didn't waste undead power on these people.

Just to die.

Lin Lang casually slapped a group to death, but there was still a steady stream of humans in the cave, forming a human wall to block Lin Lang in front of him.

Lin Lang broke through the wall and couldn't help but glance at the cave. These caves may be connected to another space, otherwise it would be impossible to continuously summon birth spirits.

Let go of your thoughts and continue to pursue the source of life.

The Source of Life tried to escape from a cave, and the two of them went into the space at the end of the cave one after another. A dazzling aurora reflected there, beautifully round like a mirror.

Lin Lang stepped into the cave, and the next moment he appeared in an unknown starry sky. The surrounding stars shone, and the stars enveloped the star ring, which looked extremely shocking.

"How can there be stars at the bottom of the Great Abyss? Could it be that Great Abyss can connect to another piece of world space?"

Now the source of life is exhausted, so it has mobilized all the creatures on nearby stars. Unfortunately, the way it chose to escape was incorrect.

Even if there are endless stars around, the vast majority of stars are dead stars, even if there are traces of life forms, most of them are primitive creatures with low cultivation level, and they can't even rush out of the constraints of stars.

Perhaps even the source of life hadn't expected this. It thought that with so many large stars around, it would definitely be able to find some strong people who could entangle Lin Lang for a while.

Who knew this was no man's land?

After chasing and fleeing, Lin Lang quickly approached the source of life, waved his big sleeves, and directly scattered the source of life, and then reorganized and absorbed it into his body.

"With so many dying stars, there may be a chance for my Soul Planet to be fulfilled here." Lin Lang pondered a little, and he still needs to figure out where the source of life has taken him.

Lin Lang opened Ziyan's eyes, and then communicated with the power of Xianmen Ling and scanned nowhere in this space.

"No wonder!"

"It turns out that every cave is connected to another piece of starry sky, and the Great Abyss is a crack formed on the edge of the universe."

Lin Lang's eyes flickered, looking at the shining stars around, he already had a judgment in his heart.

Here is the edge of the universe, and what connects under the Great Abyss is not some other world space, but the end of the central universe.

He glanced around and suddenly smelled a faint devilish energy that was coming through the endless galaxy. At this time, Lin Lang directly stood up and rushed to the direction where the devilish energy came from.

About half a day later, Lin Lang descended on a continent of demon race. As he called it, it was really a continent composed of all kinds of demons.

It’s no wonder that the large stars along the road have all died out.

Lin Lang descended on this continent and looked around. In fact, it is not so accurate to call the demons a creature born of destruction.

To a certain extent, the demons have also multiplied a high degree of civilization, exquisite buildings, a complete training system, and the civilization forms they created are very similar to the various races in the universe.

At this moment Lin Lang landed near a forest and looked into the distance. Behind him was the jungle, and in the distance in front of him was an ancient and vast city.

Above the tower, there are demon defenders standing in various battlements.

"A small city of demons can have so many masters of demons?"

Lin Lang glanced roughly, not to mention that this dilapidated city is only a few thousand square kilometers, but there are a lot of strong people, there are more than 20 immortal emperors, including two high-level immortal emperors.

But they didn't sit in the gate, but wandered around the city, as if looking for something.

Behind Lin Lang, behind a huge boulder, an unusually strong-looking Demon monster covered with sarcoma quietly poked its head out from behind the stone, observing Lin Lang's every move.

Perhaps seeing that Lin Lang was unprepared, the large demon over three meters high jumped up to a height of tens of meters, folded his hands together, intending to smash Lin Lang into meatloaf directly.


The sky was full of smoke and dust, and the big demons smashed the ground to pieces, but no blood was seen around.


The big Mozu licked the saliva from the corner of his mouth. The smell of the human monk in front of him fascinated him, and he wanted to grab it and swallow it.

Lin Lang glanced at him faintly, a hundred-meter palm fell from the sky, directly patted the big demon clan head into a cloud of blood mist, and the entire forest trembled for a moment.

next moment.

All the trees in the entire forest collapsed, the ground was sunken in for several tens of meters, and all the demons living in the dark and light fell.

This is Lin Lang's one-shot power.

"There is one more hidden here."

Lin Lang's eyes flickered and found that a certain space in the forest emits unusual fluctuations. All the trees have collapsed, but only one area is intact.

Lin Lang stretched out his hand, the space opened up, and an embarrassed figure emerged from the space.

This was actually a demon boy, with a pair of immature horns on top of his head, gray skin on his lower body, and upside-down hair, but it was a standing wolf body.

"Senior save...huh? Damn, how could it be human."

The demon boy's face changed from the initial surprise to a trace of disdain, but soon there was a slight panic on his face. He wasn't afraid of Lin Lang, but saw the many masters of the demons flying in the city.

Is here to catch him!

He turned around and was about to run away, but Lin Lang beckoned and photographed him. Lin Lang looked at this demon boy and said that he was half-devil and half-beast savage, but he was dressed in brocade, luxuriously dressed, with extraordinary bearing.

The cultivation base is not weak, almost comparable to the immortal emperor realm of the human race. The next year is not that old, but this class of exquisite cultivation is no longer something ordinary people can have.

It can be seen that its talent is probably one of the best among the demons. As for its identity... I am afraid it is a relatively powerful demons junior.

the other side.

In the city not far away, a large number of demon masters also found anomalies and rushed over quickly. After a few breaths, these demons masters had surrounded Lin Lang and the two.

The demon boy reacted quickly. No matter what, he bowed directly in front of Lin Lang: "Thank you for your help!" After speaking, he stood up and retreated behind Lin Lang, clearly using Lin Lang as a shield. .

"Human, did you save him?"

A demon immortal emperor looked at Lin Lang coldly.

"So what? So what?"

Lin Lang glanced at the demon boy next to him, and he also knew that the latter was not too old, but his scheming was not light, so he took the opportunity to use him as a shield.

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