"It's Pluto."

Lin Lang can be 100% sure of the identity of one of the shots, and that is Pluto. As one of the eight great detachments and one of the nine emperors, Pluto is definitely the lowest-key and most powerful existence.

He not only possesses the godhead, but is detached from the world. The other body even survived the catastrophe of the Tenth Dimension Society and was promoted to the great emperor. In terms of strength, in addition to the Slaughter God Emperor Zun who can stabilize his head among the nine emperors, others are no longer the opponents of the Pluto.

It's just these news that others don't know.

In this battle, Lin Lang not only obtained ten Hongmeng Purple Qi, but also the Hongmeng Godhead in the final stage. From ancient times to the present, Lin Lang is the only one who can possess two Godheads at the same time.

Even he himself is not very clear about what will happen when the two gods are combined into one. The only thing he knows is that these two gods have a certain interconnection. As long as they touch, they become one with each other.

"Heaven's Dao descended from the Godhead to find a group of monks who can protect the world. Or is it...Heaven is guiding the monks in the wrong direction of cultivation..."

What Lin Lang was puzzled about was this question. Heavenly Dao's descending of the Godhead must have a profound meaning, but for what purpose it is unclear.

The only thing that is certain is that for Lin Lang now, there is basically no difference between one godhead and two godheads, anyway, the way of heaven will not jeopardize him.

"The agreement with the Samsara Empress should also be put on the agenda as soon as possible." Lin Lang's heart moved. Back then, he and the Samsara Empress made an agreement that the Samsara Empress would help him break the shackles in the ancient times and thus get a chance to cross the catastrophe.

Later, the Empress of Samsara passed a message through the creatures of the Styx River, telling later generations that Lin Lang had successfully changed the world and had a chance to cross the catastrophe.

"If I can, I would rather choose to cross the catastrophe when my cultivation base is stronger." Lin Lang's heart moved slightly, and he already had a decision.

At present, he still has many opportunities to improve his combat power. First of all, he has not broken through the realm of the immortal emperor, but his combat power has been catching up with the great emperor. Compared with the others, he can gather as many of the souls as possible to get the battle Power increase.

His situation is different from everyone else. Others can condense at most one or two soul planets in the immortal king realm, but he can suppress more soul planets for his own use with his vast cultivation base.

This is the biggest advantage.

The second is to perfect the miraculous power of Tribulation. Although Lin Lang has developed the sword of Tribulation, the follow-up magical powers are relatively single.

But the most important thing at the moment, he needs to fuse two godheads first.

The two gods are originally the same, and this fusion has nothing to do with Lin Lang. In the small world space, Lin Lang let go of the two gods, and the two draw closer to each other.

One of them was pure white with a black and yellow air. The other is lavender, and the purple air is constantly emerging.

Once the two touched, the Xuanhuang Qi and the Hongmeng Purple Qi were entangled, and the two gods intersect with each other, and finally overlapped closely.

As a result, the strength in Lin Lang's body continued to skyrocket. In his small world space, a purple-gold diamond-shaped godhead floated quietly, and at the same time, a power of sealing covered Lin Lang's body.

He knew that this was the power of the Heavenly Dao of the seal brought to him by the Godhead, which directly caused the Heavenly Dao to no longer rob him. Lin Lang also tried to use the power of Tribulation to bombard the Godhead, but the Godhead remained untouched.

"It seems that if you want to break the godhead, you can only bombard the godhead with the power of heaven." Lin Xiaoshan's brows quickly unfurled, and there was a plan in his heart.


With the fusion of the two gods, Lin Lang also found some strange places.

He seemed to see another piece of space in a daze, in a spacious hall.

In the main hall, a purple golden cauldron was placed, and the power it radiated far exceeded the power of the artifact.

"Could this be a fairy?"

Lin Lang moved slightly in his heart, and he was familiar with the appearance of the purple gold tripod in front of him. It was the occasion of Hongmeng who appeared not long ago, and the tripod with grand and purple air that appeared between heaven and earth was also the one where Pengzu died carrying the tripod.

The difference between the two is only the color, there are fluctuations, and the deeper and more complete charm engraved above.

In the center of the main hall, a vague figure sat high on the Emperor Wei, and the whole body exuded soft and ethereal waves, with an immortal temperament.


Lin Lang's heart was shocked, even if he had cultivated to his level, the first reaction of the master who saw this figure seemed to be a pilgrimage. At the same time, the waves rising in her heart were lightened by the figure's temperament. Caress gently.

If there are immortals in the world, then the identity of this person is self-evident.

From ancient times to the present, the only immortal who has been proven to exist in the world-Zu Yan!

Zu Yan stood up slowly, his gaze seemed to penetrate the endless river of time and space, his gaze fell on Lin Lang, and the corner of his mouth showed a kind smile.

"Senior is Zu Yan?"

Lin Lang held his hand and leaned slightly to show courtesy.

In the face of such a great power that runs through the past and the present, Lin Lang will also let go of all his pride. He also has many questions to ask Zu Qi.


Zu Hao stood on the high platform and nodded gently. Lin Lang climbed the steps and tried to get closer to Zu Qian, but with each step, the distance between the two did not shorten the slightest.

"It's a long river of time and space, you and I are separated by two space and time conversations." Lin Lang realized this, so he stopped moving forward, and dissipated the fate of the whole body.

Zu Hao saw this scene, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his eyes, he stepped on the long river of time and space, every time he fell, there were countless miniatures of time flickering.

The strength of the years continues to erode his body, and it only gives him one more white hair.

Lin Lang on the other side was even able to see the countless scenes that were scouring rapidly in the long river of time and space. If he couldn't keep up with his eyesight, he might be able to directly see a meeting spanning several Yuanhui and see the complete ancient history.

Across the long river of time and space, this is the means possessed by the gods!

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