Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 126: Here comes the big shot

Deputy Secretary Xue is here!

At this moment, Father Wang came back to life, shaking his spirits and sweeping away the haze.

He didn't doubt this time, because he was sure that Deputy Secretary Xue must come to him!

When Mr. Wang joined the army in his early years, he was facing a counterattack against Yueyue, and Deputy Secretary Xue was in the same fate with him in the trenches. I did not expect that after so many years, the high-powered Deputy Secretary Xue still did not forget him. This old monitor.

And the reason why Mr. Wang can go smoothly in his career after changing jobs can be said to be inseparable from the help of this old comrade.

In order to show respect, Mr. Wang gathered the juniors of the Wang family together, and a group of dozens of people hurried to the door.

Soon, the guards at the gate of Wang's house were one point to the left and right, with a serious expression, and the entire house of Wang's courtyard was heavily guarded.

A middle-aged man with glasses led the door, and after clearing up idle people and so on, a half-old man stepped in slowly.

The majesty of a long and high position came before people arrived.

This person is the top three in Nanliao Province, Deputy Secretary Xue, who is also the Deputy Governor and Deputy Secretary! In addition to the two officials at the ministerial level, he is a veritable "deputy head".

The first time Deputy Secretary Xue appeared, all the guests of the Wang family all got up. The deputy mayor who had previously arrived was beaten with chicken blood, that is, the old and unhealthy uncle had to be obedient. By the table.

"I've come to see you, Wang."

Deputy Secretary Xue quickly walked a few steps, stretched out his hand and Wang Lao held it together, only half a while before letting go.

On the side, several staff members came up to arrange the noodle oil brought in neatly, and three or two TV reporters were responsible for taking pictures.

"Wang Mo He De He allowed Deputy Secretary Xue to come in person, which really made Wang a little flattered."

Talking, Father Wang's eyes were already half wet, and he was really touched.

"Where did Xiangxiang speak? After the year, I happened to catch up with the province to organize an event for condolences to veteran cadres. I should come to see Wang Lao in both public and private." Deputy Secretary Xue laughed.

"I am ashamed of my old bones that will cause trouble for the government."

Although Wang Lao said so in his mouth, there was a warm current in his heart. Even if there was an event in the province, the secretary did not need to come down personally. What he did was not his old comrade in arms.

After standing still, Deputy Secretary Xue Ying's general gaze swept a little in the room, and he saw Mo sitting idle in the guest seat.

"Well, Mo Lao is here too. It seems to be a double-edged bird today. It's a worthwhile trip." Deputy Secretary Xue was surprised.

As the top three commander in Nanliao Province, he has naturally seen Mo leisurely, and in a sense, one is a dwelling old man in the western mountains, and the other is a vassal official who has real power in one party. His status is higher than Mo Just half an hour higher.

Mo old nodded slightly, but did not look up at all.


Deputy Secretary Xue frowned without leaving a trace. Seeing Mo Lao's cold attitude, naturally he wouldn't ask for himself.

Instead, he set his gaze elsewhere and glanced at Wang Jinglun: "This should be the father and mother Wang mentioned to me at that time, right?"

"It's the dog, who is now a cadre at the municipal level."

"Sure enough, the device is extraordinary. It is a good piece of material. It should not be difficult to grind and transfer to the province for work." Deputy Secretary Xue praised.

Wang Jinglun was so pleased that he could not get such an evaluation from Secretary Xue, not to mention the work-related matters mentioned later. If there were no accidents, he would be stable in the province.

Later Wang Lao introduced several members of the Wang family, while Secretary Xue commented one by one and looked at Fang Yan.

"That teenager is also Wang's junior?"

Deputy Secretary Xue suddenly asked, he naturally saw that Mo Lao and several figures with heads and faces all sat by Lin Lang.

Wang Lao said, "That's my grandson, Lin Lang."

"Then what does his family do?" Deputy Secretary Xue asked casually.

"Lin Lang's parents are the management of a small company." Father Wang smiled awkwardly.


Deputy Secretary Xue was not interested, but he didn't care much.


The arrival of Deputy Secretary Xue led Lin Lang and others to be hung aside, and left a lot deserted.

Only Wen Liangshan waited for a group of businessmen to accompany him.

The eyes that originally focused on Mo Yixian, now all turned to Deputy Secretary Xue.

"Grandpa, this deputy secretary Xue is too much, don't look at us at all." Mo Bingzhu was dissatisfied.

Mo Jijun also sighed softly. Compared to Mo Lao, who lived in the history of a long army, everyone naturally favored this legend often seen on television. If you do n’t want to walk, you have to pat the horse.

"You are so young, so you should be." Mo casually spit out eight words.

Indeed, Secretary Xue is still a long way from his retirement age. He is already the third person in Nanliao Province. He will further enter the central leadership circle in the future. How can he focus his eyes on the small Nanliao Province.

Power is in his hands, what can he do if he is not spared.


In the middle of the crowd, guests and hosts laughed and listened to Deputy Secretary Xue's guidance.

Wang Hai was standing behind Father Wang, before he knew it, even he was commented by Deputy Secretary Xue. Although he did not hesitate, he was able to talk to him, and he couldn't be excited.

"Lin Lang, what if you moved half of the rich in Nanliao?"

"It is not money but power that determines the prosperity of the Wang family. Grandpa has connections, and Deputy Secretary Xue is the backing of the Wang family!"

"Even if you are too old, this life will be bigger than Deputy Secretary Xue!"

Wang Hai seemed to find a new vent, sneering in his heart.

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