Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1254: Visit the extreme

of course.

This statement did not attract the attention of many emperor-level monks, who still insisted on their own opinion that there must be an opportunity left by the immortal Zhuang in the fairy palace.

This is not because they are stubborn. When their strength reaches their level, the words of others can hardly interfere with their thinking. They only believe in the results they deduced.

The fairy palace opens, and someone becomes a fairy!

With this, almost let them establish the ultimate goal. When the immortal palace is opened, it will make a living again, and seek opportunities among the emperors.

Since it is impossible to convince these stubborn emperors, they can only make plans first and wait for the immortal palace to open in the future, trying to stop the demons in time.

In Lin Lang's calculations, it won't be too long for the fairy palace to open, and within fifty yuan will surely brew the fairy palace opportunity.

As for the detailed time, if today's machine is unknown, even Lin Lang can't guess the real fairy palace opening time.

"Damn it, is the emperor of the demon clan blinding the heavens? Or, the opening of the fairy palace is really brewing the chance to become a fairy." Lin Lang just returned from where the three detached people were.

This time he not only asked three detached people to explain the situation, but also divided the ten innate humility he had received.

He was able to get innate humility, and the three detachments and Dai Zhantian's help played a big role. What these people deserved will naturally be returned.

Including Ling Tian War God and Wu Daozi, each one had an innate Magnificent Qi, and Lin Lang himself had four remaining, preparing one of the innate Magnificent Qi to present to the Supreme Immortal Venerable.

In his godhead, he possessed an innate Harmony Qi and an innate Chaos Qi plundered by the Dao of Heaven. For him, these two opportunities are not so urgent.

There are three ways left by yourself, even if the refining tools will be enough in the future.


Lin Lang took out the Immortal Gate Order, and directly transmitted it to the location where the Supreme Immortal Venerable was located through the connection of the Immortal Gate Order.


Extreme Xianzun still rides on a stone horse, holding a long knife in and out on the chain bridge. In just a few breaths, hundreds of thousands of demons had died in his hands, including three demons.

After cleaning up these demons, the Supreme Immortal Venerable restrained his murderous aura and drove his horse towards Lin Lang.

"Good boy, you haven't seen each other in ten thousand years, you've grown to this point?" Extreme Xianzun sat on the horse and walked off the chain bridge.


Supreme Immortal Venerable looked at Lin Lang and realized that he could not see through Lin Lang's cultivation level at all, frowning and said, "You have already gone back? No wonder!"

While talking, Extreme Xianzun smiled and said, "Should I call you the tenth emperor now?"

Lin Lang also responded half-jokingly: "The tenth emperor was the name of the ancient gang. Now you should call me Jietianjun."

While talking, Lin Langbian took out a strand of Innate Harmony and passed it to the Supreme Immortal Venerable in the air. He knew that Xianzun did not participate in the recent First World War. He must guard the border to prevent the demons from invading the Three Realms of Cholera.

This is the promise he made to Hongmeng Sanren.

So even if Hongmeng was born by chance, he never left here. Nature has nothing to do with these opportunities.

"This is... Innate Hongmeng Qi?" Extreme Immortal Venerable was a little surprised: "Hongmeng Chance is already present? So are all those old monsters born?"

Lin Lang nodded gently.

"such a pity……"

The Supreme Immortal Venerable sighed, not because he was upset by the missed opportunity, but as a pity that he had not personally participated in the battle of the emperors.

Don't think he himself had ever survived the catastrophe of the Tenth Dimension Society, but his overall strength was not much weaker than that of the Great Emperor. He belonged to an alternative enlightened person similar to Wudaozi and Lin Lang.

"Yes, the Red Emperor was seriously injured in this battle, and the Sky Demon Empress fell." Lin Lang smiled and said: "If I expected it to be true, I am afraid that the Nine Emperors can only be called the Seven Emperors in the future."

"The Heavenly Demon Empress has fallen?" Extreme Immortal Venerable was even more surprised. He jumped off his horse and pulled Lin Lang to sit on the wilted grass at his feet, and hurriedly asked: "What's the matter? Brother talk about it."

The fall of the great emperor, this kind of event is absolutely unprecedented. Even for the Supreme Immortal Venerable, it is a big deal, everyone's combat power is similar.

It is not a living target, even if two or three great emperors join forces, they may not be able to kill a great emperor who wants to escape.

"It's a long story. Today's Sky Demon Empress is no longer the Great Emperor of the God Slayer and the Prosperous Demon Race in the ancient times. Before you and I were born in the ancient times, she had been taken away by others..."

The Supreme Immortal Venerable listened to Lin Lang's description with great interest, until the rise, and took out several jars of wine from the spatial spirit ring, and dropped them beside the two.

After a long time, the Supreme Immortal Venerable put down an empty altar, and said with emotion: "Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, such a big change would happen. The Slaughter God Emperor Venerable actually surpassed everyone and became the first one to survive in this era. The emperor of the eleventh element will be catastrophic."

"Even more unexpectedly, the Sky Demon Empress had been taken away by people as early as the ancient times. Perhaps the death of the Sky Demon Empress was not just an accident."

The Sky Demon Emperor indeed died in the eleventh Yuanhui catastrophe, and his body was occupied by the Heart Eater Demon Lord, but it is also very possible that the Heart Eater Demon Lord had long been eyeing this great emperor.

"The Heart Eater Demon Lord used to be a monk in the last cosmic era, but he also ran out from me." The Supreme Immortal Venerable looked at Lin Lang with deep meaning in his eyes.

Lin Lang seemed to understand what he meant: "You mean, this Demon Race ancestral land in front of you was a force established by the Heart Eater Demon Lord in the past?"

Supreme Immortal Venerable nodded and said: "There is such a possibility. I have blocked the creatures of the Demon Race in the past few years, and there are also monks who enshrine the statue of the Demon Lord. I think it is very likely that the Demon Lord is one of the strong here."

Lin Lang's eyes flickered, looking at the other end of the chain bridge. At this time, the demons had died down and did not attack again.

"You said, is this the base camp of the demons?"

Extreme Immortal Venerable shook his head lightly and said: "I don't know if it is the base camp of the Demon Race, but the people here are very strong."

"Any expert?"

Lin Lang's eyes flickered.

Extreme Immortal Venerable nodded and said: "I have seen two demon powers whose cultivation level is not inferior to mine. They should be of the emperor level, but they have not left, they have simply fought with me twice. That's it."

"As for the deeper, there may be other demon monks, which should not be underestimated."

Lin Lang's mind and body moved slightly. According to the Supreme Immortal Venerable, it is possible that there may be more than one Mozu Great Emperor sitting here. Has the power of the demons multiplied to this extent?

"If the Demon Race is not eliminated, it will eventually be a disaster. It is a pity that the old emperors of the various races in the universe have disappeared, and the new emperor has not appeared.

Lin Lang shook his head: "The Nine Emperors cherish feathers, and it is impossible to take the risk of being perceived by the heavens to enter the Demon Race. If the power of the ten thousand races is combined, it may be possible to destroy the Demon Race."


Extreme Xianzun sighed, and said: "No one knows how many powerful people are hiding in the Demon Race, but one thing is certain, they must be plotting something, otherwise, with the current strength of the Demon Race, it will not be difficult to break out of the blockade. ."

The two chatted, eighteen jars of fine wines entered their throats, and a little drunkenness appeared on their faces. Lin Lang couldn't help but praised: "Brother Ji Shang Dao really made a good wine, even if you and I can't completely reduce the strength of the wine."

Extreme Xianzun shook his head and said: "This wine is not made by me, but the drunk flower fermented in the Demon Race, which I looted from the Demon Race territory these years."

Lin Lang opened his mouth and couldn't help laughing: "Brother Dao is not afraid that the demons will be poisoned by wine?"

The two chatted, and suddenly there was movement at the other end of the chain bridge. Just listen to the other end of the chain bridge, there is a series of "suosuo" sounds, very neat, it sounds like footsteps.


Extreme Immortal Venerable's ears moved and whistling, the stone horse tied under the tree in the distance immediately raised his head, twisted his neck, and was pulled out by him with the entire tree body, and rushed to the extremely high immortal. .

The Supreme Immortal Venerable stepped on his horse, and the long knife in his hand loomed, exploding with an infinitely close power to the emperor. Lin Lang also stood up, but held the horse's head.

"Why don't you worry, Brother Extreme Dao."

Lin Lang smiled and said, "You can come and go without being indecent. If you and I have a try, you can go deep into the magic land to find out."

As soon as Lin Lang was about to compete, the Supreme Immortal Venerable also became interested and said loudly: "Why don't you dare? You and I will kill all the way from here, and we will still gather here three months later. Who will kill the demons? How about winning if there are many masters?"

"I think so too!"

Lin Lang laughed loudly, then stepped forward and rushed to the chain bridge.


The Supreme Immortal Venerable also rode on a stone horse, swinging a long knife in his hand, and a half body of a demon race was thrown high. On this narrow chain bridge, no one can stop this one man's charge.

Lin Lang didn't want to compete with him for these Demon Clan monks. He slammed into the air and jumped over the heads of countless Demon Clan troops.

It was also at this moment that Lin Lang suddenly discovered an abnormality. The gravity above the chain bridge was so great that even Lin Lang felt that his back was like a mountain, and his flight speed dropped sharply.

"It's no wonder that the Supreme Immortal Venerable has a masterful cultivation base, and he also chooses to fight by riding a war horse. There are secrets here." Lin Lang's eyes flickered, looking towards the abyss below the chain bridge.

He knew the horror of this abyss, and he swallowed countless monks of ten thousand races in the battle of immortality. But the more strange it is, the more interested he is.

Relying on the daring of the masters, Lin Lang jumped and jumped directly off the chain bridge.

The Supreme Immortal Venerable who was still fighting fiercely not far away saw this scene, and not only was stunned, he stretched out his hand empty, full of helplessness.

"I should have told you earlier that there is Great Abyss, the most dangerous place in the entire Demon Race's territory." Extreme Immortal Venerable said.

The Supreme Immortal Venerable couldn't be more familiar with the place of Great Abyss. At the beginning, he and Hongmeng Sanren both suffered a lot of losses under this great abyss, and they knew the terrible place of that place.

"That's it. With his ability, he shouldn't die too badly under the Great Abyss. I'll concentrate on completing the bet."

The Supreme Immortal Venerable shook his head, his domineering sword technique was almost groundbreaking, and the light of the sword swept away, and the demons on the suspension bridge were swept away.

He rode on a stone horse, and soon disappeared.

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