Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1246: Chidi's body

Chidi is a powerful monster of the demon race, but in fact, he is the immortal **** of fire enlightenment, and he was born with the wisdom. The reason why she was included in the category of the monster is also because she left a lot of blood for the monster.

In the old days, the Red Emperor was divided into thousands and gave birth to many heirs with the power of the monster race, thus making many powerful monster races.

There are rumors in the unofficial history that the Red Emperor had had skin close to many great emperors, and there were still some filth circulated among the people to get the Red Emperor Yanshi Tu. Of course, whether it was true or not has not been clarified by any great emperor.

One thing that can be confirmed is that Chi Di's life is indeed not very careful. But think about it, such a talented and beautiful empress, who doesn't want to kiss Fangze?

In the fire, there were countless roars. Lin Lang was surrounded by layers of fire, even if the fire started to burn, it would be difficult to protect him.

There is still a big gap between Zihuo and Undead Fire!

But so what!

Lin Langhao is so angry, he keeps stepping forward, and the fire on his body is getting weaker and weaker. But the great fluctuations on his body are getting thicker and thicker!

Wind, thunder, water and fire, light and dark are intertwined.

At this time, Lin Lang's side seemed to be evolving into a world, with many wonderful phenomena appearing everywhere. Every step of the wind, drums, and thunder Lin Lang knocked out the undead fire around him until it dissipated.

The only difference between him and many great emperors is the number of his avenues. After inheriting the memories of the Hongmeng Sanren forever, plus Lin Lang's repairs, the number of avenues he has on his body is no longer comparable.

On the top of Lin Lang's head, he broke the heat wave with a punch. Not long after that, he had already smashed to the side of the Red Emperor and finally saw the real body of the Red Emperor.

In previous battles, the only thing that Chi Di revealed was his visionary body fighting. No one other than the Nine Emperors can do that to truly force her out.

Lin Lang was considered the first person to force the Scarlet Emperor to fight without the body of the Nine Emperors.

"I don't see it, you still have a bit of beauty." Chi Di walked barefoot from the fire, above his white legs, surrounded by endless flames, like a piece of armor.

If Lin Lang had the intention, he might be able to see a scene of blasphemy against the emperor by urging Zi Yan's eyes. But he doesn't have this leisurely mind.

"I admire you as such a wishful little man. If you can, you and I can breed a race that dominates the world."

Chidi’s voice is very charming, coupled with the expression of disaster to the country and the people, it seems that no man can resist,

Amidst the darkness, there seemed to be a depressive sound resounding next to Lin Lang's ears, his heart was ignited with intense desire, and his eyes suddenly became blood red.


Lin Lang seemed to feel a warm palm and was gently touching his face. The feeling of rubbing makes people feel short of breath unconsciously.

"The bells and drums are all in one."

Lin Lang quickly settled his mind and kept his mind. A bronze divine bell appeared beside him, the faint bell rang, and the magical thoughts in his heart quickly faded.

next moment.

There was a rush of drum beats from Lin Lang'er, and he suddenly opened his eyes, and his body became compact. He avoided the undead divine fire that hit in front of him, and slashed towards the Crimson Emperor with one sword.


What Lin Lang cut off was only a flame in the shape of a phoenix in the raging fire, not the real body of the Red Emperor. Around, more and more Phoenix flames gradually condensed.

"One sword breaks the mind, ten thousand swords to the heavens."

Lin Lang gave a soft sigh, and flicked his hands to both sides, and countless raging sword qi attacked everywhere in the sky. And he himself, staring in one direction, stabbed with a sword.

In the space covered by the layers of fire on the other side, the Crimson Emperor Qing Guo Qingcheng finally put away the playful expression on his face, and said with a smile: "The immortal cultivators of later generations are really serious."

Chi Di's combat power really should not be underestimated. By this time, Lin Lang had only forced out his true body.

Lin Lang came by stepping on a sacred bridge, the roads intertwined behind him, the dawn and evening drums, the nine-color light enveloped. He brazenly shot, killing the Chi Di not far away.

The undead bird spread its wings and fluttered with countless feathers, turning into a fiery red sword rain and shooting out. Lin Lang raised his hand on the crossbar, and a thick five-element wall condensed in front of him.

Holding a shield in his hand, he blocked all the sword rain sweeping in front of him. The mysterious shield slowly rotated and turned into a black hole in front of Lin Lang. Under the influence of its rules, the surrounding space began to twist.

The "small" black hole exploded with a fierce swallowing ability, and the sky full of sword rain flew uncontrollably toward the black hole space. In the black hole space, it was like a huge mouth of an unknown monster. During the operation, bursts of bursts were emitted. The crisp sound broke countless sword rain.

next moment.

At the same time, the black hole suddenly burst into a terrifying repulsion. It had been sucked into the space of the black hole, but the sword rain was shattered to form a fiery red long sword shining in the sky.

The long sword was in the sky, surrounded by countless red entanglements, and swiftly swept towards the direction of the Red Emperor.

Crimson Emperor's eyes flickered, and a bead with a khaki-yellow upper half and a crimson flame ripple appeared in the lower half. Regardless of the small size of this round bead, it was a weapon made by the Chi Emperor with his life's strength.

That is her artifact!

When the emperor sacrificed the artifact, it meant that they encountered a rare adversary. Lin Lang is such a existence.

The divine pearl in front of the Red Emperor slowly rotated, and various visions were reflected in the orange light, blasting towards Lin Lang. One after another, divine brilliance descended from the sky, like a sword light that smashed through the sky, slashing everywhere.

A lotus grows under Lin Lang's feet, and every step he falls, a divine beam of light bursts out from under his feet, and countless beams of light are intertwined to form a space to kill everything.

The sky of sword light collided with the beam of light, making a deafening noise. The ball is divided into thousands, and it is constantly ejected in the air like a marble.

In an instant, the alien space enveloped the world, bringing Lin Lang to a space full of flames and magma. The underground magma evaporated countless bubbles, blooming and breaking, just in a single thought.

At the same time, an immense mighty force acted on Lin Lang, making him hot, and even his moving pace became extremely slow.

The skin he was talking about began to turn red, like a red soldering iron, and the clothes all over his body instantly turned into dust, and drops of sweat slipped from Lin Lang's forehead, before his cheeks had evaporated into mist.

Whenever anyone touches Lin Lang's body at this moment, I am afraid that his entire arm will be scrapped. This is the horror of the undead fire in the complete state, even Lin Lang, which also has the sub-fire of the source of ten thousand fire, can't resist the temperature of the undead fire.

Under this circumstance, Lin Lang got rid of distracting thoughts, and bursts of icy energy flowed through his body. He stood on a fused mountain cliff, looking at the red Emperor on the opposite side.

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