Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 1241: Jiuyoudu Jiequ

The blow of the wind master can mobilize all the energy of the wind system in the heaven and earth space, and all kinds of power can belong to oneself.

Feng Zun is the only master of the Dao of Wind from ancient times to the present. In terms of the level of magic on this Dao, Feng Zun is the first person who deserves it, even the Nine Emperors are far behind.

Legend has it that every kind of avenue cultivation to the peak can have the ability to match the gods. This statement is a bit exaggerated, but one thing is undeniable.

At the end of the avenue, everything works.

Feng Zun has cultivated his Dao to the extreme, and has already possessed many strange abilities. For example, Wind of Resuscitation, even if he did not practice the Dao of Life, he was only slightly worse than the practitioner of the Dao of Life in terms of recovery.

He is not bad in offense and defense.

With Lin Lang's blow, the vast energy fluctuations obscured Tianyu, which had already affected the space operation. But in the end it was defended by Feng Zun.

at this time.

Feng Zun stretched his hands to the left and right, the energy gathered, and opened a thick light blue wind shield. It seems that although there is not such a mighty energy fluctuation, the power of Dao Fa is very magical.

This is a peculiar space. Despite the stormy waves, it will experience thousands of rotations when entering the wind shield range, until the supernatural power is exhausted.

Lin Lang's magical powers are like this, falling into the wind shield, within a few breaths, the Guangming Dao has been swallowed up, turning into the sky and disappearing.

Ancient mighty ones are not so easy to kill!

Lin Lang also knew this, and didn't plan to make a contribution with one blow. He was already approaching Fengzun again in a few flashes of his figure.

"The speed of this guy..."

At first.

Feng Zun was also taken aback by Lin Lang's physique, but he quickly stepped away, his magical powers fell in the empty space, and he did not know how many local creatures were killed.

"I still think you have any wonderful body skills." Feng Zun smiled and said: "It turns out that your body skills are turned over and over again, and there is only one trick."

Lin Lang said nothing.

The You Ye Shen Fa is indeed one of his great killers. It originated from the relics he obtained in his previous life. Only this nameless technique is recorded throughout the text, which was later named You Ye Shen Fa by Lin Lang.


In the face of Feng Zun, this is not an advantage.

Feng Zun unfolded his figure, his body wandering back and forth in the space, not to mention the naked eye, it was difficult to analyze where he was going even with the power of the avenue.

"It seems that the one who created the You Ye Shen Fa back then is probably not far from the Great Emperor. However, speed is not the essence of You Ye Shen Shen."

Lin Lang pondered to himself.

The truly magical thing about You Ye Shen Fa is that it can almost ignore any formation, probably created by a certain existence who has cultivated the formation to the extreme before a long time ago.

To deal with a monk like Fengzun, it is definitely not enough to compare with him.

Better than, slower than!

Feng Zun grasped the neutral position, gathered 96 turquoise swords around him, and realized a space jump every moment, unable to calculate the running trajectory, and it was impossible to guard against.

Ninety-six swords are almost pervasive in the space. The last moment Lin Lang stopped the sword behind him. The next moment a new sword came out from the sole of the foot.

Lin Lang staggered away, his speed suddenly slowed down, and visible to the naked eye, a sword had already approached the center of his eyebrows, and he slowly moved away.

Similarly, the surrounding swords have become extremely slow.

Feng Zun has more than speed, but not enough power. Strong wind can indeed represent strength, and it can also be integrated into the "speed" attribute of wind.

But what if Lin Lang isolates himself from the Avenue of Wind? In that vacuum space, there is no wind, and Lin Lang will not move before the arrival of the sword, so naturally he will not be restrained by the avenue of wind.

But this was just drinking poison to quench his thirst, and it was impossible for Lin Lang to maintain this posture all the time. Feng Zun couldn't hurt him, but the battlefield was so changeable, it was hard to guarantee that no one else would attack him.

Lin Lang quickly got away. He stretched out his hand, and several magical powers smashed down horizontally, splitting a few strands of wind. In the next moment, light and darkness were intertwined, and the world suddenly became gloomy and dim.

The countless bright lines divide the dark space into countless grids, from top to bottom, every inch of space is extremely distinct.

Every action of Feng Zun caused the distortion of the bright lines, and was determined by Lin Lang.

This is Lin Lang's method of breaking the game!

Feng Zun's whereabouts are no longer secretive, and Lin Lang no longer needs to be restrained. Lin Lang accurately locked the position of Feng Zun, and smashed down several times, engulfing the momentum of the mountains and rivers, and splitting all the restraints in front of him.

First hit!

The magical powers fell to nothing, separated from the dark space, and cut the ground of Emperor Linxing into a ravine that was hundreds of thousands of miles long. The remaining power continued to spread to both sides, and a large amount of land fell into this abyss one after another.

Second hit!

The magical powers failed, the forest of millions of miles was cut into a smooth gap, and the entire forest was cut off from the height of one meter. In countless "squeaks", the big tree fell over, one on top of the other.


Three hundred and sixty-seven strokes!

This time, Feng Zun could not escape, and Lin Lang cut off a piece of his sleeves. The cloth fluttered down on a certain grid in the dark space, and was shredded by bright lines.

Four hundred and twentieth strokes!

Feng Zun snorted, leaving a human defect in the dark grid, and the bright lines reunited, but this time it was stained with blood.

Four hundred and thirty tricks!

Feng Zun left a segment of his fingers, and Lin Lang's erratic figure approached the past, hitting Feng Zun again. Being entangled in this way by Lin Lang, Feng Zun's disadvantage has become greater and greater.

Of course he also realized this and broke the game quickly. This time, he did not hide a trace, but directly used the Avenue of Wind and Lin Lang to open his position.

During the flight.

An ink-colored piccolo appeared in Feng Zun's hand, and he placed it beside his mouth, urging softly.

Just listen.

There was a tactful fairy sound from the heavens and the earth, soft and extremely soft, as if it could make people smell it soaring. At the same time, the bright lines began to vibrate up and down, and it was already somewhat difficult to capture Fengzun's figure.

Lin Lang frowned slightly, and with a wave of his hand, countless dust-sized golden sands floated up in the dark grid. The interval between each golden sand was moderate, and the outline of Fengzun's body in the distance could still be seen clearly.

Feng Zun did not rush to break the law, and still played the flute. This time, the gentle sound of the flute became more tense on one side, which inevitably made people anxious.

If you have to describe this kind of mood, it is probably like Yan Luo urging his life, like a sharp knife hanging behind him, he will cut his head at any time.

Lin Lang suppressed the restlessness in his heart before analyzing Feng Zun's location. But at this time, his vision had already deviated, or Feng Zun's supernatural powers were more subtle.

Look around.

Countless silhouettes of golden sands have emerged in the dark space. Lin Lang smashed one, and more Feng Zun stood up.

The sound of countless flutes gathered together, shaking Jiu Xiao. Lin Lang seemed to feel something, looking up at the sky, the clouds in the sky condensed, it seemed that some disaster was about to come.


This kind of Lin Lang naturally couldn't help Lin Lang, he gave a soft drink in his heart, and the ghost villain in the sea covered a golden bell, isolating the sound of countless flutes.

But the next moment.

The tune changed again. There was a whistling whistle sound from the heavens and the earth, sad and miserable, countless ghosts and evil spirits poured out from the dark space.

But in the dark space, countless dark creatures summoned by Lin Lang also appeared, fighting with the ghosts. The stern screams gradually drowned out the sound of the flute.

"Nine Youdu Tribulation Song."

Lin Lang's eyes sank. He didn't expect that the supreme supernatural power of this kind of gods came from Fengzun's hand, and now it has evolved by himself, and it contains countless profound meanings.

"The wind has a way back."

A song resounds, the world is dead!

There is a clear flute sound all over the ear, which can tear the eardrum and pierce the soul. Lin Lang's soul also suffered an unprecedented blow. The golden bell covering the surface of the soul cracked numerous gaps, causing his soul to appear in a trance.

at this time.

Lin Lang in the golden bell suddenly opened his eyes, and the fate of luck condensed, directly dispelling all the surrounding sound waves. The next moment, Lin Lang appeared in front of Feng Zun, strangling Feng Zun's throat with one hand.

The flute keeps on sounding, but it repeats the same syllable all the time, and it won't sound anymore!

"That's it."

Lin Lang's eyebrows drooped and his voice was cold.

He had planned to use only his original power to try to deal with Feng Zun. But the strength of this Fengzun was really strong, and when Jiuyoudu Tribulation Song came out, he had to use Tribulation Dao power.

The power of Tribulation is the natural nemesis of Jiuyoudu Tribulation Song!

The mystery of one is to call for calamity, and the magic of the other is to control the calamity, which is involved in the process of calling for calamity, crossing the calamity, and descending the calamity.


Lin Lang crushed Feng Zun's throat, and the headless body fell. But Feng Zun was not dead, and a new head popped out from his left shoulder.

The black piccolo fell and was caught by Lin Lang. Immediately afterwards, Lin Lang's body flashed, and the space in front of him changed drastically. At this time, the grid originally composed of darkness had all turned into light power.

The dark lines are divided into countless grids. At this moment, the whole space is more like a structure of countless mirrors, reflecting Feng Zun's figure.

The battlefield suddenly changed, and Feng Zun didn't adapt for a while, and slammed into a mirror of light. This is not the power of light, but the barrier condensed by Lin Lang and the Five Elements Avenue.

Just in such a gap time.

Lin Lang slammed again, the electric light flickered in his hand, and the thunderbolt in the bright space, like countless snakes, kept hitting the same place on Feng Zun's chest.


A large mouthful of blood spurted out of Feng Zun's mouth, and he saw that his chest had become a palm-sized azure blue disc. As the disc slowly turned, the power of Thunder Tribulation radiated to his whole body.

The wind of recovery was also blocked by Thunder Tribulation.

Lin Lang turned his palm into a knife, and saw the light and shadow roaring in the sky, each piece was three feet deep. In an instant, Feng Zun's body was chopped into hundreds of thousands of pieces, let alone flesh and blood.

Even a complete piece of hair can't be found!

Lin Lang stopped and stopped chasing after him. At the same time, he also put away the light space, frowning and looking into the distance.

Feng Zun was not dead, and had broken through the shackles of the bright space at the last moment, and it was already very difficult to kill him again.

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